2.7.2. Conversion of old IMDI files to the 3.0 standard

The IMDI Editor version 3.0 supports the IMDI 3.0 standard. Files that were created with an older version of the Editor can still be opened, but they need to be converted to the new standard. The conversion process is as follows:

  1. Open the old file in the IMDI Editor 3.0 (see Section for how to open a file). The following warning will appear:

    XSL transformer

    Figure 2.40. XSL transformer

  2. Click on OK in both windows to convert the file. (Otherwise click on Cancel to not convert it.) The file will be converted to the 3.0 standard, using the default profile for that type of file (see Section for details on profiles). A backup copy of the file in its old standard will be saved with the extension *.old.imdi.

    A window appears, informing you about this process, e.g.:

    Conversion warning

    Figure 2.41. Conversion warning

    The file in the old standard has been saved with the extension *.old.imdi

    Furthermore, the converter informs you about any errors that took place during the conversion process. Click on Next to read this information.

    The following two types of errors can occur:

    1. Errors concerning the Genre element: In earlier versions, Genre consisted of three separate subtypes. These were removed and were mapped onto one Genre and one Subgenre instead (see Section 2.7.1). While some of these mappings are known to the converter, others are not. If the mapping is not known, the converter will generate an error message, informing you that the old Genre has been mapped onto the Keys schema of the Content screen instead (see Section 2.3.4), e.g.:

      Conversion warning: Genre to Keys

      Figure 2.42. Conversion warning: Genre to Keys

      1. Generated warning

      2. The old Genre has been mapped onto the Keys schema of the Content screen

      Please remove this keyword manually, and fill in the Genre and Subgenre fields by hand.

    2. Errors concerning the usage of wrong values, e.g., the usage of a wrong format (such as a wrong format for a date or an age) or the usage of a value that is not specified in a closed controlled vocabulary (see Section for controlled vocabularies). In all these cases, you will receive the following message, informing you that such errors were detected:

      Conversion warning: wrong values

      Figure 2.43. Conversion warning: wrong values

      In the IMDI file itself, such errors are highlighted in orange color, and a description of the error is added to the tool-tip (which is activated by pointing with the mouse to the category label). You can navigate to these errors by using the two arrow buttons at the top of the Content panel, e.g.:

      Navigate to errors

      Figure 2.44. Navigate to errors

      1. Use these buttons to move to the previous / next error

      2. Point here to activate the tool-tip

      3. A description of the error is added to the tool-tip

      4. The error is highlighted in orange color

      Please fill in the correct values by hand.


      Unless you manually change the items that do not conform to the IMDI 3.0 standard, the error messages will continue to appear (in the case of the Genre errors), and the offending items will continue to be highlighted in orange (in the case of the value errors).


      If the converter was able to map the old Genre onto the new Genre, it will inform you of this fact: it will add a description (under Content . Description) and it will additionally display the old Genre as keywords (under Content . Keys), e.g.:

      Description and resulting keywords of genre mapping

      Figure 2.45. Description and resulting keywords of genre mapping

      1. A description informing you of the successful conversion

      2. The old Genre is additionally displayed in the form keywords