Gunter Senft

Specialist in Austronesian languages, especially Kilivila, the language of the Trobriand Islanders. Central interests: Austronesian and Papuan languages, nominal classification, categorization, conceptualization of space, semantics and pragmatics, typology, anthropological linguistics, language/culture/ cognition, endangered languages.


Download presentations list (PDF, not in the MPG Publication Repository)

View a selection of 61 photographs in the Language Archive, impressionistically illustrating Gunter Senft's collection of more than 15.600 photos, which he took on the Trobriand Islands and in Papua New Guinea between 1982 and 2012.

Other affiliations:
Extraordinary Professor for General Linguistics, University of Cologne.

Selected Publications/Books
Understanding Pragmatics 2022

Understanding Pragmatics
2nd Japanese ed. (Kaitakusha, 2022)


Growing up on the Trobriand Islands
(Benjamins, 2018)


Understanding Pragmatics
(Kaitakusha, 2017)


(John Benjamins, 2017)


Tales from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
(John Benjamins, 2015)


Culture and Language Use
(Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2014)


Understanding Pragmatics
(Routledge, 2014)


The Tuma underworld of love
(John Benjamins, 2011)


Endangered Austronesian and Australian Aboriginal languages
(Pacific Linguistics, 2010)


The Trobriand Islanders' ways of speaking
(De Gruyter, 2010)

Culture and language use
(John Benjamins, 2009)
Ritual communication
(Berg, 2009)
Serial verb constructions in Austronesian and Papuan languages
(Pacific Linguistics, 2008)
Deixis and Demonstratives in Oceanic Languages
(Pacific Linguistics, 2004)
Annual report 2000
(MPI for Psycholinguistics, 2001)
Systems of nominal classification
(CUP, 2000 & 2008)
Referring to space
(Clarendon, 1997)
Classificatory particles in Kilivila
(Oxford UP, 1996)
Annual report 1992
(MPI for Psycholinguistics, 1993)
Studienbrief Rituelle Kommunikation
(FernUniversität Gesamthochschule Hagen, 1987)
Kilivila: The language of the Trobriand Islanders
(Mouton de Gruyter, 1986)
Sprachliche Varietät
(Peter Lang, 1982)
Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie



Ethnographica Collection B. & G. Senft
Click here to view the archived ethnographica and other objects from the Trobriand Islands and from other parts of Papua New Guinea collected by Barbara and Gunter Senft during 16 fieldtrips between 1982 and 2012.


Growing up on the Trobriand Islands in Papua New Guinea
Supplementary materials for Barbara and Gunter Senft's book "Growing up on the Trobriand Islands in Papua New Guinea" (2018). To open the recordings, click on the video or audio icon on the right side of the page in the MPI Language Archive:

  1. Gerubara's account of a "village talk" - livalela valu (3.1)
  2. Gerubara's tale of "the good and the bad girl" - vivila bwena vivila gaga (3.2)
  3. Keda'ila's speech "educating children in the good customs of Tauwema village" - education pela gugwadi pela bubunesi bwena valu Tauwema (3.4)


Imdeduya - Variants of a myth of love and hate from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
Click here to open the audio files that are mentioned in Appendix 1 of Gunter Senft's book "Imdeduya: Variants of a Myth of Love and Hate from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea" (2017).


Tales from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
Click here to open the recordings mentioned in "Tales from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea" (2015).


The Tuma Underworld of Love
Click here to open the recordings mentioned in "The Tuma Underworld of Love" (2011).


The Trobriand Islanders' Ways of Speaking
Click here to open the recordings mentioned in "The Trobriand Islanders' Ways of Speaking" (2010).


The Mian and Kilivila Collection at the University of Surrey
The Mian and Kilivila Collection contains information pertaining to the nominal classification systems of two indigenous languages of Papua New Guinea, Mian and Kilivila. Kilivila has a single system of classifiers, with a great number of distinctions, while Mian has a dual system, which combines four genders and six classifiers. The Digital Collection on the website at the University of Surrey permits users to gain a greater understanding of these systems by exploring images of Mian and Kilivila objects and people. Users are also able to test what they have learnt about the classifications systems of these two languages by taking the online Quiz.


