Tiger XML

If your ELAN annotations contain syntactic elements, it is possible to export these to Synpathy (see https://archive.mpi.nl/forums/t/synpathy-software-information/2649). This function is available via File > Export as > Tiger-xml…

First select out of the candidate tiers the one you want to be exported. Afterwards, map the tiers onto the correct description ("word" or "pos"). Finally enter the name of the file (*.tig).


Synpathy is a tool for annotating, analyzing, and graphically editing the syntactical structure of sentences (e.g. Linguistically annotated text corpora), developed at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The application is based on the SyntaxViewer from the TIGER search project developed by the IMS (Institute für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart).