1.2.3. Options menu

The Options menu allows you to set a number of preferences. It contains the following options:

Options menu

Figure 1.11. Options menu Profile Manager

Every IMDI file is assigned to a type and to a profile. These types and profiles are managed through the menu item Profile Manager.

By default, there are three different types of IMDI files:

  • Resource Bundles or Sessions that are used to describe audio/video and written resources (see Chapter 2);

  • Lexicon Resource Bundles that are used to describe lexicon resources (see Chapter 3);

  • Corpora that are used to describe larger corpora (see Chapter 5).

Types are associated with one or more profiles. These profiles specify the available metadata categories together with their constraints. For example, members of the sign language research community have developed a Sign-Language Profile. IMDI files that are based on this profile contain some sign-language-specific metadata categories and constraints, e.g.:

Sign-language-specific metadata categories

Figure 1.12. Sign-language-specific metadata categories

  1. IMDI files based on the Sign-Language Profile contain the metadata category Speaker/Signer.

  2. This Speaker/Signer category contains keywords that are of relevance to sign-language research (e.g., Deafness.Status etc.). For each keyword, there are constraints on its values. These constraints are visualized in the form of pull-down menus of controlled vocabulary items (e.g., hearing, hard-of-hearing etc.).

To manage types and profiles, click on Profile Manager. The following options are available:

  • Add a new profile:

    Click on the type where you want to add the profile. Then click on Add (to add a locally-stored file) or on Add URL (to add a file stored on the Web). A dialog window appears, allowing you to browse to the file or to enter its URL.

    Profile Manager

    Figure 1.13. Profile Manager

  • Delete a profile:

    Click on the profile that you want to delete. Then click on Delete.

  • Select the default profile for a type:

    Click on the profile that you want to make the default profile for a type. Then click on Make Default. From now on, this profile will automatically be used whenever you create a new IMDI file based on this type, i.e., for new Session files (see Section, new Lexicon files (see Section or new Corpus files (see Section The non-defaults can still be accessed through the menu item File > New … (see Section

Click on OK to exit the Profile Manager window again.


Profiles are stored in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ Profiles \ local). For the moment, profiles have to be programmed by hand. In future versions of the IMDI tools, it will be possible to create profiles with the help of the IMDI Editor. Anonyms …

Anonyms … is used whenever you have chosen to make the name of an actor anonymous, i.e., whenever you have chosen that the actor’s real name should only be visible to you. If someone else opens the IMDI file, a code will be displayed in the name fields. This is the case for both the Name and Full Name field.

The option Anonyms … allows you map a full name to such a code. This mapping will be stored in a file on your computer. You (and everybody whom you grant access to this file) will be able to see the full name, while everybody else will only see the code.

To create such a file, do the following:

  1. Click on Options.

  2. Click on Anonyms ….

    The Anonyms overview dialog window appears. It allows you to create, modify and remove mappings, and it displays all available mappings, e.g.:

    Anonyms overview dialog window

    Figure 1.14. Anonyms overview dialog window

    The following options are available:

    • You can sort the available mappings. Click on any of the column headers to sort the corresponding column alphabetically.

    • To add a mapping, click on Add …. The Anonyms input dialog window appears. Please fill in the institute (e.g., MPI), the project (e.g., Goemai), the code of the actor and his/her full name.

      Anonyms input

      Figure 1.15. Anonyms input

      To save the mapping, click first on Apply and then on Close.

      The new mapping will be displayed in the Anonyms overview dialog window.


      The column User (in the Anonyms overview dialog window) does not appear in the Anonyms input dialog window. This column is automatically filled in by the program.

    • To edit a mapping, click on it to highlight it. Then click on Edit …. The Anonyms input dialog window appears and displays the highlighted mapping. Type in your changes.

      Anonyms input: edit

      Figure 1.16. Anonyms input: edit

      Click on OK to save the changes.

    • To remove a mapping, click on it to highlight it. Then click on Remove. The mapping is removed without further warning.

  3. Click on Close to exit the Anonyms overview dialog window.

    All mappings are saved in the file user-name.ano in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ Anonyms, e.g.:

    Anonyms mapping file

    Figure 1.17. Anonyms mapping file

    If you want other people to have access to these mappings, send them a copy of the file user-name.ano. They should then save this file in their folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ Anonyms.

In order to use this anonymization feature, be sure to enter the full name into the Name and/or the Full Name field. The IMDI editor automatically will ensure that only you will have access to it. Others will see the code you provided.


Don’t enter the code name into the Name or Full Name fields in the actor screen. If you do so, the real name will not be connected to this code. However, for your own convenience you might want to enter the code name into the actor’s Code field. This way you can see directly the link between the Code and the Full Name without opening the anonymization window.

With anonymization codes availableWithout anonymization codes available Vocabularies …

The IMDI tools make use of so-called "controlled vocabularies" to ensure consistency across users (i.e., they provide lists of values for specific metadata categories or keys). These vocabularies are stored on the Web, and a copy of them is stored in the cache of your desktop computer (in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ CVCACHE) (see the IMDI CV-Editor manual for details).

You can view these vocabularies through the menu item Vocabularies …. Click on it to access the Vocabs overview window, e.g.:

Vocabs overview

Figure 1.18. Vocabs overview


  1. Name: the name of the metadata category;

  2. Tag: the tag of the metadata category (if it is in a language other than English);

  3. CV URL/Local Path: the name and URL / local path of the controlled vocabulary file;

  4. Local: an indication of whether or not the file is stored locally;

  5. Description: descriptive information about the controlled vocabulary;

  6. Language: the language of the metadata category and its vocabulary.

The Vocabs overview window offers you the following options:

  • You can sort the available controlled vocabularies. Click on any of the column headers to sort the corresponding column alphabetically.