Expressions for emotions
Click here to download a PDF with additional information on the research presented in "Expressions for emotions - and inner feelings - in Kilivila, the language of the Trobriand Islanders: A descriptive and methodological critical essay".


Referring to color and taste in Kilivila
Click here to download the results of the 2008 study on Kilivila colour terms (PDF).


Masawa - bogeokwa si tuta!
Cultural and cognitive implications of the Trobriand Islanders' gradually losing their knowledge of how to make a "masawa" canoe.

(Tosulala_masawa_T 41 A) presents the sound file with the morpheme-interlinear transcription of my interview with Tosulala on the 30th of July 1983 about how to build a "masawa" canoe. Transcript starts after 20 seconds.

(Mokeilobu_sail_T21A) presents the sound file with the morpheme-interlinear transcription of my interview with Mokeilobu in March 1983 on how to make a sail for a "masawa" canoe. Transcript starts after about half an hour.

(Senft_masawa-bogeokwa-si-tuta.pdf) contains Senft's PowerPoint presentation at the 8th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Knowledge and Space on "Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge" in Heidelberg, October 7-10, 2009.


Teaching: Academic

Academic teaching:

SS 1990 Technische Universität Berlin, seminar: "Languages with Classifiers", seminar:  "Introduction to Field Linguistics";

WS 1990/91 Technische Universität Berlin, seminar: "Kilivila - an Austronesian Language"; seminar: "Etholinguistics";

WS 1993/94 Technische Universität Berlin, seminar: "Space and Spatial Reference  in Various Languages and Cultures".

SS 1994 Technische Universität Berlin,  seminar and lecture: "Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics".

WS 1995/96 Universität zu Köln, seminar: “Nominal Classification”.

WS 1996/97 Universität zu Köln, seminar: “`Kölner Klüngel´ etc. - an Introduction to Lexical Semantics”.

WS 1997/98 Universität zu Köln, seminar: “An Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics”

WS 1997/98: Universität Heidelberg, seminar:  “Theory and Practice of Anthropological Linguistics (for anthropologists)”.

WS 1998/99: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Spatial Deixis.

SS 1999: Universität Bielefeld, seminar (4 hours/week): Languages of the World; seminar: Typology – The Conceptualization of  Space in Various Languages; seminar: An Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics.

WS 1999/00: Universität Bielefeld, lecture (4 hours/week): Structure of  Non-Indoeuropean Languages; seminar: Kilivila; seminar: Field Methods.

SS 2000: Universität Bielefeld, seminar (4 hours/week): Languages of the World; seminar: Systems of Nominal Classification; seminar: Ritual Communication.

WS 2000/01: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Serial Verb Constructions.

WS 2001/02: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Human Ethology and Linguistics.

WS 2002/03: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Endangered Languages.

WS 2003/04: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Space Games.
Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Nick Enfield and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

WS 2004/05: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Oceanic Languages.
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

WS 2005/06:  Universität zu Köln, seminar: What is a good reference grammar?
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

WS 2006/07: Universität zu Köln, seminar: Nominal Classification.
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2008: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2009: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2010: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2010: University of Tromsoe, Norway, PhD course with Jan-Ola Östman, Michael Bamberg and Srikant Sarangi on "Narrative and Responsibility", October 11th - 14th, 2010.

2011: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Asifa Majid, Nick Enfield, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective

2012: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Elisabeth Norcliffe, Asifa Majid, Kobin Kendrick, and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2013: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Elisabeth Norcliffe, Asifa Majid, Kobin Kendrick, Mark Dingemanse, Sean Roberts and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2014: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Elisabeth Norcliffe, Kobin Kendrick, Mark Dingemanse, Sean Roberts and Stephan C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

November 19th, 2014: Invited master-class seminar: "Field Methods", School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, The University of Manchester.

