1.5.1. Screens

The Content panel displays a number of screens. The following main screens are available:

IMDI Session Editor (see Chapter 2) and IMDI Lexicon Editor (see Chapter 3):

IMDI Corpus Editor (see Chapter 5):

These main screens are accessed through clicking on the corresponding node in the Browse panel (seealso Section 1.3).

Opening corresponding screens

Figure 1.58. Opening corresponding screens

  1. Browse panel: Project node of the file TreesSM.imdi

  2. Content panel: Project screen (of the file TreesSM.imdi)

The IMDI Editor screens are structured in the following ways:

There are two options for navigating through the Content panel:

  1. You can use the mouse: click with the mouse into a field (to enter information), on a sub-screen header (to activate the corresponding sub-screen) or on a button (to execute the corresponding command).

  2. Alternatively, you can use the following shortcut keys.

    • Press TAB to move to the next field or button.

    • Press SHIFT+TAB to move to the previous field or button.

    • When a button is highlighted, press SPACE to execute the corresponding command.

    • Press the left or right arrow key to move from sub-screen to sub-screen header.