International Workshop Towards a Research Infrastructure for Language Resources

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LREC 2006 Workshop

Towards a Research Infrastructure for Language Resources

Workshop: May 22, 2006
Magazzini del Cotone Conference Center - Genoa - Italy
Main Conference: May 24-26, 2006

Preliminary Programme

9.00 P. Wittenburg (MPI for Pscyholinguistics, Nijmegen) Welcome and Introduction to Research Infrastructures Paper
9.10 T. Varadi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) Putting Language Resources Infrastructure to the Test: the ESFRI Challenge Paper
9.35 M. Theofilatou (EC, DG Research Brussels) Research Infrastructures and FP7 Paper
10.10 S. Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Research Infrastructures for Systematization and Application of Large-scale Knowledge Resources  
10.35 L. Barwick (Sydney University and DELAMAN) Research Infrastructures – the Australian Perspective Paper
Coffie break
11.30 M. Wynne, Sheila Anderson (AHDS, London) The Arts and Humanities Data Service: research infrastructure in the UK Paper
11.50 N. Calzolari (ILC-CNR, Pisa) Community Culture in Language Resources – an international perspective Paper
12.10 B. Maegaard (CST, University of Copenhagen) Organization Models for RI and existing Infrastructures Paper
12.30 L. Romary, G. Francopoulo et al (ISO TC37/SC4) The relevance of Standards for RI Paper
Lunch Break
14.30 D. Nathan, et al (DAM-LR Project, SOAS London) Foundation of a Federation of Archives Paper
14.50 D. Broeder et al (DAM-LR Project, MPI Nijmegen) Integrated Services for the Language Resource Domain Paper
15.10 A. Yli-Jyrä (Helsinki University) Common Infrastructure for Finite-State Methods and Linguistics Descriptions Paper
15.30 A. Itai (Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa) Knowledge Center for Processing Hebrew Paper
15.50 O. Streiter (?) Design Features for the Collection and Distribution of basic NLP Resources for the World’s Writing Systems Paper
Coffie Break
17.00 S. Krauwer, T. Varadi, P. Wittenburg CLARIN – the next steps  
17.30 Panel Discussion Next Steps Towards a Research Infrastructure for Language Resources  
18.30 Closed CLARIN Meeting (only for delegates of member institutions)    

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