Displaying 1 - 100 of 9474
Araújo, S., Reis, A., Faísca, L., & Petersson, K. M. (in press). Brain sensitivity to words and the “word recognition potential”. In D. Marques, & J. H. Toscano (
Eds. ), De las neurociencias a la neuropsicologia: el estúdio del cerebro humano. Barranquilla, Colombia: Corporación Universitaria Reformada. -
Bauer, B. L. M. (in press). Evolution of counting systems. In E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. É. Kiss, A. Ledgeway, J. Salmon, & A. Simonenko (
Eds. ), Wiley Blackwell companion to diachronic linguistics. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. -
Bauer, B. L. M. (in press). Latin varieties and the study of language. Social stratification in language evolution. In Latin vulgaire - latin tardif XIV. Turnhout: Brepols.
Bethke, S., Meyer, A. S., & Hintz, F. (in press). The German Auditory and Image (GAudI) vocabulary test: A new German receptive vocabulary test and its relationships to other tests measuring linguistic experience. PLOS ONE.
Humans acquire word knowledge through producing and comprehending spoken and written language. Word learning continues into adulthood and knowledge accumulates across the lifespan. Therefore, receptive vocabulary size is often conceived of as a proxy for linguistic experience and plays a central role in assessing individuals’ language proficiency. There is currently no valid open access test available for assessing receptive vocabulary size in German-speaking adults. We addressed this gap and developed the German Auditory and Image Vocabulary Test (GAudI). In the GAudI, participants are presented with spoken test words and have to indicate their meanings by selecting the corresponding picture from a set of four alternatives. Here we describe the development of the test and provide evidence for its validity. Specifically, we report a study in which 168 German-speaking participants completed the GAudI and five other tests tapping into linguistic experience: one test measuring print exposure, two tests measuring productive vocabulary, one test assessing knowledge of book language grammar, and a test of receptive vocabulary that was normed in adolescents. The psychometric properties of the GAudI and its relationships to the other tests demonstrate that it is a suitable tool for measuring receptive vocabulary size. We offer an open-access digital test environment that can be used for research purposes, accessible via https://ems13.mpi.nl/bq4_customizable_de/researchers_welcome.php. -
Brehm, L., Kennis, N., & Bergmann, C. (in press). When is a ranana a banana? Disentangling the mechanisms of error repair and word learning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Defina, R. (in press). Tense, aspect, and mood in Avatime. Afrika und Übersee.
The Ghana-Togo Mountain languages are a typologically distinct group of languages within the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Until recently, they have received very little documentary attention, and are still greatly under-described. Where there is information regarding the tense, aspect, and mood system, Ghana-Togo Mountain languages are described as tense and aspect prominent. In contrast, Kwa languages are typically aspect and mood prominent, with little to no grammatical tense marking. Is the apparent greater emphasis on tense one of the typological features that separates the Ghana- Togo Mountain languages from the other Kwa languages? Or has tense been overrepresented due to the lack of description? In the case of Avatime, it is the latter. Previous accounts have described Avatime with a strong focus on tense. However, when the semantics are considered in more detail, we see that none of the forms contains an inherent specification for tense. While there is often a default interpretation in the past, present or future, this default can easily be overridden. Thus, Avatime has a typical Kwa system with a focus on aspect and mood and no grammatical tense. -
Fekonja, L. S., Forkel, S. J., Baran Aydogan, D., Lioumis, P., Cacciola, A., Weiß Lucas, C., Tournier, J. D., Vergani, F., Schenk, R., Shams, B., Engelhardt, M. J., & Picht, T. (in press). Translational Network Neuroscience: 9 Roadblocks and possible solutions. Network Neuroscience.
Forkel, S. J. (in press). Disrupted dialoagues: The impact of social media fragmentation on science communication. Cortex.
Hagoort, P. (in press). Fodor, Bruner and beyond. Human Arenas: The Max Planck Papers.
Hammarström, H., & Parkvall, M. (in press). Basic Constituent Order in Pidgin and Creole Languages: Inheritance or Universals? Journal of Language Contact.
Hintz, F., Dijkhuis, M., Van 't Hoff, V., Huijsmans, M., Kievit, R. A., McQueen, J. M., & Meyer, A. S. (in press). Evaluating the factor structure of the Dutch Individual Differences in Language Skills (IDLaS-NL) test battery. Brain Research.
Individual differences in using language are prevalent in our daily lives. Language skills are often assessed in vocational (predominantly written language) and diagnostic contexts. Not much is known, however, about individual differences in spoken language skills. The lack of research is in part due to the lack of suitable test instruments. We introduce the Individual Differences in Language Skills (IDLaS-NL) test battery, a set of 31 behavioural tests that can be used to capture variability in language and relevant general cognitive skills in adult speakers of Dutch. The battery was designed to measure word and sentence production and comprehension skills, linguistic knowledge, nonverbal processing speed, working memory, and nonverbal reasoning. The present article outlines the structure of the battery, describes the materials and procedure of each test, and evaluates the battery’s factor structure based on the results of a sample of 748 Dutch adults, aged between 18 and 30 years, most of them students. The analyses demonstrate that the battery has good construct validity and can be reliably administered both in the lab and via the internet. We therefore recommend the battery as a valuable new tool to assess individual differences in language knowledge and skills; this future work may include linking language skills to other aspects of human cognition and life outcomes. -
Hömke, P., Levinson, S. C., Emmendorfer, A. K., & Holler, J. (in press). Eyebrow movements as signals of communicative problems in human face-to-face interaction. Royal Society Open Science.
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Kabak, B., & Zora, H. (in press). Psycholinguistics and Turkish: Prosodic representations and processing. In L. Johanson (
Ed. ), Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.Abstract
Psycholinguistic investigations provide invaluable empirical utility in theorizing and typologizing phonological phenomena. Instrumental approaches to the sound structure of Turkish have proven to be no exception here, contributing independent and multi-faceted evidence towards theory building and testing. Two areas of Turkish phonology in relation to suprasegmental structure and prominence patterns, namely word-level prosody (Section 2) and prominence and rhythmic phenomena at the level of the sentence and beyond (Section 3) have particularly fueled psycholinguistically motivated empirical studies. This chapter will approach representational and processing-related issues in each of these and provide a review of pertinent perception and production studies, touching upon phonetic and developmental investigations insofar as they have implications for mental representations or processing. -
Mishra, C., Skantze, G., Hagoort, P., & Verdonschot, R. G. (in press). Perception of emotions in human and robot faces: Is the eye region enough? In S. S. Ge, Z. Luo, Y. Wang, H. Samani, R. Ji, & H. He (
Eds. ), Social Robotics: 16th International Conference, ICSR + BioMed 2024, Singapore, Singapore, August 16–18, 2024, Proceedings. New York: Springer. -
O’Meara, C., Kung, S. S., & Majid, A. (in press). The challenge of olfactory ideophones: Reconsidering ineffability from the Totonac-Tepehua perspective. International Journal of American Linguistics.
Özyürek, A. (in press). Multimodal language, diversity and neuro-cognition. In D. Bradley, K. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, C. Hamans, I.-H. Lee, & F. Steurs (
Eds. ), Contemporary Linguistics Integrating Languages, Communities, and Technologies: Special edition prepared for the participants of the 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL). BRILL Press. -
Rubio-Fernandez, P. (in press). Cultural evolutionary pragmatics: An empirical approach to the relation between language and social cognition. In B. Geurts, & R. Moore (
Eds. ), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -
Slonimska, A., & Özyürek, A. (in press). Methods to study evolution of iconicity in sign languages. In L. Raviv, & C. Boeckx (
Eds. ), The Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -
Snijders, T. M., & Menn, K. H. (in press). Maturational constraints on tracking of temporal attention in infant language acquisition. In L. Meyer, & A. Strauss (
Eds. ), Rhythms of Speech and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Additional information
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Ter Bekke, M., Drijvers, L., & Holler, J. (in press). Co-speech hand gestures are used to predict upcoming meaning. Psychological Science.
Tilston, O., Holler, J., & Bangerter, A. (in press). Opening social interactions: The coordination of approach, gaze, speech and handshakes during greetings. Cognitive Science.
Trujillo, J. P., Dyer, R., & Holler, J. (in press). Dyadic differences in empathy scores are associated with kinematic similarity during conversational question-answer pairs. Discourse Processes.
Ünal, E., Kırbaşoğlu, K., Karadöller, D. Z., Sumer, B., & Özyürek, A. (in press). Gesture reduces mapping difficulties in the development of spatial language depending on the complexity of spatial relations. Cognitive Science.
De Vos, C. (in press). Language of perception in Kata Kolok. In A. Majid, & S. C. Levinson (
Eds. ), The Oxford Handbook of the Language of Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Abstract
This study describes the sensory lexicon on the domains of colour, taste, shape, smell and touch of a rural sign language called Kata Kolok (KK). Taste was highly codable for Kata Kolok signers, who used a dedicated set of signs and facial expressions to indicate each of the taste stimuli. The second most codable perceptual domain was shape, for which signers often used classifiers and tracing gestures that reflected the shape of the object directly. Smell had a comparatively intermediate level of codability, but this was due, for the most part, to the use of evaluative terms. Although Kata Kolok has a dedicated set of colour signs, these leave large parts of the colour spectrum unnamed, resulting in low degrees of codability in this sensory domain. Unnamed colours were frequently described by iconic-indexical forms such as object labelling and pointing strategies. Touch was the least codable domain for Kata Kolok, which resulted in a wide range of iconically motivated constructions including a restricted set of domain-specific lexical signs, classifiers, tracing gestures, object labelling, and general evaluative terms. -
Alcock, K., Meints, K., & Rowland, C. F. (2025). Gesture screening in young infants: Highly sensitive to risk factors for communication delay. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 60(1): e13150. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.13150.
Children's early language and communication skills are efficiently measured using parent report, for example, communicative development inventories (CDIs). These have scalable potential to determine risk of later language delay, and associations between delay and risk factors such as prematurity and poverty. However, there may be measurement difficulties in parent reports, including anomalous directions of association between child age/socioeconomic status and reported language. Findings vary on whether parents may report older infants as having smaller vocabularies than younger infants, for example.
We analysed data from the UK Communicative Development Inventory (Words and Gestures); UK-CDI (W&G) to determine whether anomalous associations would be replicated in this population, and/or with gesture. In total 1204 families of children aged 8–18 months (598 girls, matched to UK population for income, parental education and ethnicity as far as possible) completed Vocabulary and Gesture scales of the UK-CDI (W&G).
Overall scores on the Gesture scale showed more significant relationships with biological risk factors including prematurity than did Vocabulary scores. Gesture also showed more straightforward relationships with social risk factors including income. Relationships between vocabulary and social risk factors were less straightforward; some at-risk groups reported higher vocabulary scores than other groups.
We conclude that vocabulary report may be less accurate than gesture for this age. Parents have greater knowledge of language than gesture milestones, hence may report expectations for vocabulary, not observed vocabulary. We also conclude that gesture should be included in early language scales partly because of its greater, more straightforward association with many risk factors for language delay.
Bruggeman, L., Kidd, E., Nordlinger, R., & Cutler, A. (2025). Incremental processing in a polysynthetic language (Murrinhpatha). Cognition, 257: 106075. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2025.106075.
Language processing is rapidly incremental, but evidence bearing upon this assumption comes from very few languages. In this paper we report on a study of incremental processing in Murrinhpatha, a polysynthetic Australian language, which expresses complex sentence-level meanings in a single verb, the full meaning of which is not clear until the final morph. Forty native Murrinhpatha speakers participated in a visual world eyetracking experiment in which they viewed two complex scenes as they heard a verb describing one of the scenes. The scenes were selected so that the verb describing the target scene had either no overlap with a possible description of the competitor image, or overlapped from the start (onset overlap) or at the end of the verb (rhyme overlap). The results showed that, despite meaning only being clear at the end of the verb, Murrinhpatha speakers made incremental predictions that differed across conditions. The findings demonstrate that processing in polysynthetic languages is rapid and incremental, yet unlike in commonly studied languages like English, speakers make parsing predictions based on information associated with bound morphs rather than discrete words. -
Ciulkinyte, A., Mountford, H. S., Fontanillas, P., 23andMe Research Team, Bates, T. C., Martin, N. G., Fisher, S. E., & Luciano, M. (2025). Genetic neurodevelopmental clustering and dyslexia. Molecular Psychiatry, 30, 140-150. doi:10.1038/s41380-024-02649-8.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty with neurodevelopmental origins, manifesting as reduced accuracy and speed in reading and spelling. It is substantially heritable and frequently co-occurs with other neurodevelopmental conditions, particularly attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Here, we investigate the genetic structure underlying dyslexia and a range of psychiatric traits using results from genome-wide association studies of dyslexia, ADHD, autism, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder,
schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome. Genomic Structural Equation Modelling (GenomicSEM) showed heightened support for a model consisting of five correlated latent genomic factors described as: F1) compulsive disorders (including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, Tourette syndrome), F2) psychotic disorder (including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia), F3) internalising disorders (including anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder), F4) neurodevelopmental traits (including autism, ADHD), and F5) attention and learning difficulties (including ADHD, dyslexia). ADHD loaded more strongly on the attention and learning difficulties latent factor (F5) than on the neurodevelopmental traits latent factor (F4). The attention and learning difficulties latent factor (F5) was positively correlated with internalising disorders (.40), neurodevelopmental traits (.25) and psychotic disorders (.17) latent factors, and negatively correlated with the compulsive disorders (–.16) latent factor. These factor correlations are mirrored in genetic correlations observed between the attention and learning difficulties latent factor and other cognitive, psychological and wellbeing traits. We further investigated genetic variants underlying both dyslexia and ADHD, which implicated 49 loci (40 not previously found in GWAS of the individual traits) mapping to 174 genes (121 not found in GWAS of individual traits) as potential pleiotropic variants. Our study confirms the increased genetic relation between dyslexia and ADHD versus other psychiatric traits and uncovers novel pleiotropic variants affecting both traits. In future, analyses including additional co-occurring traits such as dyscalculia and dyspraxia will allow a clearer definition of the attention and learning difficulties latent factor, yielding further insights into factor structure and pleiotropic effects. -
Coopmans, C. W., De Hoop, H., Tezcan, F., Hagoort, P., & Martin, A. E. (2025). Language-specific neural dynamics extend syntax into the time domain. PLOS Biology, 23: e3002968. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002968.
