3.2.2. Upload files

Click the upload files button to add new content to the unlinked files container of the workspace. Note that you can even upload entire directories with all their contents and internal links. The picture below shows the upload window. Click the Browse button to select the individual files (hold CTRL to select multiple files) or a directory with all its contents. All selected files will be displayed with their size, path and last modified date. The checkboxes under the column Readable show the read access status of the individual files. Click the Upload button to start the transfer. The upload progress is represented by the blue status bar. Use the Stop button to cancel an ongoing transfer.

Figure 3.22. 

In case the window shown above is not properly displayed, the user can alternatively use the fields displayed in the next picture to select the files to upload into the workspace. If more than three files need to be uploaded, change the number of separate files in the designated field. Use the Browse buttons to select the local files or browse the network. Click the Upload button to start the transfer. To interrupt the ongoing upload process click the Stop button.

Figure 3.23. 


When uploading, do not click other LAMUS function buttons, otherwise the transfer process will be interrupted. Uploading large amounts of data (i.e. mpeg2 files) requires some time and is dependent on the speed of the network.

In order to keep the archive in a consistent state, to be able to read the archived material (also in the distant future) and to be able to use the archive in conjunction with other tools and scripts (e.g., not to be dependent on proprietary formats) it is necessary to restrict the number of formats and types of the ingested files. Just before uploading, LAMUS checks the type and format according to pre-defined accepted archival standards. Next to this the archive currently supports file names which may only consist of digits, non-accented letters and dots (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-). Please use UTF-8 encoding for all texts. A list of the accepted types and formats is presented in Appendix A. This list was defined by corpus managers, system managers and researchers at the MPI. In case the users try to upload a file which is not of an accepted type or format, an error message will occur. Please, try to convert the file to a format listed in the Appendix and upload it again.