2015: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, seminar with Elisabeth Norcliffe, Mark Dingemanse, Kobin Kendrick, Sean Roberts and Stephen C. Levinson: Semantics and Pragmatics in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective.

2016: Japan Women's University, invited seminar for Post-Graduate Students on "Understanding Pragmatics", March 24th, 13.30 - 19.30.

Teaching: Ph.-D. guidance & promotions

Ph.-D. guidance:

1.06.1993-30.09.1995: Giovanni Bennardo,  A Computational Approach to Spatial Cognition: Representing Spatial Relationships in Tongan Language and Culture. Ph.D 1996, Urbana, Illinois.

1.05.1995-04.03.1997: Michael Meeuwis, Constructing Sociolinguistic Consensus - A Linguistic Ethnography of the Zairian Community in Antwerp, Belgium. Ph.D. 1997, Universiteit Antwerpen.

1.10.1996-04.02.2002: Gaby Cablitz, Marquesan - a grammar of space. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Kiel (magna cum laude, 1.0 "sehr gut").

1.10.2002-09.05.2003: Cornelia Bast, Der Altersfaktor im Zweitspracherwerb. Ph.D. thesis, Universität zu Köln. (magna cum laude, 1.0 "sehr gut").

1.01.2000-28.02.2005:  Helga Randrianariseheno Ramandresiarisoa, Soziokulturelle Aspekte der Wortbedeutung beim Fremdsprachenerwerb und ihre Darstellung in einem zweisprachigen Lexikon.  Am Beispiel deutscher und madegassischer Kulturspezifika". Université d'Antananarivo, Madagascar. (très honorable, summa cum laude).

15.02.2007-13.03.2011:  Mark Dingemanse, The Meaning and Use of Ideophones in Siwu. PhD thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (cum laude;  awarded 2012 with the AVT/Anéla Award for the best dissertation in linguistics in the Netherlands and 2013 with the Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for outstanding scientific achievements).

15.10.2009-18.10.2013: Karin Fast, Spatial Language in Tungag. PhD thesis, Universität Heidelberg. (magna cum laude).

Ph.-D. promotions:

1.06.1993 member of the promotion commission and member of the "cum laude commission" for Eric Venbrux's promotion and thesis: "Under the Mangotree: A Case of Homicide in an Australian Aboriginal Society". Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Eric Venbrux promoted "cum laude".

23.02.1995 member of the promotion commission and member of the "cum laude commission" for Harrie Wetzer's promotion with his thesis: "Nouniness and Verbiness: A Typological Study of Adjectival Predication". Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Harrie Wetzer promoted "cum laude".

4.03.1997 member of the promotion commission for Michael Meeuwis’s promotion with his thesis “Constructing Sociolinguistic Consensus - A Linguistic Ethnography of the Zairian Community in Antwerp, Belgium”. Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA).

15.09.1999 member of the “leescommissie” and member of the promotion commission for Philomena Dol’s promotion with her thesis  “A Grammar of Maybrat”. Universiteit Leiden.

19.10.2000 "referent" and member of the promotion commission for Miriam van Staden's promotion with her thesis  “Tidore - A Linguistic Description of a Language of the North Moluccas". Universiteit Leiden.

10.11.2000 member of the promotion commission for Isabel Compes' promotion with her thesis "Textkonstituierung in gesprochener Sprache. Eine Fallstudie zum Verfahren der Verortung am Beispiel samoanischer Narrationen". Universität zu Köln.

10.11.2000 member of the promotion commission for Margarita-Maria Castro-Medina's promotion with her thesis "Morphologische Beschreibung des Verbsystems des Mexikanero von San Pedro Jicora". Universität zu Köln.

09.05.2003 "promoter" for Cornelia Bast with her thesis "Der Altersfaktor im Zweitspracherwerb". Universität zu Köln.

26.01.2004 member of the promotion commission and member of the "cum laude commission" for Åshild Næss's promotion with her thesis: "Transitivity: from semantics to structure". Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.  Åshild Næss promoted "cum laude".

