1.2.1. File menu

The File menu is used to create, open, close, save, print and exit IMDI file(s). It contains the following options:

File menu

Figure 1.4. File menu New …

New … allows you to create new IMDI files, and to assign them to a type and a profile (see Section for details).

Choose first a type (e.g., Resource Bundles (Sessions), Lexicon Resource Bundles, or Corpora) and then a profile (e.g., Standard (Session) Resource Bundle). Click on the profile, then click on OK. The new file will be assigned to this type and profile.

New File

Figure 1.5. New File

  1. Types

  2. Profiles New Session

Click on New Session to create a new IMDI Session file. It will be automatically assigned to the default profile for Resource Bundles (Sessions) (see Section; see Chapter 2). New Lexicon Resource Bundle

Click on New Lexicon Resource Bundle to create a new IMDI Lexicon file. It will be automatically assigned to the default profile for Lexicon Resource Bundles (see Section; see Chapter 3). New Corpus

Click on New Corpus to create a new IMDI Corpus file. It will be automatically assigned to the default profile for Corpus bundles (see Section; see Chapter 5). New Catalogue

Please ignore this option for the moment. New Profile

With this option you can setup a personalized profile, a template for new imdi sessions. See Chapter 3 for more information on this. Open …

Click on Open to open an IMDI file. Browse to the folder that contains the IMDI file and double-click on it to open it.

Opening non-imdi files

Of course, you can only open files of the IMDI Editor format. If you try to open a file of a different format, an error message will appear.

Opening files from which the original profile was deleted

If you open a file assigned to a profile that has been deleted, the default profile for that type will be used instead. E.g., you may have an IMDI Session file that was originally assigned to the Sign-Language Profile, but later on you deleted this profile. If you now open this IMDI Session file again, it will be assigned to the default profile for session files (e.g., to the Standard (Session) Resource Bundle Profile) (see Section for details).

Opening old IMDI files

If you open a file created with an old IMDI standard, it will be converted to the IMDI 3.0 standard (see Section 2.7 for details).

Opening broken IMDI files

When the editor opens an IMDI file and there is an error with respect to validation to the IMDI XML Schema (the "rules" upon which each IMDI file is based), the editor will try to repair the file. First the old IMDI file is saved with the extension .old.imdi (e.g. myfile.old.imdi) and then the repairs are applied:

Repairing broken IMDI files

Figure 1.6. Repairing broken IMDI files


The repaired file is not automatically saved.

The automatic repair will make it difficult to inadvertently save IMDI files that are not valid with repect to the IMDI XML Schema.

Sometimes the IMDI file is so severely damaged, e.g. it is not well formed XML or some basic elements are missing, that it can not be repaired. The editor will warn you when this is the case:

File error

Figure 1.7. File error Open URI …

Click on Open URI to download an IMDI file from the Web. A dialog window pops up. Enter the corresponding URI into the window and click on OK (see also Section Open Recent

Go to Open Recent to view a list of the IMDI files that you have recently worked on. Click on any file from the list to open it (see also Section Close

Click on Close to close the currently active IMDI file (i.e., the file that is highlighted in the Browse panel; see Section 1.3). All other open IMDI files will remain open.

If the file to be closed has not been saved yet, a warning appears. Click on Yes to save the file before closing; click on No to not save the file; click on Cancel to return to the file. Close All

Click on Close All to close all IMDI file (see also Section Save

Click on Save to save the currently active IMDI file (i.e., the file that is highlighted in the Browse panel; see Section 1.3).

If you save an IMDI file for the first time, the Save dialog window appears. Browse to the folder where you want to save the file, assign a name to it, and then click on Save.


Note: When you save an IMDI file, the IMDI Editor will check if the folder contains a file named imdi.xsd. If not, it will automatically create this file.


Note for researchers working at the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen: The name of the IMDI file should be the same as the name of the corresponding annotation and media files (see Section 2.5). The same name should also be entered in the field Session name (see Section 2.1.1). Furthermore, the file name has to be Unix compatible: do not use file names longer than 14 characters, do not use non-letter or non-number characters (except for the underscore: _), and do not use blank spaces. Save As …

Click on Save As to save the currently active IMDI file (i.e., the file that is highlighted in the Browse panel; see Section 1.3) under a different name (see also Section Save All

Click on Save All to save all open IMDI files (see also Section Page Setup …

Click on Page Setup … to specify the layout of the printed IMDI file (i.e., paper size, source, orientation, and margins). Print …

Click on Print … to print the currently active IMDI file (i.e., the file that is highlighted in the Browse panel; see Section 1.3). Exit

Click on Exit to exit the IMDI Metadata Editor window. All open IMDI files will be closed. If some files are not yet saved, a warning appears that contains the following kind of information:

Save on exit

Figure 1.8. Save on exit

The dialog window contains a list of all files that are not yet saved. Checkmarks indicate the selected files (by default, all files are selected). To remove a checkmark (i.e., to deselect a file), click in the box. Click Select All to select or Deselect All to deselect all files. Click OK to save all selected file. The deselected files will not be saved. Click on Cancel to return to the Editor window.