Studies of perception have long shown that the brain adds information to its sensory analysis of the physical environment. A touchstone example for humans is language use: to comprehend a physical signal like speech, the brain must add linguistic knowledge, including syntax. Yet, syntactic rules and representations are widely assumed to be atemporal (i.e., abstract and not bound by time), so they must be translated into time-varying signals for speech comprehension and production. Here, we test 3 different models of the temporal spell-out of syntactic structure against brain activity of people listening to Dutch stories: an integratory bottom-up parser, a predictive top-down parser, and a mildly predictive left-corner parser. These models build exactly the same structure but differ in when syntactic information is added by the brain—this difference is captured in the (temporal distribution of the) complexity metric “incremental node count.” Using temporal response function models with both acoustic and information-theoretic control predictors, node counts were regressed against source-reconstructed delta-band activity acquired with magnetoencephalography. Neural dynamics in left frontal and temporal regions most strongly reflect node counts derived by the top-down method, which postulates syntax early in time, suggesting that predictive structure building is an important component of Dutch sentence comprehension. The absence of strong effects of the left-corner model further suggests that its mildly predictive strategy does not represent Dutch language comprehension well, in contrast to what has been found for English. Understanding when the brain projects its knowledge of syntax onto speech, and whether this is done in language-specific ways, will inform and constrain the development of mechanistic models of syntactic structure building in the brain. -
Donnelly, S., Kidd, E., Verkuilen, J., & Rowland, C. F. (2025). The separability of early vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Journal of Memory and Language, 141: 104586. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2024.104586.
A long-standing question in language development concerns the nature of the relationship between early lexical and grammatical knowledge. The very strong correlation between the two has led some to argue that lexical and grammatical knowledge may be inseparable, consistent with psycholinguistic theories that eschew a distinction between the two systems. However, little research has explicitly examined whether early lexical and grammatical knowledge are statistically separable. Moreover, there are two under-appreciated methodological challenges in such research. First, the relationship between lexical and grammatical knowledge may change during development. Second, non-linear mappings between true and observed scores on scales of lexical and grammatical knowledge could lead to spurious multidimensionality. In the present study, we overcome these challenges by using vocabulary and grammar data from several developmental time points and a statistical method robust to such non-linear mappings. In Study 1, we examined item-level vocabulary and grammar data from two American English samples from a large online repository of data from studies employing a commonly used language development scale. We found clear evidence that vocabulary and grammar were separable by two years of age. In Study 2, we combined data from two longitudinal studies of language acquisition that used the same scale (at 18/19, 21, 24 and 30 months) and found evidence that vocabulary and grammar were, under some conditions, separable by 18 months. Results indicate that, while there is clearly a very strong relationship between vocabulary and grammar knowledge in early language development, the two are separable. Implications for the mechanisms underlying language development are discussed. -
Drijvers, L., Small, S. L., & Skipper, J. I. (2025). Language is widely distributed throughout the brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. Advance online publication. doi:10.1038/s41583-024-00903-0.
Dulyan, L., Guzmán Chacón, E. G., & Forkel, S. J. (2025). Navigating neuroanatomy. In J. H. Grafman (
Ed. ), Encyclopedia of the human brain (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier.Abstract
This chapter introduces the origins and development of our current anatomical terminology. It scrutinizes the historical evolution and etymological significance of the over 1900 official anatomical terms in the current nomenclature, underscoring their impact on the contemporary comprehension of cognitive neuroanatomy. The chapter traces unification efforts from the Basel Nomina Anatomica in 1895 to the 1998 Terminologia Anatomica, noting challenges arising from outdated terminology in light of recent anatomical advancements.
Highlighting the influence of terminologies on interpretations of brain anatomy, the chapter explores several anatomical mapping methods such as surface, sectional, connectional, and functional anatomy. It illuminates discrepancies and controversies, exemplified by divergent interpretations of the number of brain lobes and the definitions of 'Broca' and 'Wernicke' areas.
The chapter explores anatomical terms' historical and cultural underpinnings, encompassing mythonyms, eponyms, and cultural influences on nomenclature. It critically examines the implications of these terminologies on contemporary research and shows that Large Language Models mirror these discrepancies. It underscores the need for more inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches in anatomical education.
Lastly, we advocate for updating anatomical nomenclature, suggesting that a deeper understanding of these terminologies could provide insights and aid in resolving ongoing debates in the field. This examination sheds light on historical knowledge and emphasizes the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and anatomy in shaping our comprehension of the neurobiology of the brain and how we navigate neuroanatomy in the 21st century. -
Dylman, A. S., Champoux-Larsson, M.-F., & Frances, C. (2025). Prosody! When intonation helps and there is an effect… on listening comprehension in children. Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/01443410.2024.2446778.
We report four experiments investigating the effect of prosody on listening comprehension in 11-13-year-old children. Across all experiments, participants listened to short object descriptions and answered content-based questions about said objects. In Experiments 1-3, the descriptions were read in an emotionally positive or neutral tone of voice. In Experiment 4, the descriptions were read by a neutral human voice or by text-to-speech software. The results from Experiments 1-3 consistently showed higher accuracy (i.e. more correct answers to the questions) when the descriptions were read using positive prosody. Experiment 4 found higher accuracy for the human voice compared to the text-to-speech recordings. The human voice was also rated as more pleasant and easier to understand than the text-to-speech voice. In sum, this study found that positive, compared to neutral, prosody, and a human voice, compared to artificial speech synthesis, can improve listening comprehension, showcasing the role of prosody in listening comprehension. -
Emmendorfer, A. K., & Holler, J. (2025). Facial signals shape predictions about the nature of upcoming conversational responses. Scientific Reports, 15: 1381. doi:10.1038/s41598-025-85192-y.
Increasing evidence suggests that interlocutors use visual communicative signals to form predictions about unfolding utterances, but there is little data on the predictive potential of facial signals in conversation. In an online experiment with virtual agents, we examine whether facial signals produced by an addressee may allow speakers to anticipate the response to a question before it is given. Participants (n = 80) viewed videos of short conversation fragments between two virtual humans. Each fragment ended with the Questioner asking a question, followed by a pause during which the Responder looked either straight at the Questioner (baseline), or averted their gaze, or accompanied the straight gaze with one of the following facial signals: brow raise, brow frown, nose wrinkle, smile, squint, mouth corner pulled back (dimpler). Participants then indicated on a 6-point scale whether they expected a “yes” or “no” response. Analyses revealed that all signals received different ratings relative to the baseline: brow raises, dimplers, and smiles were associated with more positive responses, gaze aversions, brow frowns, nose wrinkles, and squints with more negative responses. Qur findings show that interlocutors may form strong associations between facial signals and upcoming responses to questions, highlighting their predictive potential in face-to-face conversation.Additional information
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Esmer, Ş. C., Turan, E., Karadöller, D. Z., & Göksun, T. (2025). Sources of variation in preschoolers’ relational reasoning: The interaction between language use and working memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 252: 106149. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106149.
Previous research has suggested the importance of relational language and working memory in children’s relational reasoning. The tendency to use language (e.g., using more relational than object-focused language, prioritizing focal objects over background in linguistic descriptions) could reflect children’s biases toward the relational versus object-based solutions in a relational match-to-sample (RMTS) task. In the lack of any apparent object match as a foil option, object-focused children might rely on other cognitive mechanisms (i.e., working memory) to choose a relational match in the RMTS task. The current study examined the interactive roles of language- and working memory-related sources of variation in Turkish-learning preschoolers’ relational reasoning. We collected data from 4- and 5-year-olds (N = 41) via Zoom in the RMTS task, a scene description task, and a backward word span task. Generalized binomial mixed effects models revealed that children who used more relational language and background-focused scene descriptions performed worse in the relational reasoning task. Furthermore, children with less frequent relational language use and focal object descriptions of the scenes benefited more from working memory to succeed in the relational reasoning task. These results suggest additional working memory demands for object-focused children to choose relational matches in the RMTS task, highlighting the importance of examining the interactive effects of different cognitive mechanisms on relational reasoning.Additional information
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Ferrari, A., & Hagoort, P. (2025). Beat gestures and prosodic prominence interactively influence language comprehension. Cognition, 256: 106049. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106049.
Face-to-face communication is not only about ‘what’ is said but also ‘how’ it is said, both in speech and bodily signals. Beat gestures are rhythmic hand movements that typically accompany prosodic prominence in con-versation. Yet, it is still unclear how beat gestures influence language comprehension. On the one hand, beat gestures may share the same functional role of focus markers as prosodic prominence. Accordingly, they would drive attention towards the concurrent speech and highlight its content. On the other hand, beat gestures may trigger inferences of high speaker confidence, generate the expectation that the sentence content is correct and thereby elicit the commitment to the truth of the statement. This study directly disentangled the two hypotheses by evaluating additive and interactive effects of prosodic prominence and beat gestures on language comprehension. Participants watched videos of a speaker uttering sentences and judged whether each sentence was true or false. Sentences sometimes contained a world knowledge violation that may go unnoticed (‘semantic illusion’). Combining beat gestures with prosodic prominence led to a higher degree of semantic illusion, making more world knowledge violations go unnoticed during language comprehension. These results challenge current theories proposing that beat gestures are visual focus markers. To the contrary, they suggest that beat gestures automatically trigger inferences of high speaker confidence and thereby elicit the commitment to the truth of the statement, in line with Grice’s cooperative principle in conversation. More broadly, our findings also highlight the influence of metacognition on language comprehension in face-to-face ommunication. -
Galke, L., & Raviv, L. (2025). Learning and communication pressures in neural networks: Lessons from emergent communication. Language Development Research, 5(1), 116-143. doi:10.34842/3vr5-5r49.
Finding and facilitating commonalities between the linguistic behaviors of large language models and humans could lead to major breakthroughs in our understanding of the acquisition, processing, and evolution of language. However, most findings on human–LLM similarity can be attributed to training on human data. The field of emergent machine-to-machine communication provides an ideal testbed for discovering which pressures are neural agents naturally exposed to when learning to communicate in isolation, without any human language to start with. Here, we review three cases where mismatches between the emergent linguistic behavior of neural agents and humans were resolved thanks to introducing theoretically-motivated inductive biases. By contrasting humans, large language models, and emergent communication agents, we then identify key pressures at play for language learning and emergence: communicative success, production effort, learnability, and other psycho-/sociolinguistic factors. We discuss their implications and relevance to the field of language evolution and acquisition. By mapping out the necessary inductive biases that make agents' emergent languages more human-like, we not only shed light on the underlying principles of human cognition and communication, but also inform and improve the very use of these models as valuable scientific tools for studying language learning, processing, use, and representation more broadly. -
Goral, M., Antolovic, K., Hejazi, Z., & Schulz, F. M. (2025). Using a translanguaging framework to examine language production in a trilingual person with aphasia. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 39(1), 1-20. doi:10.1080/02699206.2024.2328240.
When language abilities in aphasia are assessed in clinical and research settings, the standard practice is to examine each language of a multilingual person separately. But many multilingual individuals, with and without aphasia, mix their languages regularly when they communicate with other speakers who share their languages. We applied a novel approach to scoring language production of a multilingual person with aphasia. Our aim was to discover whether the assessment outcome would differ meaningfully when we count accurate responses in only the target language of the assessment session versus when we apply a translanguaging framework, that is, count all accurate responses, regardless of the language in which they were produced. The participant is a Farsi-German-English speaking woman with chronic moderate aphasia. We examined the participant’s performance on two picture-naming tasks, an answering wh-question task, and an elicited narrative task. The results demonstrated that scores in English, the participant’s third-learned and least-impaired language did not differ between the two scoring methods. Performance in German, the participant’s moderately impaired second language benefited from translanguaging-based scoring across the board. In Farsi, her weakest language post-CVA, the participant’s scores were higher under the translanguaging-based scoring approach in some but not all of the tasks. Our findings suggest that whether a translanguaging-based scoring makes a difference in the results obtained depends on relative language abilities and on pragmatic constraints, with additional influence of the linguistic distances between the languages in question. -
Hegemann, L., Eilertsen, E., Hagen Pettersen, J., Corfield, E. C., Cheesman, R., Frach, L., Daae Bjørndal, L., Ask, H., St Pourcain, B., Havdahl, A., & Hannigan, L. J. (2025). Direct and indirect genetic effects on early neurodevelopmental traits. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/jcpp.14122.
Neurodevelopmental conditions are highly heritable. Recent studies have shown that genomic heritability estimates can be confounded by genetic effects mediated via the environment (indirect genetic effects). However, the relative importance of direct versus indirect genetic effects on early variability in traits related to neurodevelopmental conditions is unknown.
The sample included up to 24,692 parent-offspring trios from the Norwegian MoBa cohort. We use Trio-GCTA to estimate latent direct and indirect genetic effects on mother-reported neurodevelopmental traits at age of 3 years (restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests, inattention, hyperactivity, language, social, and motor development). Further, we investigate to what extent direct and indirect effects are attributable to common genetic variants associated with autism, ADHD, developmental dyslexia, educational attainment, and cognitive ability using polygenic scores (PGS) in regression modeling.
We find evidence for contributions of direct and indirect latent common genetic effects to inattention (direct: explaining 4.8% of variance, indirect: 6.7%) hyperactivity (direct: 1.3%, indirect: 9.6%), and restricted and repetitive behaviors (direct: 0.8%, indirect: 7.3%). Direct effects best explained variation in social and communication, language, and motor development (5.1%–5.7%). Direct genetic effects on inattention were captured by PGS for ADHD, educational attainment, and cognitive ability, whereas direct genetic effects on language development were captured by cognitive ability, educational attainment, and autism PGS. Indirect genetic effects on neurodevelopmental traits were primarily captured by educational attainment and/or cognitive ability PGS.