09.12.2004 member of the “leescommissie” and member of the promotion commission for Gilles Gravelle's promotion with his thesis "Meyah: an East Bird's Head language of Papua, Indonesia". Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

16.02.2005 member of the “leescommissie” and member of the promotion commission for Ien Courtens's promotion with her thesis "Restoring the Balance - Performing Healing in West Papua". Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

24.06.2005 co-promotor and member of the promotion commission for Helga Randrianariseheno Ramandresiarisoa's promotion with her thesis "Soziokulturelle Aspekte der Wortbedeutung beim Fremdsprachenerwerb und ihre Darstellung in einem zweisprachigen Lexikon. Am Beispiel deutscher und madegassischer Kulturspezifika".  Université d'Antananarivo, Madagascar.Helga Randrianariseheno Ramandresiarisoa promoted "très honorable" (summa cum laude).

30.06.2005 member of the “leescommissie” for Flora Loeb-Diehl's promotion with her thesis "The Typology of  Manner Expressions". Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

06.10.2005 member of the promotion commission for Frank Seifart's promotion with his thesis "The Structure and Use of Shape-Based Noun Classes in Mirana (North West Amazon)".Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.  Frank Seifart promoted "cum laude".

15.06.2009 external examiner for Mary Ruth Chambers' defense ("viva") of her PhD thesis "Which way is up? Motion verbs and paths of motion in Kubokota, an Austronesian language of the Solomon Islands",  School  of Oriental and African Studies, London.

24.10.2011 promoter (together with S. C. Levinson and co-promoter F. Ameka) of Mark Dingemanse with his thesis "The Meaning and Use of Ideophones in Siwu". Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Mark Dingemanse promoted "cum laude". His thesis was awarded with the AVT-Anéla dissertatieprijs van 2012 and  with the Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for outstanding scientific achievements in 2013.

22.08.2012 external examiner for Ralph Lawton's PhD thesis "The Making of the Kiriwina to English Dictionary" submitted to the Australian National University.

13.01.2013 member of the “leescommissie” and member of the promotion commission for Benedicte Haraldstad Frostad's promotion with her thesis "A Grammar of Ughele - an Oceanic language of Solomon Islands", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

25.01.2013 external examiner for Kay Johnson's defense ("viva") of her PhD thesis "Static spatial expression in Ske - an Oceanic language of Vanuatu",  School  of Oriental and African Studies, London.

18.10.2013: promoter (together with Christiane von Stutterheim) of Karin Fast with her PhD thesis "Spatial Language in Tungag". Universität Heidelberg. Karin Fast promoted "magna cum laude".

20.11.2014 external examiner for Aurelie Cauchard's defense ("viva") of her PhD thesis "A Study of Space in Caac, an Oceanic Language Spoken in the North of New Caledonia",  School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, The University of Manchester.

14.01.2015 member of the promotion commission for Jeremy Hammond's promotion with his thesis "Switch Reference in Whitesands", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

22.06.2015 member of the promotion commission for Giovanni Rossi's promotion with his thesis "The Request System in Italian Interaction", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Giovanni Rossi was promoted "cum laude".

21.10.2015 member of the “leescommissie” and member of the promotion commission for Malia Talakai's promotion with her thesis "Cultural and Intellectual Property Protection of Tongan Traditional Cultural Expressions", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

03.06.2016 member of the promotion commission for Femmy Admiraal with her thesis "A Grammar of Space in Baure. A Study on the Linguistic Encoding of Spatial Reference", Universiteit van Amsterdam.

19.12.2018  member of the promotion commission for Clair Hill's promotion with her thesis "Person Reference and Interaction in Umpila / Kuuku Ya'u Narrative", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Habilitation committees:

Member of the "Habilitation" committee for Jürgen Broschart's Habilitation for General Linguistics at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne. Title of the Habilitation: “Über die Sprachwissenschaft hinaus - Sprache und Kognition aus interdisziplinärer Sicht”.  Date of Juergen Broschart's Habilitation: 17.07.2002.

