2.8. Creating a single relation

There are a number of ways of creating relations in ViCoS. The most basic option is simply to use the Source and Target boxes. After you have opened a few entries in the Lexical Entry View, you can simple drag and drop them into the appropriate boxes. Importantly, if you have defined the Lexical Entry View (see Section 2.7) to display more data categories, make sure you drag the appropriate part of the entry - each data category can be dragged separately and you will create a relation for that part of the entry, and not for the other parts if it. So if you want to create a relation for instance between the category lexeme, make sure this is the box you drag and drop.

Dragging a particular data category of an entry into the Source box

Figure 2.9. Dragging a particular data category of an entry into the Source box

Dragging a particular data category of an entry into the Target box

Figure 2.10. Dragging a particular data category of an entry into the Target box

Choosing the type of relation between the Source and Target

Figure 2.11. Choosing the type of relation between the Source and Target

When dragging, the item will turn green when your over the Source or Target box. Next, you have to choose the right relation between them and Save it. The relation is created. Make sure you know the precise definitions of the relation you are using to put the items correctly into Source and Target boxes.