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Tool for manual syntactical annotation

(editable version of the SyntaxViewer from the TIGERSearch project)


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Software requirements   

Java 1.4 (or later) Runtime Environment must be installed
Documentation For viewing and export options, see the appropriate part of the TIGERSearch manual
For editing click on the Help menu
Release notes read

Source code

Sources available under GNU Public License

read the source release notes.

Example Set

For a proper demo you'll need two files: one with annotated sentences and one describing the syntax tags ("features")

Taken from the German "NEGRA Corpus":
Annotated sentences
NEGRA Feature Definitions

Taken from the Dutch "Corpus Gesproken Nederlands":
Annotated sentences
Same sentences (without tree) as import test file
CGN Feature Definitions (explanation of the set [in Dutch])

Exported sentences from Elan (to be imported by synpathy):

Supported Hardware 9X, NT, 2000, XP