External referee for Claudia Gerstner-Link's Habilitation  for General Linguistics at the Ludwigs-Maximilian University of Munich. Title of the Habilitation: "Das Kilmeri - Typologische Annäherung an eine Sprache Neuguineas". Claudia Gerstner-Link's Habilitation was finished in May 2004.


April 1987

Radio-Interview on “Grüßen und Begrüßen” (greeting), Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bayern III.

September 1992

Article in the Papua New Guinea newspaper "The Eastern Star" by Judith Livinai: "Linguist returns to gain better understanding of the Kilivila language", Monday, September 14, 1992, p. 10.

October 1994

Radio-Interview on the “Space-Project” of the MPIP, WDR II: “Daheim und unterwegs”.

March 1995

Radio-Interview on the “Space-Project” of the MPIP, Deutsches Radio Berlin.

June 1996

TV-Interview on “Language and Cognition”, Swiss TV DRS MTW (Daniel Perrin).

April 1998

Radio Interview on the “Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis”, WDR V (Leonardo Wissenschafts-Magazin) at the “26th International LAUD-Symposium ‘Humboldt and Whorf revisited: Universals and culture-specific conceptualizations in grammar and lexis’” in Duisburg.

March 1999

Radio-Interview on “Language and Space”, NDR 4 (Wolfgang Krischke)

September 2000

Radio-Interview on "Bedrohte Sprachen” (endangered languages), Bayerischer Rundfunk.

March 2001

Radio-Feature on "Man kann nur denken, was man auch sagen kann, oder?", WDR V (Leonardo Wissenschafts-Magazin, Marcus Schwandner).

October 2002

Radio-Feature on "Da geht's lang - Wie wir uns orientieren", WDR V (Leonardo Wissenschafts-Magazin, Klaus Wilhelm).

December 2002

Radio-Interview on "Archiv für bedrohte Sprachen" (Archive for endangered languages), Bayerischer Rundfunk II (Kugelblitz, Tobias Wenzel).

May 2003

Radio-Interview on "Digitales Archiv für bedrohte Sprachen" (Digital archive for endangered languages), DLR Berlin (Galerie, Tobias Wenzel).

March 2004

Interview with Dirke Köpp, reporter of the "Rheinische Post", basis for two articles by D. Köpp:
"Ich möchte Kilivila lernen. Ein Gocher Sprachwissenschaftler am anderen Ende der Welt", Rheinische Post, Jg. 59, Nr. 64, Grenzland Post KLE-L1, 16.03.2004.

"Sie nannten ihn Krokodil" - Sprachwissenschaft: Zwei Monate verbringt der Gocher Linguist Gunter Senft am anderen Ende der Welt: Er erforscht auf den Trobriand-Inseln bei Papua-Neuguinea die Sprache Kilivila", Rheinische Post, Jg. 59, Nr. 68, K-Wiss, 20.03.2004.

May 2004

Radio-Interview for Eva Maria Götz's feature: "Lautloses Sterben - Über das langsame Verschwinden der menschlichen Sprachenvielfalt" (Silent dying - the gradual vanishing of language diversity). Hintergrund Kultur, Deutschlandfunk, 28.05.2004, 19.15-20.00.

May 2005

TV-interview with Daniel Miller and his colleagues from Ironbound  Films Inc., New York on endangered languages and their documentation and archiving for the documentary "The Last Speakers".

November 2005

Interview with Eva Pfeiffer after the lecture presented for the "Arbeitsgruppe Ozeanien" in Heidelberg, basis for the article by E. Pfeiffer: "Reif für die Insel? - Professor Gunter Senft plaudert in der Ozeanien AG über seine Feldforschungen", Unispiegel Universität Heidelberg, Dezember 5/2005, p. 7.

August 2006

Interview with Birgit  Dalheimer on the interrelationship between language, culture and cognition for the "Radiokolleg: Da kriecht eine Ameise über deinen südlichen Fuß", broadcasted on September 6th, 9.05 a.m. by the Austrian Broadcasting Company ORF-Ö1 .

February 2008

Interview with Susanne Beer on my work on the language and culture of the Trobriand Islanders, basis for the article:
Susanne Beer (May 2008). "Magie im Ausverkauf" ,  MaxPlanckForschung 1/2008, pp. 74-83.

July 2009

Kolumne Letzte Fragen: "Bestimmt Sprache das Denken?" Interview with Udo Flohr. "Technology Review - Das M.I.T.-Magazin für Innovation", 07.2009, p. 98.

October 2010

Interview with Birgit Dalheimer on my research on the Trobriand Islands on the interrelationship between language, culture and cognition for the science program "Dimensionen - die Welt der Wissenschaft", broad-casted on October 21st, 7.06 p.m. by the Austrian Broadcasting Company ORF-Ö1 under the title: "Eins, zwei, viele - Erkundungen, wie Sprache, Kultur und Kognition zusammenhängen".

September 2011

Interview with Paul Serail published in Quest Psychologie Nr. 3: 61 in Serail's article "De weg kwijt" under the rubric: "Kijk op de wereld".

April 2012

Interview with Jana Schlütter for her article published in the newspaper  Der Tagesspiegel 17th of April 2012, p. 16: "Das zweite Gesicht - Gefühle wie Furcht, Ekel oder Wut rufen nicht bei allen Menschen die gleiche Mimik hervor".

Interview with Marlis Schaum for her contribution "Mimik ist nicht universell" to the radio program "Leonardo - Wissenschaft und mehr", WDR 5, 17th of April 2012.

Interview with Dr. Susi Weichselbaumer for her contribution on facial expressions of emotions to the radio program "IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung", Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bayern 2, 19th of April 2012.

December 2012 - March 2013

Topictitel "Jetzt rede ich Tacheles..." im Topic "Sprache und Kultur" der Ausstellung "Welt im Wandel: Herausforderung für die Gesellschaft", Berlin, Max Planck Science Gallery.

March 2013

Interview with Sven Behrisch for his article "Nimm noch eine Yamswurzel" published in Das Magazin 10: 34-37.

October 2013

Participant in the photgraph-exhibition "Taal in Beeld - A Picture of Science" in the Bibliotheek Marienburg, Nijmegen, organized by Jeremy Hammond and Mark Dingemanse and supported by the MPI for Psycholinguistics and the Radboud University Nijmegen. (exhibition website: see also: ).

April 2014

Upload of my 2005 sound- recording "In Tauwema village" to the Europeana Soundcloud, Europeana Sounds,The British Library, London

July 2014

Reference to my Kilivila data in Kathrin Handl's feature "Der digitale Soundtrack Europas" über das Projekt "Europeana Sounds" im "Journal am Mittag", SWR 2, 07.07.2014, 12.33-12.38.

August 2015

Interview with Stephanie Kowalewski, broadcasted under the title "Die Retter der bedrohten Sprachen" (The saviours of endangered languages) on the 6th of August by Deutschlandradio - Kultur

May 2018

Interview with Christian Wolf for his contribution "Bedeutet Naserümpfen nun Ekel oder angenehmes Erstaunen?" publiziert am 2.05.2018 in der WELT+

November 2018

Interview with Bettina Weiz for her feature "Bronislaw Malinowski - der Pole im Pazifik", broadcasted on the 19th of November 2018 by "Bayern 2 - Radiowissen":

May 2020

Interview with Lara Malberger on the question "Verändert der Mund-Nasen-Schutz unsere Kommunikation?" ("Does the face mask change our communication?") which resulted in an article with the same title published on the 26th of May in the Online-Magazin "Perspective Daily". [pdf]

November 2021

Radio-Interview with Christine Fleischer on the topic "Wissen: Völker ohne links und rechts" (Knowledge: Peoples without left and right), broadcasted by SWR 2 in the Matinee (morning performance) "Sonntagsfeuilleton mit Nicole Dantrimont" (Sunday feuilleton with Nicole Dantrimont) on the 21st of November 2021 at 9.03 a.m. under the title "Wo der Daumen rechts ist - links"(Where the thumb is on the right - left).


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