Results were consistent with differential contributions to neurodevelopmental traits in early childhood from direct and indirect genetic effects. Indirect effects were particularly important for hyperactivity and restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests and may be linked to genetic variation associated with cognition and educational attainment. Our findings illustrate the importance of within-family methods for disentangling genetic processes that influence early neurodevelopmental traits, even when identifiable associations are small.
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Kram, L., Neu, B., Ohlerth, A.-K., Schroeder, A., Meyer, B., Krieg, S. M., & Ille, S. (2025). The impact of linguistic complexity on feasibility and reliability of language mapping in aphasic glioma patients. Brain and Language, 262: 105534. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2025.105534.
Reliable language mappings require sufficient language skills. This study evaluated whether linguistic task properties impact feasibility and reliability of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS)-based language mappings in aphasic glioma patients.
The effect of linguistic complexity on naming accuracy during baseline testing without stimulation and on the number of errors during nTMS was evaluated for 16 moderately and 4 severely expressive aphasic patients.
During baseline, items acquired later in life and used less frequently, a higher amount of multisyllabic, compound, and inanimate items were named inaccurately. Even after removing these more complex items, less frequent and multisyllabic items were more error-prone during stimulation.
Higher linguistic item complexity was associated with decreased naming accuracy during baseline and resulted in a potentially higher false positive rate during nTMS in aphasic glioma patients. Thus, tailoring task complexity to individual performance capabilities may considerably support the preservation of residual functionality. -
McConnell, K., Hintz, F., & Meyer, A. S. (2025). Individual differences in online research: Comparing lab-based and online administration of a psycholinguistic battery of linguistic and domain-general skills. Behavior Research Methods, 57: 22. doi:10.3758/s13428-024-02533-x.
Experimental psychologists and psycholinguists increasingly turn to online research for data collection due to the ease of sampling many diverse participants in parallel. Online research has shown promising validity and consistency, but is it suitable for all paradigms? Specifically, is it reliable enough for individual differences research? The current paper reports performance on 15 tasks from a psycholinguistic individual differences battery, including timed and untimed assessments of linguistic abilities, as well as domain-general skills. From a demographically homogenous sample of young Dutch people, 149 participants participated in the lab study, and 515 participated online. Our results indicate that there is no reason to assume that participants tested online will underperform compared to lab-based testing, though they highlight the importance of motivation and the potential for external help (e.g., through looking up answers) online. Overall, we conclude that there is reason for optimism in the future of online research into individual differences. -
Morales, A. E., Dong, Y., Brown, T., Baid, K., Kontopoulos, D.-.-G., Gonzalez, V., Huang, Z., Ahmed, A.-W., Bhuinya, A., Hilgers, L., Winkler, S., Hughes, G., Li, X., Lu, P., Yang, Y., Kirilenko, B. M., Devanna, P., Lama, T. M., Nissan, Y., Pippel, M. Morales, A. E., Dong, Y., Brown, T., Baid, K., Kontopoulos, D.-.-G., Gonzalez, V., Huang, Z., Ahmed, A.-W., Bhuinya, A., Hilgers, L., Winkler, S., Hughes, G., Li, X., Lu, P., Yang, Y., Kirilenko, B. M., Devanna, P., Lama, T. M., Nissan, Y., Pippel, M., Dávalos, L. M., Vernes, S. C., Puechmaille, S. J., Rossiter, S. J., Yovel, Y., Prescott, J. B., Kurth, A., Ray, D. A., Lim, B. K., Myers, E., Teeling, E. C., Banerjee, A., Irving, A. T., & Hiller, M. (2025). Bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance. Nature. Advance online publication. doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08471-0.
Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans. Bats have been suggested to harbour more zoonotic viruses than any other mammalian order1. Infections in bats are largely asymptomatic2,3, indicating limited tissue-damaging inflammation and immunopathology. To investigate the genomic basis of disease resistance, the Bat1K project generated reference-quality genomes of ten bat species, including potential viral reservoirs. Here we describe a systematic analysis covering 115 mammalian genomes that revealed that signatures of selection in immune genes are more prevalent in bats than in other mammalian orders. We found an excess of immune gene adaptations in the ancestral chiropteran branch and in many descending bat lineages, highlighting viral entry and detection factors, and regulators of antiviral and inflammatory responses. ISG15, which is an antiviral gene contributing to hyperinflammation during COVID-19 (refs. 4,5), exhibits key residue changes in rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats. Cellular infection experiments show species-specific antiviral differences and an essential role of protein conjugation in antiviral function of bat ISG15, separate from its role in secretion and inflammation in humans. Furthermore, in contrast to humans, ISG15 in most rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats has strong anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity. Our work reveals molecular mechanisms that contribute to viral tolerance and disease resistance in bats.Additional information
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Muhinyi, A., Stewart, A. J., & Rowland, C. F. (2025). Encouraging use of complex language in preschoolers: A classroom-based storybook intervention study. Language Learning and Development. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/15475441.2024.2443447.
Preschoolers’ exposure to abstract language (i.e. talk beyond the here and now) during shared reading is associated with language development. This randomized intervention study tested whether preschoolers’ repeated exposure to simple and complex stories (as defined by the inferential demands of the story), and the extratextual talk associated with such stories, would lead to differences in language production during shared reading and to differential gains in vocabulary and narrative skills post intervention. An experimenter read scripted stories to 34 children (3;07–4;11) assigned to one of two story conditions (simple or complex) in small-groups, twice weekly over six weeks. Results showed that children in the complex story condition produced more complex language (as indexed by their mean length of utterance, use of mental and communication verbs, and use of subordinate clauses). However, post-intervention, children’s vocabulary and narrative skills did not differ between conditions. Specific kinds of stories and corresponding extratextual talk by adults may not only increase children’s exposure to rich and challenging input from the extratextual talk, but can also provide valuable opportunities for children to produce complex language. Theoretical and methodological implications are also discussed. -
Norris, D., & McQueen, J. M. (2025). Why might there be lexical-prelexical feedback in speech recognition? Cognition, 255: 106025. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106025.
In reply to Magnuson, Crinnion, Luthra, Gaston, and Grubb (2023), we challenge their conclusion that on-line activation feedback improves word recognition. This type of feedback is instantiated in the TRACE model (McClelland & Elman, 1986) as top-down spread of activation from lexical to phoneme nodes. We give two main reasons why Magnuson et al.'s demonstration that activation feedback speeds up word recognition in TRACE is not informative about whether activation feedback helps humans recognize words. First, the same speed-up could be achieved by changing other parameters in TRACE. Second, more fundamentally, there is room for improvement in TRACE's performance only because the model, unlike Bayesian models, is suboptimal. We also challenge Magnuson et al.'s claim that the available empirical data support activation feedback. The data they base this claim on are open to alternative explanations and there are data against activation feedback that they do not discuss. We argue, therefore, that there are no computational or empirical grounds to conclude that activation feedback benefits human spoken-word recognition and indeed no theoretical grounds why activation feedback would exist. Other types of feedback, for example feedback to support perceptual learning, likely do exist, precisely because they can help listeners recognize words. -
Özer, D., Özyürek, A., & Göksun, T. (2025). Spatial working memory is critical for gesture processing: Evidence from gestures with varying semantic links to speech. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Advance online publication. doi:10.3758/s13423-025-02642-4.
Gestures express redundant or complementary information to speech they accompany by depicting visual and spatial features of referents. In doing so, they recruit both spatial and verbal cognitive resources that underpin the processing of visual semantic information and its integration with speech. The relation between spatial and verbal skills and gesture comprehension, where gestures may serve different roles in relation to speech is yet to be explored. This study examined the role of spatial and verbal skills in processing gestures that expressed redundant or complementary information to speech during the comprehension of spatial relations between objects. Turkish-speaking adults (N=74) watched videos describing the spatial location of objects that involved perspective-taking (left-right) or not (on-under) with speech and gesture. Gestures either conveyed redundant information to speech (e.g., saying and gesturing “left”) or complemented the accompanying demonstrative in speech (e.g., saying “here,” gesturing “left”). We also measured participants’ spatial (the Corsi block span and the mental rotation tasks) and verbal skills (the digit span task). Our results revealed nuanced interactions between these skills and spatial language comprehension, depending on the modality in which the information was expressed. One insight emerged prominently. Spatial skills, particularly spatial working memory capacity, were related to enhanced comprehension of visual semantic information conveyed through gestures especially when this information was not present in the accompanying speech. This study highlights the critical role of spatial working memory in gesture processing and underscores the importance of examining the interplay among cognitive and contextual factors to understand the complex dynamics of multimodal language. -
Rubio-Fernandez, P. (2025). First acquiring articles in a second language: A new approach to the study of language and social cognition. Lingua, 313: 103851. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2024.103851.
Pragmatic phenomena are characterized by extreme variability, which makes it difficult to draw sound generalizations about the role of social cognition in pragmatic language by and large. I introduce cultural evolutionary pragmatics as a new framework for the study of the interdependence between language and social cognition, and point at the study of common-ground management across languages and ages as a way to test the reliance of pragmatic language on social cognition. I illustrate this new research line with three experiments on article use by second language speakers, whose mother tongue lacks articles. These L2 speakers are known to find article use challenging and it is often argued that their difficulties stem from articles being pragmatically redundant. Contrary to this view, the results of this exploratory study support the view that proficient article use requires automatizing basic socio-cognitive processes, offering a window into the interdependence between language and social cognition. -
Trujillo, J. P., & Holler, J. (2025). Multimodal information density is highest in question beginnings, and early entropy is associated with fewer but longer visual signals. Discourse Processes. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/0163853X.2024.2413314.
When engaged in spoken conversation, speakers convey meaning using both speech and visual signals, such as facial expressions and manual gestures. An important question is how information is distributed in utterances during face-to-face interaction when information from visual signals is also present. In a corpus of casual Dutch face-to-face conversations, we focus on spoken questions in particular because they occur frequently, thus constituting core building blocks of conversation. We quantified information density (i.e. lexical entropy and surprisal) and the number and relative duration of facial and manual signals. We tested whether lexical information density or the number of visual signals differed between the first and last halves of questions, as well as whether the number of visual signals occurring in the less-predictable portion of a question was associated with the lexical information density of the same portion of the question in a systematic manner. We found that information density, as well as number of visual signals, were higher in the first half of questions, and specifically lexical entropy was associated with fewer, but longer visual signals. The multimodal front-loading of questions and the complementary distribution of visual signals and high entropy words in Dutch casual face-to-face conversations may have implications for the parallel processes of utterance comprehension and response planning during turn-taking.Additional information
supplemental material -
Vágvölgy, R., Bergström, K., Bulajic, A., Rüsseler, J., Fernandes, T., Grosche, M., Klatte, M., Huettig, F., & Lachmann, T. (2025). The cognitive profile of adults with low literacy skills in alphabetic orthographies: A systematic review and comparison with developmental dyslexia. Educational Research Review, 46: 100659. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100659.
Dealing with text is crucial in modern societies. However, not everyone acquires sufficient literacy skills during school education. This systematic review summarizes and synthesizes research on adults with low literacy skills (ALLS) in alphabetic writing systems, includes results from behavioral and neurobiological studies, and compares these findings with those on developmental dyslexia given that this developmental disorder is one possible explanation for low literacy skills in adulthood. Twenty-seven studies focusing on the cognitive profile of ALLS met the three predefined criteria of reading level, age, and education. Results showed that ALLS performed worse than literate adults in various tasks at skill and information processing level, and exhibited structural and functional differences at the neurobiological level. The cognitive profile of ALLS was closer to that of primary school children than of literate adults. However, relative to children, ALLS’ literacy skills relied less on phonological and more on orthographic strategies. A narrative comparison of results with meta-analyses on developmental dyslexia showed large, though not complete, overlap in the cognitive profiles. The present results helps to better understand the literacy skills and reading-related cognitive functions of ALLS and may support the development of tailored interventions directed to the specific cognitive difficulties ALLS have.Additional information
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Van Geert, E., Ding, R., & Wagemans, J. (2025). A cross-cultural comparison of aesthetic preferences for neatly organized compositions: Native Chinese- versus Native Dutch-speaking samples. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 43(1), 250-275. doi:10.1177/02762374241245917.
Do aesthetic preferences for images of neatly organized compositions (e.g., images collected on blogs like Things Organized Neatly©) generalize across cultures? In an earlier study, focusing on stimulus and personal properties related to order and complexity, Western participants indicated their preference for one of two simultaneously presented images (100 pairs). In the current study, we compared the data of the native Dutch-speaking participants from this earlier sample (N = 356) to newly collected data from a native Chinese-speaking sample (N = 220). Overall, aesthetic preferences were quite similar across cultures. When relating preferences for each sample to ratings of order, complexity, soothingness, and fascination collected from a Western, mainly Dutch-speaking sample, the results hint at a cross-culturally consistent preference for images that Western participants rate as more ordered, but a cross-culturally diverse relation between preferences and complexity.Additional information
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Wanner-Kawahara, J., Yoshihara, M., Lupker, S. J., Verdonschot, R. G., & Nakayama, M. (2025). No morphological connections between L2 past-tense and present-tense verbs for low-proficient bilinguals: Evidence from masked priming. International Journal of Bilingualism. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/13670069241311022.
Aims and objectives:
Masked priming lexical decision research involving relatively high-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals suggests that past-tense and present-tense morphological connections (e.g., fell-FALL and looked-LOOK) are represented in their L2 (English) lexicons in a way that is similar to how they are represented in L1 (English) lexicons. The goal of the present research was to determine whether the same is true for low-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals.
Seventy-seven low-proficient Japanese–English bilinguals were tested in the masked priming lexical decision task. We manipulated the morphological or orthographic similarity between L2 English prime-target pairs.
Data and analysis:
We analyzed response latencies and error rates using (generalized) linear mixed-effects models.
