1.5.7. The Grid Viewer

The Grid Viewer displays the content as well as the begin time, end time and duration of all annotations from a single tier. You have to activate this Viewer through selecting the Grid tab next to the video window.

The grid viewer

Figure 1.86. The grid viewer

It is possible to select annotations within the Grid Viewer (by clicking on them), or to edit them (by double-clicking on them).

The time format of the begin time, end time and duration can be changed. Right click on the Grid Viewer, select Time Format and select one of the available formats: hh:mm:ss:ms (hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds), PAL (hours:minutes:seconds.frames), NTSC (drop frame) (hours:minutes:seconds.frames) and msec (milliseconds).

By default the Grid Viewer works in single tier mode. To switch to other multi tier modes with symbolic association tiers or with symbolic subdivision tiers, click on this dropdown menu button which is indicated in the figure that is above. In that case all the annotations of the selected tier will be shown in the grid, together with all symbolic associated/symbolic subdivision tiers (see Section 2.1). Empty cells of dependent tiers can also be filled in this way.

Multiple tiers with symbolic association in the grid viewer

Figure 1.87. Multiple tiers with symbolic association in the grid viewer

Exporting from the Grid Viewer

The results as shown in the Grid Viewer can be exported to a (tab-separated) text file, for later manipulation with e.g. a spreadsheet. Follow these steps:

  1. First make a selection of the tiers you want to be displayed (and thus exported)

  2. Right click on the Grid Viewer and select Export Table as tab-delimited text…

  3. Enter the name of the file to be created and choose Save

Export from the grid viewer

Figure 1.88. Export from the grid viewer