2.4. Embedded ANNEX

It is also possible to embed a smaller-sized customised version of ANNEX into any web page. This feature is a great way to publish research results for a general audience.

You can embed either the entire video, or just a smaller chunk of it. The embedding functionality is accessed by clicking on the Embed button in the top menu of ANNEX, which then pops up a small window where you can customise certain parameters - see below - and then copy the resulting HTML excerpt onto the clipboard. You then need to paste this excerpt into a web page. The process is effectively identical to embedding a YouTube video into a web page.

Hereinafter you will find a list of the customisable parameters mentioned above:

The embedded version of ANNEX has some restrictions compared to the full version. There is no support for user authentication, meaning that only freely accessible annotations can be embedded. Moreover, the choice of view modes is limited due to the smaller size of the embedded player. However, the embedded player contains a button to open the same resource in full ANNEX; it can thus be thought of as a sneak peek you can offer to readers of your web page so that they can decide whether to view more details of that particular annotation.

Embed window

Figure 2.11. Embed window