Although participants responded significantly faster to targets preceded by past-tense primes (e.g., fell-FALL and looked-LOOK) when compared to unrelated primes (e.g., slow-FALL and danger-LOOK), those priming effects were the same size as priming effects produced by orthographically similar primes (e.g., fill-FALL and lonely-LOOK), suggesting that the facilitation from past-tense primes is likely orthographic in nature. Nevertheless, the low-proficient bilinguals showed significant L2-L2 repetition priming (e.g., fall-FALL and look-LOOK), suggesting that, for those individuals, L2 (English) words are at least represented at the lexical level.
The present study empirically confirmed a prediction, derived from a post hoc exploratory analysis in our previous research, that masked morphological priming effects are no larger than orthographic priming effects in low-proficient bilinguals. This indicates that a certain level of functional proficiency is required to observe morphological priming effects for Japanese–English bilinguals.
Our results suggest that morphological connections in L2 are not yet established for low-proficient bilinguals, even when L2 words are lexically represented in their mental lexicon. -
Yılmaz, B., Doğan, I., Karadöller, D. Z., Demir-Lira, Ö. E., & Göksun, T. (2025). Parental attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and the use of gestures in children’s math development. Cognitive Development, 73: 101531. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2024.101531.
Children vary in mathematical skills even before formal schooling. The current study investigated how parental math beliefs, parents’ math anxiety, and children's spontaneous gestures contribute to preschool-aged children’s math performance. Sixty-three Turkish-reared children (33 girls, Mage = 49.9 months, SD = 3.68) were assessed on verbal counting, cardinality, and arithmetic tasks (nonverbal and verbal). Results showed that parental math beliefs were related to children’s verbal counting, cardinality and arithmetic scores. Children whose parents have higher math beliefs along with low math anxiety scored highest in the cardinality task. Children’s gesture use was also related to lower cardinality performance and the relation between parental math beliefs and children’s performance became stronger when child gestures were absent. These findings highlight the importance of parent and child-related contributors in explaining the variability in preschool-aged children’s math skills. -
Yılmaz, B., Doğan, I., Karadöller, D. Z., Demir-Lira, Ö. E., & Göksun, T. (2025). Parental attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and the use of gestures in children’s math development. Cognitive Development, 73: 101531. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2024.101531.
Children vary in mathematical skills even before formal schooling. The current study investigated how parental math beliefs, parents’ math anxiety, and children's spontaneous gestures contribute to preschool-aged children’s math performance. Sixty-three Turkish-reared children (33 girls, Mage = 49.9 months, SD = 3.68) were assessed on verbal counting, cardinality, and arithmetic tasks (nonverbal and verbal). Results showed that parental math beliefs were related to children’s verbal counting, cardinality and arithmetic scores. Children whose parents have higher math beliefs along with low math anxiety scored highest in the cardinality task. Children’s gesture use was also related to lower cardinality performance and the relation between parental math beliefs and children’s performance became stronger when child gestures were absent. These findings highlight the importance of parent and child-related contributors in explaining the variability in preschool-aged children’s math skills.Additional information
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Ahn, D., & Ferreira, V. S. (2024). Shared vs separate structural representations: Evidence from cumulative cross-language structural priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(1), 174-190. doi:10.1177/17470218231160942.
How do bilingual speakers represent the information that guides the assembly of words into sentences for their two languages? The shared-syntax account argues that bilinguals have a single, shared representation of the sentence structures that exist in both languages. Structural priming has been shown to be equal within and across languages, providing support for the shared-syntax account. However, equivalent levels of structural priming within and across languages could be observed even if structural representations are separate and connected, due to frequent switches between languages, which is a property of standard structural priming paradigms. Here, we investigated whether cumulative structural priming (i.e., structural priming across blocks rather than trial-by-trial), which does not involve frequent switches between languages, also shows equivalent levels of structural priming within- and cross-languages. Mixed results point towards a possibility that cumulative structural priming can be more persistent within- compared to cross-languages, suggesting a separate-and-connected account of bilingual structural representations. We discuss these results in terms of the current literature on bilingual structural representations and highlight the value of diversity in paradigms and less-studied languages. -
Ahn, D., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2024). Structural representation in the native language after extended second-language immersion: Evidence from acceptability judgment and memory-recall. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Advance online publication. doi:10.1017/S1366728923000950.
Knowing the sentence structures (i.e., information that guides the assembly of words into sentences) is crucial in language knowledge. This knowledge must be stable for successful communication, but when learning another language that uses different structures, speakers must adjust their structural knowledge. Here, we examine how newly acquired second language (L2) knowledge influences first language (L1) structure knowledge. We compared two groups of Korean speakers: Korean-immersed speakers living in Korea (with little English exposure) versus English-immersed speakers who acquired English late and were living in the US (with more English exposure). We used acceptability judgment and sentence production tasks on Korean sentences in English and Korean word orders. Results suggest that acceptability and structural usage in L1 change after exposure to L2, but not in a way that matches L2 structures. Instead, L2 exposure might lead to increased difficulties in the selection and retrieval of word orders while using L1. -
Akamine, S., Ghaleb, E., Rasenberg, M., Fernandez, R., Meyer, A. S., & Özyürek, A. (2024). Speakers align both their gestures and words not only to establish but also to maintain reference to create shared labels for novel objects in interaction. In L. K. Samuelson, S. L. Frank, A. Mackey, & E. Hazeltine (
Eds. ), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024) (pp. 2435-2442).Abstract
When we communicate with others, we often repeat aspects of each other's communicative behavior such as sentence structures and words. Such behavioral alignment has been mostly studied for speech or text. Yet, language use is mostly multimodal, flexibly using speech and gestures to convey messages. Here, we explore the use of alignment in speech (words) and co-speech gestures (iconic gestures) in a referential communication task aimed at finding labels for novel objects in interaction. In particular, we investigate how people flexibly use lexical and gestural alignment to create shared labels for novel objects and whether alignment in speech and gesture are related over time. The present study shows that interlocutors establish shared labels multimodally, and alignment in words and iconic gestures are used throughout the interaction. We also show that the amount of lexical alignment positively associates with the amount of gestural alignment over time, suggesting a close relationship between alignment in the vocal and manual modalities.Additional information
link to eScholarship -
Alagöz, G., Eising, E., Mekki, Y., Bignardi, G., Fontanillas, P., 23andMe Research Team, Nivard, M. G., Luciano, M., Cox, N. J., Fisher, S. E., & Gordon, R. L. (2024). The shared genetic architecture and evolution of human language and musical rhythm. Nature Human Behaviour. Advance online publication. doi:10.1038/s41562-024-02051-y.
Rhythm and language-related traits are phenotypically correlated, but their genetic overlap is largely unknown. Here, we leveraged two large-scale genome-wide association studies performed to shed light on the shared genetics of rhythm (N=606,825) and dyslexia (N=1,138,870). Our results reveal an intricate shared genetic and neurobiological architecture, and lay groundwork for resolving longstanding debates about the potential co-evolution of human language and musical traits. -
Alispahic, S., Pellicano, E., Cutler, A., & Antoniou, M. (2024). Multiple talker processing in autistic adult listeners. Scientific Reports, 14: 14698. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62429-w.
Accommodating talker variability is a complex and multi-layered cognitive process. It involves shifting attention to the vocal characteristics of the talker as well as the linguistic content of their speech. Due to an interdependence between voice and phonological processing, multi-talker
environments typically incur additional processing costs compared to single-talker environments. A failure or inability to efficiently distribute attention over multiple acoustic cues in the speech signal
may have detrimental language learning consequences. Yet, no studies have examined effects of multi-talker processing in populations with atypical perceptual, social and language processing for communication, including autistic people. Employing a classic word-monitoring task, we investigated
effects of talker variability in Australian English autistic (n = 24) and non-autistic (n = 28) adults.
Listeners responded to target words (e.g., apple, duck, corn) in randomised sequences of words. Half of the sequences were spoken by a single talker and the other half by multiple talkers. Results revealed that autistic participants’ sensitivity scores to accurately-spotted target words did not differ to those
of non-autistic participants, regardless of whether they were spoken by a single or multiple talkers. As expected, the non-autistic group showed the well-established processing cost associated with talker
variability (e.g., slower response times). Remarkably, autistic listeners’ response times did not differ across single- or multi-talker conditions, indicating they did not show perceptual processing costs
when accommodating talker variability. The present findings have implications for theories of autistic perception and speech and language processing. -
Alvarez van Tussenbroek, I., Knörnschild, M., Nagy, M., Ten Cate, C. J., & Vernes, S. C. (2024). Morphological diversity in the brains of 12 Neotropical Bat species. Acta Chiropterologica, 25(2), 323-338. doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2023.25.2.011.
Comparative neurobiology allows us to investigate relationships between phylogeny and the brain and understand the evolution of traits. Bats constitute an attractive group of mammalian species for comparative studies, given their large diversity in behavioural phenotypes, brain morphology, and array of specialised traits. Currently, the order Chiroptera contains over 1,450 species within 21 families and spans ca. 65 million years of evolution. To date, 194 Neotropical bat species (ca. 13% of the total number of species around the world) have been recorded in Central America. This study includes qualitative and quantitative macromorphological descriptions of the brains of 12 species from six families of Neotropical bats. These analyses, which include histological neuronal staining of two species from different families (Phyllostomus hastatus and Saccopteryx bilineata), show substantial diversity in brain macromorphology including brain shape and size, exposure of mesencephalic regions, and cortical and cerebellar fissure depth. Brain macromorphology can in part be explained by phylogeny as species within the same family are more similar to each other. However, macromorphology cannot be explained by evolutionary time alone as brain differences between some phyllostomid bats are larger than between species from the family Emballonuridae despite being of comparable diverging distances in the phylogenetic tree. This suggests that faster evolutionary changes in brain morphology occurred in phyllostomids — although a larger number of species needs to be studied to confirm this. Our results show the rich diversity in brain morphology that bats provide for comparative and evolutionary studies. -
Alvarez van Tussenbroek, I., Knörnschild, M., Nagy, M., O'Toole, B. P., Formenti, G., Philge, P., Zhang, N., Abueg, L., Brajuka, N., Jarvis, E., Volkert, T. L., Gray, J. L., Pieri, M., Mai, M., Teeling, E. C., Vernes, S. C., The Bat Biology Foundation, & The Bat1K Consortium (2024). The genome sequence of Rhynchonycteris naso, Peters, 1867 (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae, Rhynchonycteris). Wellcome Open Research, 9: 361. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.19959.1.
We present a reference genome assembly from an individual male Rhynchonycteris naso (Chordata; Mammalia; Chiroptera; Emballonuridae). The genome sequence is 2.46 Gb in span. The majority of the assembly is scaffolded into 22 chromosomal pseudomolecules, with the Y sex chromosome assembled. -
Alvarez van Tussenbroek, I. (2024). Neotropical bat species: An exploration of brain morphology and genetics. PhD Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden.
Amelink, J., Postema, M., Kong, X., Schijven, D., Carrion Castillo, A., Soheili-Nezhad, S., Sha, Z., Molz, B., Joliot, M., Fisher, S. E., & Francks, C. (2024). Imaging genetics of language network functional connectivity reveals links with language-related abilities, dyslexia and handedness. Communications Biology, 7: 1209. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06890-3.
Language is supported by a distributed network of brain regions with a particular contribution from the left hemisphere. A multi-level understanding of this network requires studying the genetic architecture of its functional connectivity and hemispheric asymmetry. We used resting state functional imaging data from 29,681 participants from the UK Biobank to measure functional connectivity between 18 left-hemisphere regions implicated in multimodal sentence-level processing, as well as their homotopic regions in the right-hemisphere, and interhemispheric connections. Multivariate genome-wide association analysis of this total network, based on common genetic variants (with population frequencies above 1%), identified 14 loci associated with network functional connectivity. Three of these loci were also associated with hemispheric differences of intrahemispheric connectivity. Polygenic dispositions to lower language-related abilities, dyslexia and left-handedness were associated with generally reduced leftward asymmetry of functional connectivity, but with some trait- and connection-specific exceptions. Exome-wide association analysis based on rare, protein-altering variants (frequencies < 1%) suggested 7 additional genes. These findings shed new light on the genetic contributions to language network connectivity and its asymmetry based on both common and rare genetic variants, and reveal genetic links to language-related traits and hemispheric dominance for hand preference. -
Amunts, K., Axer, M., Banerjee, S., Bitsch, L., Bjaalie, J. G., Brauner, P., Brovelli, A., Calarco, N., Carrere, M., Caspers, S., Charvet, C. J., Cichon, S., Cools, R., Costantini, I., D’Angelo, E. U., Bonis, G. D., Deco, G., DeFelipe, J., Destexhe, A., Dickscheid, T. Amunts, K., Axer, M., Banerjee, S., Bitsch, L., Bjaalie, J. G., Brauner, P., Brovelli, A., Calarco, N., Carrere, M., Caspers, S., Charvet, C. J., Cichon, S., Cools, R., Costantini, I., D’Angelo, E. U., Bonis, G. D., Deco, G., DeFelipe, J., Destexhe, A., Dickscheid, T., Diesmann, M., Düzel, E., Eickhoff, S. B., Einevoll, G., Eke, D., Engel, A. K., Evans, A. C., Evers, K., Fedorchenko, N., Forkel, S. J., Fousek, J., Friederici, A. D., Friston, K., Furber, S., Geris, L., Goebel, R., Güntürkün, O., Hamid, A. I. A., Herold, C., Hilgetag, C. C., Hölter, S. M., Ioannidis, Y., Jirsa, V., Kashyap, S., Kasper, B. S., Kerchove de d’Exaerde, A., Kooijmans, R., Koren, I., Kotaleski, J. H., Kiar, G., Klijn, W., Klüver, L., Knoll, A. C., Krsnik, Z., Kämpfer, J., Larkum, M. E., Linne, M.-L., Lippert, T., Malin Abdullah, J. M., Maio, P. D., Magielse, N., Maquet, P., Mascaro, A. L. A., Marinazzo, D., Mejias, J., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Migliore, M., Michael, J., Morel, Y., Morin, F. O., Muckli, L., Nagels, G., Oden, L., Palomero-Gallagher, N., Panagiotaropoulos, F., Paolucci, P. S., Pennartz, C., Peeters, L. M., Petkoski, S., Petkov, N., Petro, L. S., Petrovici, M. A., Pezzulo, G., Roelfsema, P., Ris, L., Ritter, P., Rockland, K., Rotter, S., Rowald, A., Ruland, S., Ryvlin, P., Salles, A., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., Schemmel, J., Senn, W., De Sousa, A. A., Ströckens, F., Thirion, B., Uludağ, K., Vanni, S., Van Albada, S. J., Vanduffel, W., Vezoli, J., Vincenz-Donnelly, L., Walter, F., & Zaborszky, L. (2024). The coming decade of digital brain research: A vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-35. doi:10.1162/imag_a_00137.
