SMIL clip

ELAN supports export to SMIL-compliant clips. With a suitable player this enables you to view media files and the associated annotations as a subtitled movie.


For a description of this standard and players see

Export SMIL for Real Player
  1. Select the File > Export As > SMIL > Real Player... menu. This will bring up this dialog box:

    Figure 47. Export SMIL Real Player

  2. Select the tiers you want to export (see the section called “How to select tiers”).

  3. Check Restrict to selected time interval if you only want to export the current selection. Otherwise the whole media file and associated annotations will be exported.

    • Check Recalculate the begin time of the selected annotations to start from zero if you only want the current selection start time to start from zero.

  4. Check Add master media time offset to annotation times to add the annotation times the time offset from the master media that originated from the synchronization of media files (see the section called “Synchronizing video files”).

  5. Check Minimal duration per subtitle (in ms.) to specify the minimal display duration of a subtitle. For instance, if a annotation is only 0.3 seconds long, but you want to display a subtitle at least 0.5 seconds, enter 500 (ms).

  6. Click on Edit Font and Display settings... button. This will bring up this dialog box:

    Figure 48. Change subtitle text settings

    • Click on the respective Browse.. button and select the color from the dialog displayed to set the background color and text color of the subtitle text.

    • To set the font of the Text, click on the respective Browse... button and select a font from the font list.

    • Font size and the alignment of the subtitle text can be selected from their respective list.

    • Click Default button to set the default setting.

    • Click on the Apply button to apply the new setting

  7. Choose OK to export the clip.

  8. Click on the suggested file name to change the location where the SMIL clip will be saved.

Export SMIL for Quick Time

Exporting SMIL for Quick time is very much the same as exporting SMIL for real player (see the section called “Export SMIL for Real Player”). To export SMIL for Quick time, go to File > Export As > QuickTime.... This will bring up a dialog box very similar to export SMIL for Real player . The only extra option which is not available for real player is Merge tiers into one QuickTime text file.If selected, all tiers are merged into one file and if not selected a separate text file will be generated for each tier. It is also possible to set a transparent background for the subtitles. This is done by selecting Transparent background in the dialog (see Figure 48, “Change subtitle text settings”) which pops up by clicking the Edit Font and Display Settings... button. Finally click on OK to export.