Chapter 5. The IMDI Corpus Editor

This part of the manual guides you through using the IMDI Corpus Editor to create a corpus hierarchy. All sessions or resource bundles (see Chapter 2) and lexicon resource bundles (see Chapter 3) belong to a corpus, e.g., to the corpus of the language XY, which, in turn, is subdivided according to various criteria (e.g., it may be subdivided on the basis of genre, or on the basis of the age of the participants, etc.).


In many cases, the corpus manager takes care of structuring your corpus, i.e., you will not need the IMDI Corpus Editor. You only need the Corpus Editor in case you manage your own corpus.


Note for researcher working at the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen: If you plan on using the IMDI Corpus Editor, please contact first.

The IMDI Corpus Editor creates an IMDI Corpus file (*.imdi).

The following steps are necessary to create, structure and manage a corpus:

  1. Specify the directory information of all info, media, written resource and lexicon files that belong to a session, and of all IMDI files that belong to a corpus (see Section 5.1).

  2. Select the sessions that belong to a subcorpus. Select the subcorpora that belong to a corpus (see Section 5.2).

  3. Create a corpus node (see Section 5.3).

These steps are explained in the following three sections.