In recent years, brain research has indisputably entered a new epoch, driven by substantial methodological advances and digitally enabled data integration and modelling at multiple scales—from molecules to the whole brain. Major advances are emerging at the intersection of neuroscience with technology and computing. This new science of the brain combines high-quality research, data integration across multiple scales, a new culture of multidisciplinary large-scale collaboration, and translation into applications. As pioneered in Europe’s Human Brain Project (HBP), a systematic approach will be essential for meeting the coming decade’s pressing medical and technological challenges. The aims of this paper are to: develop a concept for the coming decade of digital brain research, discuss this new concept with the research community at large, identify points of convergence, and derive therefrom scientific common goals; provide a scientific framework for the current and future development of EBRAINS, a research infrastructure resulting from the HBP’s work; inform and engage stakeholders, funding organisations and research institutions regarding future digital brain research; identify and address the transformational potential of comprehensive brain models for artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning; outline a collaborative approach that integrates reflection, dialogues, and societal engagement on ethical and societal opportunities and challenges as part of future neuroscience research. -
Andrulyte, I., De Bezenac, C., Branzi, F., Forkel, S. J., Taylor, P. N., & Keller, S. S. (2024). The relationship between white matter architecture and language lateralisation in the healthy brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44(50): e0166242024. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0166-24.2024.
Interhemispheric anatomical asymmetries have long been thought to be related to language lateralisation. Previous studies have explored whether asymmetries in the diffusion characteristics of white matter language tracts are consistent with language lateralisation. These studies, typically with smaller cohorts, yielded mixed results. This study investigated whether connectomic analysis of quantitative anisotropy (QA) and shape features of white matter tracts across the whole brain are associated with language lateralisation. We analysed 1040 healthy individuals from the Human Connectome Project database. Hemispheric language dominance for each participant was quantified using a laterality quotient (LQ) derived from fMRI activation in regions of interest (ROIs) associated with a language comprehension task compared against a math task. A linear regression model was used to examine the relationship between structural asymmetry and functional lateralisation. Connectometry revealed that LQs were significantly negatively correlated with QA of corpus callosum tracts, including forceps minor, body, tapetum, and forceps major, indicating that reduced language dominance (more bilateral language representation) is associated with increased QA in these regions. The QA of the left arcuate fasciculus, cingulum, and right cerebellar tracts was positively associated with LQ, suggesting that stronger structural asymmetry in these tracts may identify left language dominance. Language lateralisation was not significantly associated with the shape metrics (including length, span, curl, elongation, diameter, volume, and surface area) of all white matter tracts. These results suggest that diffusion measures of microstructural architecture, and not the geometric features of reconstructed white matter tracts, are associated with lateralisation of language comprehension functions. People with increased dependence on both cerebral hemispheres for language processing may have more developed commissural fibres, which may support more efficient interhemispheric communication. -
Anijs, M. (2024). Networks within networks: Probing the neuronal and molecular underpinnings of language-related disorders using human cell models. PhD Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen.
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Arana, S., Pesnot Lerousseau, J., & Hagoort, P. (2024). Deep learning models to study sentence comprehension in the human brain. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 39(8), 972-990. doi:10.1080/23273798.2023.2198245.
Recent artificial neural networks that process natural language achieve unprecedented performance in tasks requiring sentence-level understanding. As such, they could be interesting models of the integration of linguistic information in the human brain. We review works that compare these artificial language models with human brain activity and we assess the extent to which this approach has improved our understanding of the neural processes involved in natural language comprehension. Two main results emerge. First, the neural representation of word meaning aligns with the context-dependent, dense word vectors used by the artificial neural networks. Second, the processing hierarchy that emerges within artificial neural networks broadly matches the brain, but is surprisingly inconsistent across studies. We discuss current challenges in establishing artificial neural networks as process models of natural language comprehension. We suggest exploiting the highly structured representational geometry of artificial neural networks when mapping representations to brain data.Additional information
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Arana, S., Hagoort, P., Schoffelen, J.-M., & Rabovsky, M. (2024). Perceived similarity as a window into representations of integrated sentence meaning. Behavior Research Methods, 56(3), 2675-2691. doi:10.3758/s13428-023-02129-x.
When perceiving the world around us, we are constantly integrating pieces of information. The integrated experience consists of more than just the sum of its parts. For example, visual scenes are defined by a collection of objects as well as the spatial relations amongst them and sentence meaning is computed based on individual word semantic but also syntactic configuration. Having quantitative models of such integrated representations can help evaluate cognitive models of both language and scene perception. Here, we focus on language, and use a behavioral measure of perceived similarity as an approximation of integrated meaning representations. We collected similarity judgments of 200 subjects rating nouns or transitive sentences through an online multiple arrangement task. We find that perceived similarity between sentences is most strongly modulated by the semantic action category of the main verb. In addition, we show how non-negative matrix factorization of similarity judgment data can reveal multiple underlying dimensions reflecting both semantic as well as relational role information. Finally, we provide an example of how similarity judgments on sentence stimuli can serve as a point of comparison for artificial neural networks models (ANNs) by comparing our behavioral data against sentence similarity extracted from three state-of-the-art ANNs. Overall, our method combining the multiple arrangement task on sentence stimuli with matrix factorization can capture relational information emerging from integration of multiple words in a sentence even in the presence of strong focus on the verb. -
Aravena-Bravo, P., Cristia, A., Garcia, R., Kotera, H., Nicolas, R. K., Laranjo, R., Arokoyo, B. E., Benavides-Varela, S., Benders, T., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Cychosz, M., Ben, R. D., Diop, Y., Durán-Urzúa, C., Havron, N., Manalili, M., Narasimhan, B., Omane, P. O., Rowland, C. F., Kolberg, L. S. Aravena-Bravo, P., Cristia, A., Garcia, R., Kotera, H., Nicolas, R. K., Laranjo, R., Arokoyo, B. E., Benavides-Varela, S., Benders, T., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Cychosz, M., Ben, R. D., Diop, Y., Durán-Urzúa, C., Havron, N., Manalili, M., Narasimhan, B., Omane, P. O., Rowland, C. F., Kolberg, L. S., Ssemata, A. S., Styles, S. J., Troncoso-Acosta, B., & Woon, F. T. (2024). Towards diversifying early language development research: The first truly global international summer/winter school on language acquisition (/L+/) 2021. Journal of Cognition and Development, 25(2), 242-260. doi:10.1080/15248372.2023.2231083.
With a long-term aim of empowering researchers everywhere to contribute to work on language development, we organized the First Truly Global /L+/ International Summer/ Winter School on Language Acquisition, a free 5-day virtual school for early career researchers. In this paper, we describe the school, our experience organizing it, and lessons learned. The school had a diverse organizer team, composed of 26 researchers (17 from under represented areas: Subsaharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Central and South America); and a diverse volunteer team, with a total of 95 volunteers from 35 different countries, nearly half from under represented areas. This helped world-wide Page 5 of 5 promotion of the school, leading to 958 registrations from 88 different countries, with 300 registrants (based in 63 countries, 80% from under represented areas) selected to participate in the synchronous aspects of the event. The school employed asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures, which were close-captioned) and synchronous elements (e.g., discussions to place the recorded lectures into participants' context; networking events) across three time zones. A post-school questionnaire revealed that 99% of participants enjoyed taking part in the school. Not with standing these positive quantitative outcomes, qualitative comments suggested we fell short in several areas, including the geographic diversity among lecturers and greater customization of contents to the participants’ contexts. Although much remains to be done to promote inclusivity in linguistic research, we hope our school will contribute to empowering researchers to investigate and publish on language acquisition in their home languages, to eventually result in more representative theories and empirical generalizationsAdditional information
https://osf.io/fbnda -
Basile, G. A., Nozais, V., Quartarone, A., Giustiniani, A., Ielo, A., Cerasa, A., Milardi, D., Abdallah, M., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Forkel, S. J., & Cacciola, A. (2024). Functional anatomy and topographical organization of the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus. Communications Biology, 7: 1655. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-07274-3.
Traditionally, the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus (AF) is viewed as a single entity in anatomo-clinical models. However, it is unclear if distinct cortical origin and termination patterns within this bundle correspond to specific language functions. We use track-weighted dynamic functional connectivity, a hybrid imaging technique, to study the AF structure and function in two distinct datasets of healthy subjects. Here we show that the AF can be subdivided based on dynamic changes in functional connectivity at the streamline endpoints. An unsupervised parcellation algorithm reveals spatially segregated subunits, which are then functionally quantified through meta-analysis. This approach identifies three distinct clusters within the AF - ventral, middle, and dorsal frontotemporal AF - each linked to different frontal and temporal termination regions and likely involved in various language production and comprehension aspects. Our findings may have relevant implications for the understanding of the functional anatomy of the AF as well as its contribution to linguistic and non-linguistic functions.Additional information
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Baths, V., Jartarkar, M., Sood, S., Lewis, A. G., Ostarek, M., & Huettig, F. (2024). Testing the involvement of low-level visual representations during spoken word processing with non-Western students and meditators practicing Sudarshan Kriya Yoga. Brain Research, 1838: 148993. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2024.148993.
Previous studies, using the Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS) paradigm, observed that (Western) university students are better able to detect otherwise invisible pictures of objects when they are presented with the corresponding spoken word shortly before the picture appears. Here we attempted to replicate this effect with non-Western university students in Goa (India). A second aim was to explore the performance of (non-Western) meditators practicing Sudarshan Kriya Yoga in Goa in the same task. Some previous literature suggests that meditators may excel in some tasks that tap visual attention, for example by exercising better endogenous and exogenous control of visual awareness than non-meditators. The present study replicated the finding that congruent spoken cue words lead to significantly higher detection sensitivity than incongruent cue words in non-Western university students. Our exploratory meditator group also showed this detection effect but both frequentist and Bayesian analyses suggest that the practice of meditation did not modulate it. Overall, our results provide further support for the notion that spoken words can activate low-level category-specific visual features that boost the basic capacity to detect the presence of a visual stimulus that has those features. Further research is required to conclusively test whether meditation can modulate visual detection abilities in CFS and similar tasks. -
Bayram, F., Kubota, M., & Pereira Soares, S. M. (2024). Editorial: The next phase in heritage language studies: methodological considerations and advancements. Frontiers in Psychology, 15: 1392474. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1392474.
Bazzi, L., Brouwer, S., Khan, Z. N., Verdonschot, R. G., & Foucart, A. (2024). War feels less horrid in a foreign accent: Exploring the impact of the foreign accent on emotionality. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 3: 1357828. doi:10.3389/flang.2024.1357828.
Introduction: The processing of a foreign accent is known to increase cognitive load for the native listener, establish psychological distance with the foreign-accented speaker, and even influence decision-making. Similarly, research in the field of emotional processing indicates that a foreign accent may impact the native listener's emotionality. Taking these aspects into consideration, the current study aimed to confirm the hypothesis that a foreign accent, compared to a native accent, significantly affects the processing of affective-laden words.
Methods: In order to test this hypothesis, native Spanish speakers participated in an online experiment in which they rated on a Likert scale the valence and arousal of positive, neutral and negative words presented in native and foreign accents.
Results: Results confirm a foreign accent effect on emotional processing whereby positively valenced words are perceived as less positive and negatively valenced words as less negative when processed in a foreign accent compared to a native accent. Moreover, the arousal provoked by emotion words is lesser when words are processed in a foreign than a native accent.
Discussion: We propose possible, not mutually exclusive, explanations for the effect based on linguistic fluency, language attitudes and the linguistic context of language acquisition. Although further research is needed to confirm them, these explanations may be relevant for models of language comprehension and language learning. The observation of a reduction in emotionality resulting from a foreign accent is important for society as important decisions are made by representatives with diverse language and accent backgrounds. Our findings demonstrate that the choice of the language, which entails speaking in a native or a foreign accent, can be crucial when discussing topics such as the consequences of wars, pandemics, or natural disasters on human beings.Additional information
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Ben-Ami, S., Shukla, Vishakha, V., Gupta, P., Shah, P., Ralekar, C., Ganesh, S., Gilad-Gutnick, S., Rubio-Fernández, P., & Sinha, P. (2024). Form perception as a bridge to real-world functional proficiency. In L. K. Samuelson, S. L. Frank, M. Toneva, A. Mackey, & E. Hazeltine (
Eds. ), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024) (pp. 6094-6102).Abstract
Recognizing the limitations of standard vision assessments in capturing the real-world capabilities of individuals with low vision, we investigated the potential of the Seguin Form Board Test (SFBT), a widely-used intelligence assessment employing a visuo-haptic shape-fitting task, as an estimator of vision's practical utility. We present findings from 23 children from India, who underwent treatment for congenital bilateral dense cataracts, and 21 control participants. To assess the development of functional visual ability, we conducted the SFBT and the standard measure of visual acuity, before and longitudinally after treatment. We observed a dissociation in the development of shape-fitting and visual acuity. Improvements of patients' shape-fitting preceded enhancements in their visual acuity after surgery and emerged even with acuity worse than that of control participants. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating multi-modal and cognitive aspects into evaluations of visual proficiency in low-vision conditions, to better reflect vision's impact on daily activities.Additional information
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Bianco, R., Zuk, N. J., Bigand, F., Quarta, E., Grasso, S., Arnese, F., Ravignani, A., Battaglia-Mayer, A., & Novembre, G. (2024). Neural encoding of musical expectations in a non-human primate. Current Biology, 34(2), 444-450. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.019.
