Displaying 1 - 38 of 38
Bauer, B. L. M. (1995). The emergence and development of SVO patterning in Latin and French. Diachronic and psycholinguistic perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
This book examines Latin word order, its historical origins in Proto-Indo-European and the shift in ordering patterns that took place in syntax and morphology in the history of Latin and (early) French (OV or left branching giving way to VO or right branching). Subsequently, analysis of the acquisition of ordering patterns shows that the archaic structuration—when complex—is acquired with difficulty. Diachronic and psycholinguistic analysis therefore demonstrates that the order of grammatical structures in Modern French, for example, is the result of a long-lasting development that psycholinguistic data can account for. -
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Bowerman, M. (1973). Early syntactic development: A cross linguistic study with special reference to Finnish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
First published in 1973, this important work was the first systematic attempt to apply theoretical and methodological tools developed in America to the acquisition of a language other than English. Dr Bowerman presents and analyses data from a longitudinal investigation of the early syntactic development of two Finnish children, and compares their speech at two stages of development with that of American, Samoan and Luo children. The four language families (Finno-Ugric, Indo-European, Malayo-Polynesian and Nilotic respectively) with very different structures, and this is the first systematic comparison of the acquisition of several types of native language within a common analysis. Similarities in the linguistic behaviour of children learning these four different languages are used to evaluate hypotheses about universals of language, and to generate new proposals. -
Cutler, A. (
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Dietrich, R., Klein, W., & Noyau, C. (1995). The acquisition of temporality in a second language. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Ehrich, V., & Levelt, W. J. M. (
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Klein, W. (
Ed. ). (1980). Argumentation [Special Issue]. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, (38/39). -
Klein, W., & Zimmermann, H. (1971). Lemmatisierter Index zu Georg Trakl, Dichtungen. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum.
Klein, W., & Weissenborn, J. (
Eds. ). (1982). Here and there: Cross-linguistic studies on deixis and demonstration. Amsterdam: Benjamins. -
Klein, W., & Dittmar, N. (
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Klein, W., & Von Stechow, A. (1982). Intonation und Bedeutung von Fokus. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz.
Klein, W. (1971). Parsing: Studien zur maschinellen Satzanalyse mit Abhängigkeitsgrammatiken und Transformationsgrammatiken. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum.
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Ed. ). (1982). Speech, place, and action: Studies of language in context. New York: Wiley. -
Klein, W. (
Ed. ). (1975). Sprache ausländischer Arbeiter [Special Issue]. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, (18). -
Klein, W. (1975). Sprache und Kommunikation ausländischer Arbeiter. Kronberg/Ts: Scriptor.
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Ed. ). (1986). Sprachverfall [Special Issue]. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, (62). -
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Kreuzer, H. (
Ed. ). (1971). Methodische Perspektiven [Special Issue]. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, (1/2). -
Levelt, W. J. M. (1973). Formele grammatica's in linguistiek en taalpsychologie (Vols. I-III). Deventer: Van Loghem Slaterus.
Levelt, W. J. M. (1975). What became of LAD? [Essay]. Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press.
PdR Press publications in cognition ; 1 -
Levinson, S. C., & Haviland, J. B. (
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Lutte, G., Sarti, S., & Kempen, G. (1971). Le moi idéal de l'adolescent: Recherche génétique, différentielle et culturelle dans sept pays dÉurope. Bruxelles: Dessart.
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Pederson, E., & Roelofs, A. (1994). Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics: Annual Report Nr.15 1994. Nijmegen: MPI for Psycholinguistics.
Senft, G. (1994). Audio-visual equipment in research on space: Paper presented at the Multidisciplinair Symposium BEELD IN ONDERZOEK ONDERZOEK IN BEELD 26 & 27 Mei 1994 Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden. Nijmegen: Mimeo.
Senft, G., & Wilkins, D. (1995). A man, a tree, and forget about the pigs: Space games, spatial reference and cross-linguistic comparison. Plenary paper presented by at the 19th international LAUD symposium "Language and space" Duisburg. Mimeo: Nijmegen.
Senft, G. (1986). Kilivila: The language of the Trobriand Islanders. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Senft, G. (1982). Sprachliche Varietät und Variation im Sprachverhalten Kaiserslauterer Metallarbeiter: Untersuchungen zu ihrer Bergrenzung, Beschreibung und Bewertung. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Additional information
1_Vorwort.pdf 2_Inhalt und Kapitel 1: Sprachliche Variation - ein zentraler Aspekt linguistis… 3_Kapitel 2: Grundlage und Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit.pdf 4_Kapitel 3: Zur Methode.pdf 5_Kapitel 4: Die linguistische Analyse.pdf 6_Übersicht und Kapitel 5: Erhebungen zur Bewertung der Untersuchten Varietät i… 7_Kapitel 6: Zusammenfassung der Untersuchungsergebnisse und Ausblick auf mögli… 8_Bibliographie und Anhang.pdf -
Seuren, P. A. M. (1982). De spelling van het Sranan: Een diskussie en een voorstel. Nijmegen: Masusa.
Seuren, P. A. M. (1973). Generative Semantik: Semantische syntax. Düsseldorf: Schwann Verlag.
Seuren, P. A. M., & Bronzwaer, W. J. M. (1994). Ik besta, dus ik lieg of de grenzen van de taal: Opmaat tot een debat. Nijmegen: Faculteit der Letteren, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.
Seuren, P. A. M. (1973). Predicate raising and dative in French and Sundry languages. Trier: L.A.U.T. (Linguistic Agency University of Trier).
Seuren, P. A. M. (1975). Tussen taal en denken: Een bijdrage tot de empirische funderingen van de semantiek. Utrecht: Oosthoek, Scheltema & Holkema.
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