Chapter 3. Generating an IMDI file

From the File drop-down menu select New Session (Figure 2.1), or click the New Session icon (Figure 2.2 D). This opens the main page of the IMDI file; in the Browse Panel the IMDI node is highlighted (Figure 3.1).

Blank IMDI, main page

Figure 3.1. Blank IMDI, main page

The information in this main section is going to be about the data contained within this IMDI file, rather like an abstract of the file.

In the Control Panel there are two sections, Session in the top half and the tabbed sections in the lower half, Descriptions, Location and Keys.

Session contains three fields, Session Name, Session Title and Recording Date:

Session Name:This is the name you give your session that will show in the IMDI browser and will also be the IMDI filename, unless you 'Save as' and specify otherwise. No spaces or symbols can be used in this field, just the alphanumeric characters and the underscore and the hyphen. Try to restrict the number of characters to twenty.
Session Title:This is for a more detailed description of the Session Name and is not limited in filename size and what characters you can use.
Recording Date:This is the date the recording associated with this IMDI file was made. If the recording(s) cover more than one calendar date then please use the first date and mention in the Descriptions section the true date duration of the recording(s).


The Descriptions element has three fields, Language, Text and Link (see Figure 3.1).

Language:This field if for you to list the language you are going to use in the Descriptions element. It is a controlled vocabulary field where you can only select from the drop-down list. Once you have selected the relevant language it appears in the column to the right, where initially 'Unknown' is indicated. If you want to add a Description in one language click the Add button in the lower right corner and you get 'unspecified' in the Language column, then select from the drop-down the desired language. If you have multiple languages here the editor only allows you to view one language's text at a time. Highlight the languages in the right column to switch between them.
Text:This field is a free-text field to write a description of the metadata and an outline of the session.
Link:Link fields are for you to put in urls to external information. As these are not commonly used fields they are not covered in this User Guide; please refer to the IMDI Reference Manual.

A brief note on the Descriptions tab: Every node and sub-node will have a Descriptions tab; the process for completing them is identical for every one, so this instruction is relevant for all the other descriptions tabs throughout the IMDI file.


The Location element is for you to signify the location of where you recorded the material for this IMDI file. There are two main sections in this tab: Location and Region.

Location:Has three fields: Continent, Country and Address, which are all very self-explanatory.
Region:This is a free-text field for you to specify in more detail the areas the data was gathered. Click the Add button and a text box opens with "Unspecified" highlighted in it, over-write this with your region name. Add as many regions as you need, but keep one region per line.
Keys:The Keys fields run right through the IMDI file and are for you to add extra metadata elements, if you feel the need to describe your resource with more, or deviating, elements than are already available in the IMDI file.