IMDI Browser

Version 3.1

Table of Contents

1. Notation Conventions
1. Basic information
1.1. Corpora
1.2. Sessions or resource bundles
2. Displaying and accessing data
2.1. Menu items
2.1.1. File menu
2.1.2. Options menu
2.1.3. Search menu
2.1.4. Tools menu
2.1.5. Help menu
2.2. Bookmarks panel
2.3. The Metadata Descriptions Tree panel
2.3.1. Navigating through the corpus (tree structure)
2.3.2. Navigating through the corpus (world map)
2.3.3. Selecting parts of the corpus for purposes of searching (basket function)
2.3.4. Accessing data
2.4. Info/Content panel
2.5. Description panel
2.6. Downloading a corpus
3. Searching data (IMDI Metadata Search Tool)
3.1. Specifying the corpus to be searched
3.1.1. Selecting a *.data file
3.1.2. Creating a new *.data file
3.1.3. Removing a *.data file
3.2. Search types
3.2.1. Key word search
3.2.2. Default search
3.2.3. Advanced search
3.3. Changing the profile
3.4. Displaying the search results
3.5. Saving the search results
3.6. Printing
3.7. Exporting a local search database
3.8. Closing the IMDI Metadata Search window
4. Changing files
A. How to setup an IMDI metadata Database server