6.2.3. Working with annotations

CTRL+ALT+NOpens the Inline Edit box for inserting a new annotation (only available if a time interval or annotation is selected)
CTRL+ALT+MOpens the Inline Edit box for modifying an annotation (only available if an annotation is selected)
ALT+SHIFT+MOpens the Local Data Category Selection for associating the annotation with a data category of the ISO Data Category Registry.
CTRL+DeleteDeletes the value of the selected annotation
CTRL+ALT+DDeletes an annotation (only available if an annotation is selected)
CTRL+SHIFT+NNew annotation before
CTRL+SHIFT+NNew annotation after
CTRL+SHIFT+TAdd new tier type
CTRL+ALT+LEdit linked file
CTRL+SHIFT+CEdit controlled vocabulary
ALT+LEFTGo to previous Annotation
ALT+RIGHTGo to next Annotation
ALT+UPGo annotation upward
ALT+DOWNGo annotation downward
CTRL+TAdd new tier
CTRL+ALT+TDelete tier
CTRL+UPSet previous tier active
CTRL+DOWNSet next tier active
CTRL+ALT+SHIFTShow empty slots in multitier viewer
CTRL+ENTERSaves the changes made to the Inline Edit box or the Edit annotation box
ESC(from within the Inline Edit box or the Edit annotation box): exits the box without saving the changes
ESC(in all other contexts): deselects a selection
SHIFT+ENTERAllows you to switch between the Inline Edit box and the Edit annotation box
ALT+clickAllows you to multiple annotations on multiple tiers.
SHIFT+EOpens the Inline edit box for the active annotation