MEDAL Grant Writing Workshop

29 November 2023 11:30 - 16:00
In this two-part hybrid workshop on Wednesday, 29th November, Laura Janda and Harald Baayen will prepare us for the challenges of getting external funding. Both of them have vast experience in successfully applying for research grants, including the Norwegian Research Council, the European Union and the National Science Foundation (USA).

How to put the 'fun' in external funding (Laura Janda)

In the first session, we will reverse roles and put on the hats of grant reviewers and granting agencies instead of grant writers. Imagine facing a pile of grant proposals, only a small percentage of which can be funded – what would you do? What strategies does the answer to this question suggest? We will tackle these and other questions with the aim of promoting an atmosphere of playful exploration as an antidote to the drudgery and frustration that too often permeates the grant writing experience.


Writing research proposals for the European Research Council (Harald Baayen)

In the second session, Harald will share his experiences with writing grant proposals for the ERC (including two successful ERC grants), his experiences as an ERC panel member for starter grants, and his ongoing interactions with colleagues who are preparing ERC grant proposals.


November 29th, from 11:30-16:00 CET.



This is a hybrid event that will take place both online, accessible over zoom, and at the Insitute of Estonian and General Linguistics in Tartu in room 114. You will get the zoom link after registration.

Click here to register!



11:30-13:30 Laura Janda - How to put the 'fun' in external funding

13:30-14:00 Break 

14:00-16:00 Harald Baayen - Writing research proposals for the European Research Council


About the instructors

Laura Janda is Professor of Russian Linguistics at the University of Tromsø, Norway. Learn more about her work here.

Harald Baayen is Professor of Quantitative Linguistics in Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen, Germany. Learn more about his work here.



This is a workshop organised by Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) is an international consortium initiated by the University of Tartu in Estonia, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University in the Netherlands and the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Financed by the EU Horizon Europe programme (101079429) and UK Research and Innovation organisation (101079429). MEDAL’s mission is to build expertise in data-driven linguistics methodology among early-career researchers. Read more about MEDAL here.

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