  • Add File …

    Click on Add File … to add a controlled vocabulary file that is stored locally. The Browse window appears, allowing you to browse to the folder and to select the file. The vocabulary will then be added to the Vocabs overview window.

  • Add URL …

    Click on Add URL … to add a controlled vocabulary file that is stored on the Web. The Vocab add window appears. Enter the URL of the vocabulary, click on Apply and then click on OK. The vocabulary will be added to the Vocabs overview window.

    Vocab add

    Figure 1.19. Vocab add

  • Read cache

    Click on Read cache to view all available controlled vocabularies (i.e., all vocabularies that are stored in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ CVCACHE).

  • Refresh selected

    Click on a vocabulary to select it, then click on Refresh selected to have the IMDI tools check for a newer version of that vocabulary on the Web, and to update the cache accordingly.

  • Refresh all

    Click on Refresh all to have the IMDI tools check for newer versions of all vocabularies on the Web, and to update the cache accordingly.

  • Show entries …

    Click on a controlled vocabulary to select it, then click on Show entries … to view its content., e.g.:

    Show entries

    Figure 1.20. Show entries

    1. Click on a vocabulary to select it;

    2. Click on “Show entries …

    3. Content is displayed

  • Close

    Click on Close to close the Vocabs overview window. Create Update StyleSheet

A stylesheet offers the possibility to make changes to multiple imdi-files at once. It resembles a kind of powerful find-and-replace option. Using an update stylesheet requires 2 steps:

  • creating the stylesheet, which can be done with the IMDI editor

  • applying the prepared stylesheet on a set of imdi-files with the IMDI browser

For information about the latter process, see the IMDI browser manual, Chapter 4.

Please be aware that this is a powerful technique that should be used with care as it has the potential (if used in an inappropriate way) to damage a large set of IMDI files! Although a backup will be made of all files before they are alterered, it is a good practice to think twice before you apply a stylesheet.

To create an update stylesheet choose Options > Create Update StyleSheet. At the right side of the window an extra frame will appear:

Create Update Stylesheet

Figure 1.21. Create Update Stylesheet

For every field in a session file, you can specify a conditon and/or a modification:

  • If you enter both, then the stylesheet will act as a find-and-replace function.

  • If only a modification is entered this value will replace the data of the chosen text field, without considering its previous content. The New Key Element option creates a new key-value pair (see Section

  • If the modification is omitted, the condition will act as a restriction on the set of files upon which the other modifications will be performed.

  • If you specify multiple conditions, they all need to be fulfilled before the modifications are applied.

If you specify multiple conditions, they all need to be fulfilled before the modifications are applied.


In version 3.2 you can modify 1 key at most for every style sheet.

An example

Let’s say we want to change the content part of a set of metadata files. Every time we encounter both the genre 'Literature' and the subgenre 'Novel', we can assume the associated modality will be 'writing'. So in this case we will use 'Literature' and 'Novel' as conditions, while 'writing' acts as the modification.

Example Update Stylesheet: 1

Figure 1.22. Example Update Stylesheet: 1

  1. Click in the text field for which you want to specify acondition

  2. Tick the condition check box and enter "Literature"

    or use the < button to copy the text from the selected text field

Example Update Stylesheet: 2

Figure 1.23. Example Update Stylesheet: 2

  1. Now do the same for Subgenre and "Novel"

  2. The description box shows the specified conditions


to specify a condition for a field that is constrained by a closed controlled vocabulary, select a value from the dropdown box in the editor itself. This selection will appear as grey text in the stylesheet editor.

Example Update Stylesheet: 3

Figure 1.24. Example Update Stylesheet: 3

  1. Now tick Modification

  2. Enter "writing"

  3. Click on Generate Stylesheet

Example Update Stylesheet: 4

Figure 1.25. Example Update Stylesheet: 4

  1. Enter a name for this stylesheet

  2. Click on OK

After you saved the newly created stylesheet, take a look at Chapter 4 of the IMDI browser manual for instructions about how to apply it to your files. Preferences…

Click on Preferences … to access the Preferences dialog window.

In the Preferences dialog window, the following four options are available:

  1. Prefixes

  2. Resources

  3. Update Policy

  4. Font

  5. User interface


Figure 1.26. Preferences

Click on any of the headings in the left panel to activate the corresponding option.


This option allows you to specify the path to the different types of files (see Chapter 5 for details).


This option allows you to specify the browse options (see Chapter 5 for details).

Update Policy

The IMDI tools make use of so-called "controlled vocabularies" (see Section These vocabularies are stored on the Web, and a copy of them is stored in the cache of your desktop computer (in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ CVCACHE). The Web version is changed sometimes, but the IMDI tools will continue to use the locally-stored version until the cache is updated again. By default, the cache is updated whenever you run an IMDI tool. However, you can change this policy, and determine if and when the vocabularies should be updated.

Click on Update Policy to determine this policy. The following options are available:

Update policy

Figure 1.27. Update policy


This option allows you to display special character sets and fonts. To select a set and a font, do the following:

  1. Under Unicode Block (in the left panel), select a unicode block by clicking on it. The available fonts are then displayed under Font (in the right panel).

  2. Under Font, select a font by clicking on it.

  3. Click on OK to implement the new font.


Figure 1.28. Font

User Interface

Remove the checkmark before Show ToolTip Boxes to disable the online floating help boxes when editing a text field.

Show Tooltip Boxes

Figure 1.29. Show Tooltip Boxes