The appreciation of music is a universal trait of humankind.1,2,3 Evidence supporting this notion includes the ubiquity of music across cultures4,5,6,7 and the natural predisposition toward music that humans display early in development.8,9,10 Are we musical animals because of species-specific predispositions? This question cannot be answered by relying on cross-cultural or developmental studies alone, as these cannot rule out enculturation.11 Instead, it calls for cross-species experiments testing whether homologous neural mechanisms underlying music perception are present in non-human primates. We present music to two rhesus monkeys, reared without musical exposure, while recording electroencephalography (EEG) and pupillometry. Monkeys exhibit higher engagement and neural encoding of expectations based on the previously seeded musical context when passively listening to real music as opposed to shuffled controls. We then compare human and monkey neural responses to the same stimuli and find a species-dependent contribution of two fundamental musical features—pitch and timing12—in generating expectations: while timing- and pitch-based expectations13 are similarly weighted in humans, monkeys rely on timing rather than pitch. Together, these results shed light on the phylogeny of music perception. They highlight monkeys’ capacity for processing temporal structures beyond plain acoustic processing, and they identify a species-dependent contribution of time- and pitch-related features to the neural encoding of musical expectations. -
Bignardi, G., Smit, D. J. A., Vessel, E. A., Trupp, M. D., Ticini, L. F., Fisher, S. E., & Polderman, T. J. C. (2024). Genetic effects on variability in visual aesthetic evaluations are partially shared across visual domains. Communications Biology, 7: 55. doi:10.1038/s42003-023-05710-4.
The aesthetic values that individuals place on visual images are formed and shaped over a lifetime. However, whether the formation of visual aesthetic value is solely influenced by environmental exposure is still a matter of debate. Here, we considered differences in aesthetic value emerging across three visual domains: abstract images, scenes, and faces. We examined variability in two major dimensions of ordinary aesthetic experiences: taste-typicality and evaluation-bias. We build on two samples from the Australian Twin Registry where 1547 and 1231 monozygotic and dizygotic twins originally rated visual images belonging to the three domains. Genetic influences explained 26% to 41% of the variance in taste-typicality and evaluation-bias. Multivariate analyses showed that genetic effects were partially shared across visual domains. Results indicate that the heritability of major dimensions of aesthetic evaluations is comparable to that of other complex social traits, albeit lower than for other complex cognitive traits. The exception was taste-typicality for abstract images, for which we found only shared and unique environmental influences. Our study reveals that diverse sources of genetic and environmental variation influence the formation of aesthetic value across distinct visual domains and provides improved metrics to assess inter-individual differences in aesthetic value.Additional information
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Black , M., Buitelaar , J., Charman , T., Ecker , C., Gallagher , L., Hens , K., Jones , E., Murphy , D., Sadaka, Y., Schaer , M., St Pourcain, B., Wolke , D., Bonnot-Briey , S., Bougeron , T., & Bölte , S. (2024). A conceptual framework for data harmonization in mental health using the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF): An example with the R2D2-MH Consortium. BMJ Mental Health, 27(1): e301283. doi:10.1136/bmjment-2024-301283.
Introduction Advancing research and support for neurologically diverse populations requires novel data harmonisation methods that are capable of aligning with contemporary approaches to understanding health and disability.
Objectives We present the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a conceptual framework to support harmonisation of mental health data and present a proof of principle within the Risk and Resilience in Developmental Diversity and Mental Health (R2D2-MH) consortium.
Method 138 measures from various mental health datasets were linked to the ICF following the WHO’s established linking rules.
Findings Findings support the notion that the ICF can assist in the harmonisation of mental health data. The high level of shared ICF codes provides indications of where items may be readily harmonised to develop datasets that may align more readily with contemporary approaches to understanding health and disability. Although the linking process necessarily entails an element of subjectivity, the application of established rules can increase rigour and transparency of the harmonisation process.
Conclusions We present the first steps towards data harmonisation in mental health that is compatible with contemporary approaches in psychiatry, being more capable of capturing diversity and aligning with more transdiagnostic and neurodiversity-affirmative ways of understanding data.
Clinical implications Our findings show promise, but future work is needed to address quantitative harmonisation. Similarly, issues related to the traditionally ‘pathophysiological’ frameworks that existing datasets are often embedded in can hinder the full potential of harmonisation based on the ICF.Additional information
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Boen, R., Kaufmann, T., Van der Meer, D., Frei, O., Agartz, I., Ames, D., Andersson, M., Armstrong, N. J., Artiges, E., Atkins, J. R., Bauer, J., Benedetti, F., Boomsma, D. I., Brodaty, H., Brosch, K., Buckner, R. L., Cairns, M. J., Calhoun, V., Caspers, S., Cichon, S. and 96 moreBoen, R., Kaufmann, T., Van der Meer, D., Frei, O., Agartz, I., Ames, D., Andersson, M., Armstrong, N. J., Artiges, E., Atkins, J. R., Bauer, J., Benedetti, F., Boomsma, D. I., Brodaty, H., Brosch, K., Buckner, R. L., Cairns, M. J., Calhoun, V., Caspers, S., Cichon, S., Corvin, A. P., Crespo Facorro, B., Dannlowski, U., David, F. S., De Geus, E. J., De Zubicaray, G. I., Desrivières, S., Doherty, J. L., Donohoe, G., Ehrlich, S., Eising, E., Espeseth, T., Fisher, S. E., Forstner, A. J., Fortaner Uyà, L., Frouin, V., Fukunaga, M., Ge, T., Glahn, D. C., Goltermann, J., Grabe, H. J., Green, M. J., Groenewold, N. A., Grotegerd, D., Hahn, T., Hashimoto, R., Hehir-Kwa, J. Y., Henskens, F. A., Holmes, A. J., Haberg, A. K., Haavik, J., Jacquemont, S., Jansen, A., Jockwitz, C., Jonsson, E. G., Kikuchi, M., Kircher, T., Kumar, K., Le Hellard, S., Leu, C., Linden, D. E., Liu, J., Loughnan, R., Mather, K. A., McMahon, K. L., McRae, A. F., Medland, S. E., Meinert, S., Moreau, C. A., Morris, D. W., Mowry, B. J., Muhleisen, T. W., Nenadić, I., Nöthen, M. M., Nyberg, L., Owen, M. J., Paolini, M., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Persson, K., Quidé, Y., Reis Marques, T., Sachdev, P. S., Sando, S. B., Schall, U., Scott, R. J., Selbæk, G., Shumskaya, E., Silva, A. I., Sisodiya, S. M., Stein, F., Stein, D. J., Straube, B., Streit, F., Strike, L. T., Teumer, A., Teutenberg, L., Thalamuthu, A., Tooney, P. A., Tordesillas-Gutierrez, D., Trollor, J. N., Van 't Ent, D., Van den Bree, M. B. M., Van Haren, N. E. M., Vazquez-Bourgon, J., Volzke, H., Wen, W., Wittfeld, K., Ching, C. R., Westlye, L. T., Thompson, P. M., Bearden, C. E., Selmer, K. K., Alnæs, D., Andreassen, O. A., & Sonderby, I. E. (2024). Beyond the global brain differences: Intra-individual variability differences in 1q21.1 distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 deletion carriers. Biological Psychiatry, 95(2), 147-160. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.08.018.
The 1q21.1 distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 CNVs exhibit regional and global brain differences compared to non-carriers. However, interpreting regional differences is challenging if a global difference drives the regional brain differences. Intra-individual variability measures can be used to test for regional differences beyond global differences in brain structure.
Magnetic resonance imaging data were used to obtain regional brain values for 1q21.1 distal deletion (n=30) and duplication (n=27), and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 deletion (n=170) and duplication (n=243) carriers and matched non-carriers (n=2,350). Regional intra-deviation (RID) scores i.e., the standardized difference between an individual’s regional difference and global difference, were used to test for regional differences that diverge from the global difference.
For the 1q21.1 distal deletion carriers, cortical surface area for regions in the medial visual cortex, posterior cingulate and temporal pole differed less, and regions in the prefrontal and superior temporal cortex differed more than the global difference in cortical surface area. For the 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 deletion carriers, cortical thickness in regions in the medial visual cortex, auditory cortex and temporal pole differed less, and the prefrontal and somatosensory cortex differed more than the global difference in cortical thickness.
We find evidence for regional effects beyond differences in global brain measures in 1q21.1 distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 CNVs. The results provide new insight into brain profiling of the 1q21.1 distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 CNVs, with the potential to increase our understanding of mechanisms involved in altered neurodevelopment.Additional information
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Bonandrini, R., Gornetti, E., & Paulesu, E. (2024). A meta-analytical account of the functional lateralization of the reading network. Cortex, 177, 363-384. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2024.05.015.
The observation that the neural correlates of reading are left-lateralized is ubiquitous in the cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychological literature. Still, reading is served by a constellation of neural units, and the extent to which these units are consistently left-lateralized is unclear. In this regard, the functional lateralization of the fusiform gyrus is of particular interest, by virtue of its hypothesized role as a “visual word form area”. A quantitative Activation Likelihood Estimation meta-analysis was conducted on activation foci from 35 experiments investigating silent reading, and both a whole-brain and a bayesian ROI-based approach were used to assess the lateralization of the data submitted to meta-analysis. Perirolandic areas showed the highest level of left-lateralization, the fusiform cortex and the parietal cortex exhibited only a moderate pattern of left-lateralization, while in the occipital, insular cortices and in the cerebellum the lateralization turned out to be the lowest observed. The relatively limited functional lateralization of the fusiform gyrus was further explored in a regression analysis on the lateralization profile of each study. The functional lateralization of the fusiform gyrus during reading was positively associated with the lateralization of the precentral and inferior occipital gyri and negatively associated with the lateralization of the triangular portion of the inferior frontal gyrus and of the temporal pole. Overall, the present data highlight how lateralization patterns differ within the reading network. Furthermore, the present data highlight how the functional lateralization of the fusiform gyrus during reading is related to the degree of functional lateralization of other language brain areas. -
Bujok, R., Meyer, A. S., & Bosker, H. R. (2024). Audiovisual perception of lexical stress: Beat gestures and articulatory cues. Language and Speech. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/00238309241258162.
Human communication is inherently multimodal. Auditory speech, but also visual cues can be used to understand another talker. Most studies of audiovisual speech perception have focused on the perception of speech segments (i.e., speech sounds). However, less is known about the influence of visual information on the perception of suprasegmental aspects of speech like lexical stress. In two experiments, we investigated the influence of different visual cues (e.g., facial articulatory cues and beat gestures) on the audiovisual perception of lexical stress. We presented auditory lexical stress continua of disyllabic Dutch stress pairs together with videos of a speaker producing stress on the first or second syllable (e.g., articulating VOORnaam or voorNAAM). Moreover, we combined and fully crossed the face of the speaker producing lexical stress on either syllable with a gesturing body producing a beat gesture on either the first or second syllable. Results showed that people successfully used visual articulatory cues to stress in muted videos. However, in audiovisual conditions, we were not able to find an effect of visual articulatory cues. In contrast, we found that the temporal alignment of beat gestures with speech robustly influenced participants' perception of lexical stress. These results highlight the importance of considering suprasegmental aspects of language in multimodal contexts. -
Bulut, T., & Temiz, G. (2024). Cortical organization of action and object naming in Turkish: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies in Psychology, 44(2), 235-254. doi:10.26650/SP2023-1279982.
It is controversial whether the linguistic distinction between nouns and verbs is reflected in the cortical organization of the lexicon. Neuropsychological studies of aphasia and neuroimaging studies have associated the left prefrontal cortex, particularly Broca’s area, with verbs/actions, and the left posterior temporal cortex, particularly Wernicke’s area, with nouns/objects. However, more recent research has revealed that evidence for this distinction is inconsistent. Against this background, the present study employed low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to investigate the dissociation of action and object naming in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas in Turkish. Thirty-six healthy adult participants took part in the study. In two experiments, low-frequency (1 Hz) inhibitory rTMS was administered at 100% of motor threshold for 10 minutes to suppress the activity of the left prefrontal cortex spanning Broca’s area or the left posterior temporal cortex spanning Wernicke’s area. A picture naming task involving objects and actions was employed before and after the stimulation sessions to examine any pre- to post-stimulation changes in naming latencies. Linear mixed models that included various psycholinguistic covariates including frequency, visual and conceptual complexity, age of acquisition, name agreement and word length were fitted to the data. The findings showed that conceptual complexity, age of acquisition of the target word and name agreement had a significant effect on naming latencies, which was consistent across both experiments. Critically, the findings significantly associated Broca’s area, but not Wernicke’s area, in the distinction between naming objects and actions. Suppression of Broca’s area led to a significant and robust increase in naming latencies (or slowdown) for objects and a marginally significant, but not robust, reduction in naming latencies (or speedup) for actions. The findings suggest that actions and objects in Turkish can be dissociated in Broca’s area. -
Bulut, T., & Hagoort, P. (2024). Contributions of the left and right thalami to language: A meta-analytic approach. Brain Structure & Function, 229, 2149-2166. doi:10.1007/s00429-024-02795-3.
