2.5.1. Anonymous

If you have made the names of actors anonymous (on the screen Actors, see Section and if you have created a file that maps these codes onto full names (by using the menu item Options > Anonyms …, see Section, you can use the screen Anonymous to specify access rights to this mapping file. As illustrated in Section, the mapping file is stored under the name user-name.ano in the folder <user-directory> \ IMDI-TOOLS \ Anonyms on your desktop computer – i.e., it is only available to you. However, you might want to store a copy of it in the corpus itself (e.g., to protect it against data loss, in case of a system error). In this case, store the file in your corpus (or ask your corpus manager to do it for you), specify the name and directory of the file, and the access rights to it. See Section A.3 for instructions on how to fill in an Access schema.