2.5.4. Sources

Each source (e.g., video or audio tapes, or books) associated with the session has to be listed on the Sources screen. To add a source (see also Section 1.3), do the following:

Add a source

Figure 2.36. Add a source

  1. The list of sources

  2. Click on Add to add another source. To edit or remove a source, click on the source to highlight it, then click on Edit or Remove

The Add and Edit buttons give you access to the Source screen that contains the following kind of information:

Add and edit a source

Figure 2.37. Add and edit a source

  1. Source screen (see Section

  2. Position (see Section

  3. Resource Reference (see Section

  4. Access (see Section

  5. Keys (see Section

  6. Descriptions (see Section Source

This screen contains general information about the source, i.e.:

  • Source ID

    A short code to identify the source.


    Note for researchers working at the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen: Please consult the tape labeling conventions.

  • Format

    The physical storage format of the source. Choose a value from the pull-down menu, or type in an alternative value.

    CCCompact Cassette (i.e., normal audio cassette)
    CDCompact Disc
    CDROMCompact Disc - Read-Only Memory
    DATDigital Audio Tape
    MDMini Disc
    ReelReel-to-reel tape
    DVDDigital Video Disc
    DVDROMDigital Video Disc - Read-Only Memory
    Hi8Hi8 Video Tape
    VHSVHS Video Tape
    DVDigital Video
    U-maticU-matic Tape
    BookA publication on paper
    MicroficheA film card
  • Quality

    The quality of the tape. Choose an option from the pull-down menu (1 stands for low and 5 for high quality). Position

The start/end position of the session in the corresponding source. Please enter this position in the following formats:

  • In the case of digital audio tapes use the field Time Position: enter hh:mm:ss (i.e., hours:minutes:seconds).

  • In the case of digital video tapes use the field Time Position: enter hh:mm:ss:f (i.e., hours:minutes:seconds:frames).

  • In the case of non-digital tapes and books, use the field Counter Position: enter a sequence of digits to represent the counter position (of a tape) or the page numbers (of a book).


Note for researchers working at the MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen: If you have asked the digitization team to digitize your tape, the team will create a digital master file (DMF) from it. You then need to go through this DMF (using either Windows Media Player or ELAN) to identify the relevant session: enter the start and end position of this session (as it appears on this DMF) under Position. The digitization team will then segment the DMF further according to these specifications, and create the appropriate media file. Resource References

The IMDI Editor automatically assigns a unique resource identifier to each media file and written resource (see Section 2.5). The sub-screen Resource References lists all available resource identifiers: it displays the identifier together with the type of resource (e.g., 'N10155 (Media File)' in the screenshot below), and it displays an empty box to the left.

Resource reference

Figure 2.38. Resource reference

The sub-screen Resource References now allows you to link the source to a specific media file or written resource. E.g., a source may only be connected to the media files (e.g., 'N10155 (Media File)' and 'N10198 (Media File)'), but not to a written resource. To link a resource, click into the empty box to its left. A checkmark will appear there. Access

Information about the access rights to the source. See Section A.3 for instructions on how to fill in an Access schema. Keys

Keywords that are relevant to the source. See Section A.2 for instructions on how to fill in a Keys schema. Descriptions

A description of the source. See Section A.1 for instructions on how to fill in a Descriptions schema. Remember: The field Language refers to the language in which the description is written - not to the language under investigation.