Background: Despite a pervasive cortico-centric view in cognitive neuroscience, subcortical structures including the thalamus have been shown to be increasingly involved in higher cognitive functions. Previous structural and functional imaging studies demonstrated cortico-thalamo-cortical loops which may support various cognitive functions including language. However, large-scale functional connectivity of the thalamus during language tasks has not been examined before. Methods: The present study employed meta-analytic connectivity modeling to identify language-related coactivation patterns of the left and right thalami. The left and right thalami were used as regions of interest to search the BrainMap functional database for neuroimaging experiments with healthy participants reporting language-related activations in each region of interest. Activation likelihood estimation analyses were then carried out on the foci extracted from the identified studies to estimate functional convergence for each thalamus. A functional decoding analysis based on the same database was conducted to characterize thalamic contributions to different language functions. Results: The results revealed bilateral frontotemporal and bilateral subcortical (basal ganglia) coactivation patterns for both the left and right thalami, and also right cerebellar coactivations for the left thalamus, during language processing. In light of previous empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, the present connectivity and functional decoding findings suggest that cortico-subcortical-cerebellar-cortical loops modulate and fine-tune information transfer within the bilateral frontotemporal cortices during language processing, especially during production and semantic operations, but also other language (e.g., syntax, phonology) and cognitive operations (e.g., attention, cognitive control). Conclusion: The current findings show that the language-relevant network extends beyond the classical left perisylvian cortices and spans bilateral cortical, bilateral subcortical (bilateral thalamus, bilateral basal ganglia) and right cerebellar regions.Additional information
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Bunce, J., Soderstrom, M., Bergelson, E., Rosemberg, C., Stein, A., Alam, F., Migdalek, M. J., & Casillas, M. (2024). A cross-linguistic examination of young children’s everyday language experiences. Journal of Child Language. Advance online publication. doi:10.1017/S030500092400028X.
We present an exploratory cross-linguistic analysis of the quantity of target-child-directed speech and adult-directed speech in North American English (US & Canadian), United Kingdom English, Argentinian Spanish, Tseltal (Tenejapa, Mayan), and Yélî Dnye (Rossel Island, Papuan), using annotations from 69 children aged 2–36 months. Using a novel methodological approach, our cross-linguistic and cross-cultural findings support prior work suggesting that target-child-directed speech quantities are stable across early development, while adult-directed speech decreases. A preponderance of speech from women was found to a similar degree across groups, with less target-child-directed speech from men and children in the North American samples than elsewhere. Consistently across groups, children also heard more adult-directed than target-child-directed speech. Finally, the numbers of talkers present in any given clip strongly impacted children’s moment-to-moment input quantities. These findings illustrate how the structure of home life impacts patterns of early language exposure across diverse developmental contexts.Additional information
S030500092400028Xsup001.pdf -
Burchardt, L., Van de Sande, Y., Kehy, M., Gamba, M., Ravignani, A., & Pouw, W. (2024). A toolkit for the dynamic study of air sacs in siamang and other elastic circular structures. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(6): e1012222. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012222.
Biological structures are defined by rigid elements, such as bones, and elastic elements, like muscles and membranes. Computer vision advances have enabled automatic tracking of moving animal skeletal poses. Such developments provide insights into complex time-varying dynamics of biological motion. Conversely, the elastic soft-tissues of organisms, like the nose of elephant seals, or the buccal sac of frogs, are poorly studied and no computer vision methods have been proposed. This leaves major gaps in different areas of biology. In primatology, most critically, the function of air sacs is widely debated; many open questions on the role of air sacs in the evolution of animal communication, including human speech, remain unanswered. To support the dynamic study of soft-tissue structures, we present a toolkit for the automated tracking of semi-circular elastic structures in biological video data. The toolkit contains unsupervised computer vision tools (using Hough transform) and supervised deep learning (by adapting DeepLabCut) methodology to track inflation of laryngeal air sacs or other biological spherical objects (e.g., gular cavities). Confirming the value of elastic kinematic analysis, we show that air sac inflation correlates with acoustic markers that likely inform about body size. Finally, we present a pre-processed audiovisual-kinematic dataset of 7+ hours of closeup audiovisual recordings of siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) singing. This toolkit (https://github.com/WimPouw/AirSacTracker) aims to revitalize the study of non-skeletal morphological structures across multiple species. -
Carota, F., Nili, H., Kriegeskorte, N., & Pulvermüller, F. (2024). Experientially-grounded and distributional semantic vectors uncover dissociable representations of semantic categories. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 39(8), 1020-1044. doi:10.1080/23273798.2023.2232481.
Neuronal populations code similar concepts by similar activity patterns across the human brain's semantic networks. However, it is unclear to what extent such meaning-to-symbol mapping reflects distributional statistics, or experiential information grounded in sensorimotor and emotional knowledge. We asked whether integrating distributional and experiential data better distinguished conceptual categories than each method taken separately. We examined the similarity structure of fMRI patterns elicited by visually presented action- and object-related words using representational similarity analysis (RSA). We found that the distributional and experiential/integrative models respectively mapped the high-dimensional semantic space in left inferior frontal, anterior temporal, and in left precentral, posterior inferior/middle temporal cortex. Furthermore, results from model comparisons uncovered category-specific similarity patterns, as both distributional and experiential models matched the similarity patterns for action concepts in left fronto-temporal cortex, whilst the experiential/integrative (but not distributional) models matched the similarity patterns for object concepts in left fusiform and angular gyrus. -
Casillas, M., Foushee, R., Méndez Girón, J., Polian, G., & Brown, P. (2024). Little evidence for a noun bias in Tseltal spontaneous speech. First Language, 44(6), 600-628. doi:10.1177/01427237231216571.
This study examines whether children acquiring Tseltal (Mayan) demonstrate a noun bias – an overrepresentation of nouns in their early vocabularies. Nouns, specifically concrete and animate nouns, are argued to universally predominate in children’s early vocabularies because their referents are naturally available as bounded concepts to which linguistic labels can be mapped. This early advantage for noun learning has been documented using multiple methods and across a diverse collection of language populations. However, past evidence bearing on a noun bias in Tseltal learners has been mixed. Tseltal grammatical features and child–caregiver interactional patterns dampen the salience of nouns and heighten the salience of verbs, leading to the prediction of a diminished noun bias and perhaps even an early predominance of verbs. We here analyze the use of noun and verb stems in children’s spontaneous speech from egocentric daylong recordings of 29 Tseltal learners between 0;9 and 4;4. We find weak to no evidence for a noun bias using two separate analytical approaches on the same data; one analysis yields a preliminary suggestion of a flipped outcome (i.e. a verb bias). We discuss the implications of these findings for broader theories of learning bias in early lexical development. -
Çetinçelik, M. (2024). A look into language: The role of visual cues in early language acquisition in the infant brain. PhD Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen.
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Çetinçelik, M., Jordan‐Barros, A., Rowland, C. F., & Snijders, T. M. (2024). The effect of visual speech cues on neural tracking of speech in 10‐month‐old infants. European Journal of Neuroscience, 60(6), 5381-5399. doi:10.1111/ejn.16492.
While infants' sensitivity to visual speech cues and the benefit of these cues have been well-established by behavioural studies, there is little evidence on the effect of visual speech cues on infants' neural processing of continuous auditory speech. In this study, we investigated whether visual speech cues, such as the movements of the lips, jaw, and larynx, facilitate infants' neural speech tracking. Ten-month-old Dutch-learning infants watched videos of a speaker reciting passages in infant-directed speech while electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. In the videos, either the full face of the speaker was displayed or the speaker's mouth and jaw were masked with a block, obstructing the visual speech cues. To assess neural tracking, speech-brain coherence (SBC) was calculated, focusing particularly on the stress and syllabic rates (1–1.75 and 2.5–3.5 Hz respectively in our stimuli). First, overall, SBC was compared to surrogate data, and then, differences in SBC in the two conditions were tested at the frequencies of interest. Our results indicated that infants show significant tracking at both stress and syllabic rates. However, no differences were identified between the two conditions, meaning that infants' neural tracking was not modulated further by the presence of visual speech cues. Furthermore, we demonstrated that infants' neural tracking of low-frequency information is related to their subsequent vocabulary development at 18 months. Overall, this study provides evidence that infants' neural tracking of speech is not necessarily impaired when visual speech cues are not fully visible and that neural tracking may be a potential mechanism in successful language acquisition.Additional information
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Çetinçelik, M., Rowland, C. F., & Snijders, T. M. (2024). Does the speaker’s eye gaze facilitate infants’ word segmentation from continuous speech? An ERP study. Developmental Science, 27(2): e13436. doi:10.1111/desc.13436.
The environment in which infants learn language is multimodal and rich with social cues. Yet, the effects of such cues, such as eye contact, on early speech perception have not been closely examined. This study assessed the role of ostensive speech, signalled through the speaker's eye gaze direction, on infants’ word segmentation abilities. A familiarisation-then-test paradigm was used while electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. Ten-month-old Dutch-learning infants were familiarised with audio-visual stories in which a speaker recited four sentences with one repeated target word. The speaker addressed them either with direct or with averted gaze while speaking. In the test phase following each story, infants heard familiar and novel words presented via audio-only. Infants’ familiarity with the words was assessed using event-related potentials (ERPs). As predicted, infants showed a negative-going ERP familiarity effect to the isolated familiarised words relative to the novel words over the left-frontal region of interest during the test phase. While the word familiarity effect did not differ as a function of the speaker's gaze over the left-frontal region of interest, there was also a (not predicted) positive-going early ERP familiarity effect over right fronto-central and central electrodes in the direct gaze condition only. This study provides electrophysiological evidence that infants can segment words from audio-visual speech, regardless of the ostensiveness of the speaker's communication. However, the speaker's gaze direction seems to influence the processing of familiar words. -
Chalfoun, A., Rossi, G., & Stivers, T. (2024). The magic word? Face-work and the functions of 'please' in everyday requests. Social Psychology Quarterly. doi:10.1177/01902725241245141.
Expressions of politeness such as 'please' are prominent elements of interactional conduct that are explicitly targeted in early socialization and are subject to cultural expectations around socially desirable behavior. Yet their specific interactional functions remain poorly understood. Using conversation analysis supplemented with systematic coding, this study investigates when and where interactants use 'please' in everyday requests. We find that 'please' is rare, occurring in only 7 percent of request attempts. Interactants use 'please' to manage face-threats when a request is ill fitted to its immediate interactional context. Within this, we identify two environments in which 'please' prototypically occurs. First, 'please' is used when the requestee has demonstrated unwillingness to comply. Second, 'please' is used when the request is intrusive due to its incompatibility with the requestee’s engagement in a competing action trajectory. Our findings advance research on politeness and extend Goffman’s theory of face-work, with particular salience for scholarship on request behavior. -
Cheung, C.-Y., Kirby, S., & Raviv, L. (2024). The role of gender, social bias and personality traits in shaping linguistic accommodation: An experimental approach. In J. Nölle, L. Raviv, K. E. Graham, S. Hartmann, Y. Jadoul, M. Josserand, T. Matzinger, K. Mudd, M. Pleyer, A. Slonimska, & S. Wacewicz (
Eds. ), The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference (EVOLANG XV) (pp. 80-82). Nijmegen: The Evolution of Language Conferences. doi:10.17617/2.3587960. -
Cho, S.-J., Brown-Schmidt, S., Clough, S., & Duff, M. C. (2024). Comparing Functional Trend and Learning among Groups in Intensive Binary Longitudinal Eye-Tracking Data using By-Variable Smooth Functions of GAMM. Psychometrika. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s11336-024-09986-1.
This paper presents a model specification for group comparisons regarding a functional trend over time within a trial and learning across a series of trials in intensive binary longitudinal eye-tracking data. The functional trend and learning effects are modeled using by-variable smooth functions. This model specification is formulated as a generalized additive mixed model, which allowed for the use of the freely available mgcv package (Wood in Package ‘mgcv.’ https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mgcv/mgcv.pdf, 2023) in R. The model specification was applied to intensive binary longitudinal eye-tracking data, where the questions of interest concern differences between individuals with and without brain injury in their real-time language comprehension and how this affects their learning over time. The results of the simulation study show that the model parameters are recovered well and the by-variable smooth functions are adequately predicted in the same condition as those found in the application.Additional information
The data and the R code used in the illustration can be found in the Open Scien… -
Clough, S., Brown-Schmidt, S., Cho, S.-J., & Duff, M. C. (2024). Reduced on-line speech gesture integration during multimodal language processing in adults with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence from eye-tracking. Cortex, 181, 26-46. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2024.08.008.
Language is multimodal and situated in rich visual contexts. Language is also incremental, unfolding moment-to-moment in real time, yet few studies have examined how spoken language interacts with gesture and visual context during multimodal language processing. Gesture is a rich communication cue that is integrally related to speech and often depicts concrete referents from the visual world. Using eye-tracking in an adapted visual world paradigm, we examined how participants with and without moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) use gesture to resolve temporary referential ambiguity.
Participants viewed a screen with four objects and one video. The speaker in the video produced sentences (e.g., “The girl will eat the very good sandwich”), paired with either a meaningful gesture (e.g., sandwich-holding gesture) or a meaningless grooming movement (e.g., arm scratch) at the verb “will eat.” We measured participants’ gaze to the target object (e.g., sandwich), a semantic competitor (e.g., apple), and two unrelated distractors (e.g., piano, guitar) during the critical window between movement onset in the gesture modality and onset of the spoken referent in speech.
Both participants with and without TBI were more likely to fixate the target when the speaker produced a gesture compared to a grooming movement; however, relative to non-injured participants, the effect was significantly attenuated in the TBI group.
We demonstrated evidence of reduced speech-gesture integration in participants with TBI relative to non-injured peers. This study advances our understanding of the communicative abilities of adults with TBI and could lead to a more mechanistic account of the communication difficulties adults with TBI experience in rich communication contexts that require the processing and integration of multiple co-occurring cues. This work has the potential to increase the ecological validity of language assessment and provide insights into the cognitive and neural mechanisms that support multimodal language processing.Additional information
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Collins, J. (2024). Linguistic areas and prehistoric migrations. PhD Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen.
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Coopmans, C. W., Mai, A., & Martin, A. E. (2024). “Not” in the brain and behavior. PLOS Biology, 22: e3002656. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002656.
