The Neurobiology of Language Department: The Legacy

3 April 2024 - 5 April 2024
Max Planck Institute
Auditorium 163
Due to the upcoming retirement of its director, Peter Hagoort, the Neurobiology of Language Department in its current form will come to an end.

Neurobiology of Language Department

To celebrate the achievements of this department, a selection of former PhD students and postdoctoral researchers will present their latest research and ideas. In addition, former members with a career outside of academia will report about their careers and on how their scientific background has helped them in their current positions. Speakers will get together with other former members of the NBL department.
In addition, the meeting is open to interested others, upon registration.


Group photo NBL The Grand Finale

NBL: The Legacy


Former PhDs and members of the NBL department who have a career outside academia: an inspiration 

for current PhDs and postdocs.

Registration closed!



michaela.regeer [at] (michaela[dot]regeer[at]mpi[dot]nl)

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