Cornelis, S. S., IntHout, J., Runhart, E. H., Grunewald, O., Lin, S., Corradi, Z., Khan, M., Hitti-Malin, R. J., Whelan, L., Farrar, G. J., Sharon, D., Van den Born, L. I., Arno, G., Simcoe, M., Michaelides, M., Webster, A. R., Roosing, S., Mahroo, O. A., Dhaenens, C.-M., Cremers, F. P. M. Cornelis, S. S., IntHout, J., Runhart, E. H., Grunewald, O., Lin, S., Corradi, Z., Khan, M., Hitti-Malin, R. J., Whelan, L., Farrar, G. J., Sharon, D., Van den Born, L. I., Arno, G., Simcoe, M., Michaelides, M., Webster, A. R., Roosing, S., Mahroo, O. A., Dhaenens, C.-M., Cremers, F. P. M., & ABCA4 Study Group (2024). Representation of women among individuals with mild variants in ABCA4-associated retinopathy: A meta-analysis. JAMA Ophthalmology, 142(5), 463-471. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2024.0660.
Previous studies indicated that female sex might be a modifier in Stargardt disease, which is an ABCA4-associated retinopathy.
To investigate whether women are overrepresented among individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy who are carrying at least 1 mild allele or carrying nonmild alleles.
Data Sources
Literature data, data from 2 European centers, and a new study. Data from a Radboudumc database and from the Rotterdam Eye Hospital were used for exploratory hypothesis testing.
Study Selection
Studies investigating the sex ratio in individuals with ABCA4-AR and data from centers that collected ABCA4 variant and sex data. The literature search was performed on February 1, 2023; data from the centers were from before 2023.
Data Extraction and Synthesis
Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted to test whether the proportions of women among individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy with mild and nonmild variants differed from 0.5, including subgroup analyses for mild alleles. Sensitivity analyses were performed excluding data with possibly incomplete variant identification. χ2 Tests were conducted to compare the proportions of women in adult-onset autosomal non–ABCA4-associated retinopathy and adult-onset ABCA4-associated retinopathy and to investigate if women with suspected ABCA4-associated retinopathy are more likely to obtain a genetic diagnosis. Data analyses were performed from March to October 2023.
Main Outcomes and Measures
Proportion of women per ABCA4-associated retinopathy group. The exploratory testing included sex ratio comparisons for individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy vs those with other autosomal retinopathies and for individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy who underwent genetic testing vs those who did not.
Women were significantly overrepresented in the mild variant group (proportion, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.56-0.62; P < .001) but not in the nonmild variant group (proportion, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.46-0.54; P = .89). Sensitivity analyses confirmed these results. Subgroup analyses on mild variants showed differences in the proportions of women. Furthermore, in the Radboudumc database, the proportion of adult women among individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy (652/1154 = 0.56) was 0.10 (95% CI, 0.05-0.15) higher than among individuals with other retinopathies (280/602 = 0.47).
Conclusions and Relevance
This meta-analysis supports the likelihood that sex is a modifier in developing ABCA4-associated retinopathy for individuals with a mild ABCA4 allele. This finding may be relevant for prognosis predictions and recurrence risks for individuals with ABCA4-associated retinopathy. Future studies should further investigate whether the overrepresentation of women is caused by differences in the disease mechanism, by differences in health care–seeking behavior, or by health care discrimination between women and men with ABCA4-AR. -
Corps, R. E., & Pickering, M. (2024). Response planning during question-answering: Does deciding what to say involve deciding how to say it? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31, 839-848. doi:10.3758/s13423-023-02382-3.
To answer a question, speakers must determine their response and formulate it in words. But do they decide on a response before formulation, or do they formulate different potential answers before selecting one? We addressed this issue in a verbal question-answering experiment. Participants answered questions more quickly when they had one potential answer (e.g., Which tourist attraction in Paris is very tall?) than when they had multiple potential answers (e.g., What is the name of a Shakespeare play?). Participants also answered more quickly when the set of potential answers were on average short rather than long, regardless of whether there was only one or multiple potential answers. Thus, participants were not affected by the linguistic complexity of unselected but plausible answers. These findings suggest that participants select a single answer before formulation.Additional information
Raw data, analysis code, and study materials are available here -
Corps, R. E., & Pickering, M. (2024). The role of answer content and length when preparing answers to questions. Scientific Reports, 14: 17110. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-68253-6.
Research suggests that interlocutors manage the timing demands of conversation by preparing what they want to say early. In three experiments, we used a verbal question-answering task to investigate what aspects of their response speakers prepare early. In all three experiments, participants answered more quickly when the critical content (here, barks) necessary for answer preparation occurred early (e.g., Which animal barks and is also a common household pet?) rather than late (e.g., Which animal is a common household pet and also barks?). In the individual experiments, we found no convincing evidence that participants were slower to produce longer answers, consisting of multiple words, than shorter answers, consisting of a single word. There was also no interaction between these two factors. A combined analysis of the first two experiments confirmed this lack of interaction, and demonstrated that participants were faster to answer questions when the critical content was available early rather than late and when the answer was short rather than long. These findings provide tentative evidence for an account in which interlocutors prepare the content of their answer as soon as they can, but sometimes do not prepare its length (and thus form) until they are ready to speak.Additional information
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Corps, R. E., & Meyer, A. S. (2024). The influence of familiarisation and item repetition on the name agreement effect in picture naming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/17470218241274661.
Name agreement (NA) refers to the degree to which speakers agree on a picture’s name. A robust finding is that speakers are faster to name pictures with high agreement (HA) than those with low agreement (LA). This NA effect is thought to occur because LA pictures strongly activate several names, and so speakers need time to select one. HA pictures, in contrast, strongly activate a single name and so there is no need to select one name out of several alternatives. Recent models of lexical access suggest that the structure of the mental lexicon changes with experience. Thus, speakers should consider a range of names when naming LA pictures, but the extent to which they consider each of these names should change with experience. We tested these hypotheses in two picture-naming experiments. In Experiment 1, participants were faster to name LA than HA pictures when they named each picture once. Importantly, they were faster to produce modal names (provided by most participants) than alternative names for LA pictures, consistent with the view that speakers activate multiple names for LA pictures. In Experiment 2, participants were familiarised with the modal name before the experiment and named each picture three times. Although there was still an NA effect when participants named the pictures the first time, it was reduced in comparison to Experiment 1 and was further reduced with each picture repetition.Thus, familiarisation and repetition reduced the NA effect, but did not eliminate it, suggesting speakers activate a range of plausible names. -
Cos, F., Bujok, R., & Bosker, H. R. (2024). Test-retest reliability of audiovisual lexical stress perception after >1.5 years. In Y. Chen, A. Chen, & A. Arvaniti (
Eds. ), Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024 (pp. 871-875). doi:10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-176.Abstract
In natural communication, we typically both see and hear our conversation partner. Speech comprehension thus requires the integration of auditory and visual information from the speech signal. This is for instance evidenced by the Manual McGurk effect, where the perception of lexical stress is biased towards the syllable that has a beat gesture aligned to it. However, there is considerable individual variation in how heavily gestural timing is weighed as a cue to stress. To assess within-individualconsistency, this study investigated the test-retest reliability of the Manual McGurk effect. We reran an earlier Manual McGurk experiment with the same participants, over 1.5 years later. At the group level, we successfully replicated the Manual McGurk effect with a similar effect size. However, a correlation of the by-participant effect sizes in the two identical experiments indicated that there was only a weak correlation between both tests, suggesting that the weighing of gestural information in the perception of lexical stress is stable at the group level, but less so in individuals. Findings are discussed in comparison to other measures of audiovisual integration in speech perception. Index Terms: Audiovisual integration, beat gestures, lexical stress, test-retest reliability -
Cristia, A., Gautheron, L., Zhang, Z., Schuller, B., Scaff, C., Rowland, C. F., Räsänen, O., Peurey, L., Lavechin, M., Havard, W., Fausey, C. M., Cychosz, M., Bergelson, E., Anderson, H., Al Futaisi, N., & Soderstrom, M. (2024). Establishing the reliability of metrics extracted from long-form recordings using LENA and the ACLEW pipeline. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 8588-8607. doi:10.3758/s13428-024-02493-2.
Long-form audio recordings are increasingly used to study individual variation, group differences, and many other topics in theoretical and applied fields of developmental science, particularly for the description of children’s language input (typically speech from adults) and children’s language output (ranging from babble to sentences). The proprietary LENA software has been available for over a decade, and with it, users have come to rely on derived metrics like adult word count (AWC) and child vocalization counts (CVC), which have also more recently been derived using an open-source alternative, the ACLEW pipeline. Yet, there is relatively little work assessing the reliability of long-form metrics in terms of the stability of individual differences across time. Filling this gap, we analyzed eight spoken-language datasets: four from North American English-learning infants, and one each from British English-, French-, American English-/Spanish-, and Quechua-/Spanish-learning infants. The audio data were analyzed using two types of processing software: LENA and the ACLEW open-source pipeline. When all corpora were included, we found relatively low to moderate reliability (across multiple recordings, intraclass correlation coefficient attributed to the child identity [Child ICC], was < 50% for most metrics). There were few differences between the two pipelines. Exploratory analyses suggested some differences as a function of child age and corpora. These findings suggest that, while reliability is likely sufficient for various group-level analyses, caution is needed when using either LENA or ACLEW tools to study individual variation. We also encourage improvement of extant tools, specifically targeting accurate measurement of individual variation. -
Yu, Y., Cui, H., Haas, S. S., New, F., Sanford, N., Yu, K., Zhan, D., Yang, G., Gao, J., Wei, D., Qiu, J., Banaj, N., Boomsma, D. I., Breier, A., Brodaty, H., Buckner, R. L., Buitelaar, J. K., Cannon, D. M., Caseras, X., Clark, V. P. Yu, Y., Cui, H., Haas, S. S., New, F., Sanford, N., Yu, K., Zhan, D., Yang, G., Gao, J., Wei, D., Qiu, J., Banaj, N., Boomsma, D. I., Breier, A., Brodaty, H., Buckner, R. L., Buitelaar, J. K., Cannon, D. M., Caseras, X., Clark, V. P., Conrod, P. J., Crivello, F., Crone, E. A., Dannlowski, U., Davey, C. G., De Haan, L., De Zubicaray, G. I., Di Giorgio, A., Fisch, L., Fisher, S. E., Franke, B., Glahn, D. C., Grotegerd, D., Gruber, O., Gur, R. E., Gur, R. C., Hahn, T., Harrison, B. J., Hatton, S., Hickie, I. B., Hulshoff Pol, H. E., Jamieson, A. J., Jernigan, T. L., Jiang, J., Kalnin, A. J., Kang, S., Kochan, N. A., Kraus, A., Lagopoulos, J., Lazaro, L., McDonald, B. C., McDonald, C., McMahon, K. L., Mwangi, B., Piras, F., Rodriguez‐Cruces, R., Royer, J., Sachdev, P. S., Satterthwaite, T. D., Saykin, A. J., Schumann, G., Sevaggi, P., Smoller, J. W., Soares, J. C., Spalletta, G., Tamnes, C. K., Trollor, J. N., Van't Ent, D., Vecchio, D., Walter, H., Wang, Y., Weber, B., Wen, W., Wierenga, L. M., Williams, S. C. R., Wu, M., Zunta‐Soares, G. B., Bernhardt, B., Thompson, P., Frangou, S., Ge, R., & ENIGMA-Lifespan Working Group (2024). Brain‐age prediction: Systematic evaluation of site effects, and sample age range and size. Human Brain Mapping, 45(10): e26768. doi:10.1002/hbm.26768.
Structural neuroimaging data have been used to compute an estimate of the biological age of the brain (brain-age) which has been associated with other biologically and behaviorally meaningful measures of brain development and aging. The ongoing research interest in brain-age has highlighted the need for robust and publicly available brain-age models pre-trained on data from large samples of healthy individuals. To address this need we have previously released a developmental brain-age model. Here we expand this work to develop, empirically validate, and disseminate a pre-trained brain-age model to cover most of the human lifespan. To achieve this, we selected the best-performing model after systematically examining the impact of seven site harmonization strategies, age range, and sample size on brain-age prediction in a discovery sample of brain morphometric measures from 35,683 healthy individuals (age range: 5–90 years; 53.59% female). The pre-trained models were tested for cross-dataset generalizability in an independent sample comprising 2101 healthy individuals (age range: 8–80 years; 55.35% female) and for longitudinal consistency in a further sample comprising 377 healthy individuals (age range: 9–25 years; 49.87% female). This empirical examination yielded the following findings: (1) the accuracy of age prediction from morphometry data was higher when no site harmonization was applied; (2) dividing the discovery sample into two age-bins (5–40 and 40–90 years) provided a better balance between model accuracy and explained age variance than other alternatives; (3) model accuracy for brain-age prediction plateaued at a sample size exceeding 1600 participants. These findings have been incorporated into CentileBrain (https://centilebrain.org/#/brainAGE2), an open-science, web-based platform for individualized neuroimaging metrics. -
Dalla Bella, S., Janaqi, S., Benoit, C.-E., Farrugia, N., Bégel, V., Verga, L., Harding, E. E., & Kotz, S. A. (2024). Unravelling individual rhythmic abilities using machine learning. Scientific Reports, 14(1): 1135. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-51257-7.
Humans can easily extract the rhythm of a complex sound, like music, and move to its regular beat, like in dance. These abilities are modulated by musical training and vary significantly in untrained individuals. The causes of this variability are multidimensional and typically hard to grasp in single tasks. To date we lack a comprehensive model capturing the rhythmic fingerprints of both musicians and non-musicians. Here we harnessed machine learning to extract a parsimonious model of rhythmic abilities, based on behavioral testing (with perceptual and motor tasks) of individuals with and without formal musical training (n = 79). We demonstrate that variability in rhythmic abilities and their link with formal and informal music experience can be successfully captured by profiles including a minimal set of behavioral measures. These findings highlight that machine learning techniques can be employed successfully to distill profiles of rhythmic abilities, and ultimately shed light on individual variability and its relationship with both formal musical training and informal musical experiences.Additional information
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