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Brigitte L.M. Bauer, Ph.D., M.A., M.A.
Professor then Research Fellow, University of Texas at Austin
(Professor of French Linguistics & Comparative Linguistics)
Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Linguistics Consultant
Office hours: Fridays 13.30 - 14.30h & by appointment
Research expertise and interests
Linguistics. Comparative (Indo-European) linguistics, with special focus on (a) major grammatical changes and language evolution in Indo-European languages (word order, transitivity, nominal apposition, word formation,...), (b) possible correlates with language acquisition, (c) emergence of grammatical forms, (d) counting systems.
Current book project
The origins of morphological formations
Article series
Currently also working on a series of publications on numerals: e.g. evolution of counting systems, exceptional formations (e.g. vigesimals, subtractives), decad+ formations, numerals and language contact, complexity, and so forth. See Bauer 2021, 2022, 2023, In Press, In Prep. a, and In Prep. b.
- CV
Brigitte L.M. Bauer, Ph.D., M.A., M.A.
Professor then Research Fellow,
University of Texas at Austin
(Professor of French Linguistics & Comparative Linguistics)
Guest Researcher,
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
- Ph.D., 1992. University of Nijmegen, NL;
- M.A. (“Doctoraal”); 1988. University of Nijmegen, NL. Archaeology and Art History (Major: Art of the Middle Ages);
- M.A. (“Doctoraal”), 1987 (cum laude). University of Nijmegen. French/French Linguistics (Major: Diachronic Linguistics);
- B.A. (“Kandidaats”), 1982 (cum laude). University of Nijmegen. French/French linguistics.
Academic posts
- Affiliated/Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. 2016 - present;
- Professor / Research Fellow, University of Texas at Austin. 1999 - present;
- University Lecturer, University of Nijmegen, Dept. of French. 1996 - 1998;
- Fellow, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, NL. Univ. of Nijmegen, University of Texas at Austin & University of Cambridge, UK. 1993 - 1996;
- Fellow, Niels Stensen Foundation, Amsterdam, NL. 1992 - 1993. University of Texas at Austin & Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK.
Fellowships/Grants (Selection)
- Junior Fellow, British Studies, University of Texas, Austin. 1999 - present;
- Visiting Fellow, All Souls College Oxford. 2012 - 2013;
- Fellow, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam. 1993 - 1996;
- Fellow, Niels Stensen Foundation, Amsterdam. 1992 - 1993;
- Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Nijmegen. 1988 - 1992.
Visiting Fellow
- All Souls College, University of Oxford. 2012 - 2013;
- Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK (fVF). 1992 - present;
- Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas, Austin . 1992 - 1998.
Additional activities (Selection)
Editorships (Selection)
- Review Editor, Folia Linguistica Historica. Journal for Historical Linguistics, The Linguistic Society of Europe. January 2005 - 2019;
- Editorial Board, Folia Linguistica Historica 2005 - 2019;
- General Editor (Editor-in-Chief), General Linguistics. 2004 - 2006;
- Panel member (editorial advisor), Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 1999 - …;
- Editorial Board, General Linguistics. 1999 - 2004;
- Co-editor, Festschrift for Werner Winter. With Georges Pinault (Paris). Published October 2003 (see also Publications).
International academic service (Selection)
- Representative for MPI for Psycholinguistics at the Comite International Permanent des Linguistes (CIPL). 2022 - present;
- Member, Scientific Committee, International Society for Historical Linguistics. 2017 - present;
- Chair, Nominating Committee, International Society for Historical Linguistics. 2015 - present;
- Expert Referee/Reviewer, international publishing companies, journals, research foundations and councils.
International projects (Selection)
- Contributor/participant, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Editors: Adam Ledgeway, Joe Salmons c.s. Oxford: Blackwell. 2022 - present.
- Contributor/participant, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Editor: Mark Aronoff. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2017 - 2021;
- Contributor/participant, The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Editors: Adam Ledgeway (Univ. of Cambridge) and Martin Maiden (Univ. of Oxford). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2017 - 2022;
- Contributor, Encyclopaedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. G.K Giannakis, ed. Leiden: Brill. 2011;
- Participant/contributor, international project, The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Editors/directors: Martin Maiden, J.C. Smith, and Adam Ledgeway. 2000 - 2011;
- Participant/contributor, international project, New Historical Syntax of Latin. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyer. Project funded by NSF and the Rockefeller Foundation. Directors: Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin. 1999 - 2009;
- Contributor, Early Indo-European Languages online. The Linguistics Research Center; UT Austin. Project: Old French 2005 - 2006.
Affiliated faculty
- Affiliated Faculty, Center for European Studies. UT Austin. 2007 - 2013;
- Affiliated Faculty, Linguistics Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin.1999 - 2013.
Other, Linguistics Research Center UT Austin (Selection)
- Member, Advisory Board of the Indo-European Documentation Center. Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. January 1998 - 2013;
- Founding director, Indo-European Typology Project. The Linguistics Research Center, UT Austin. 2000 - 2012;
- Co-founder of the Indo-European Documentation Center, University of Texas at Austin. 1997.
- Research
Brigitte L.M. Bauer, Ph.D., M.A., M.A.
Professor then Research Fellow,
University of Texas at Austin
Guest Researcher,
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Current book project: The origins of morphological formations.
Article series: Currently also working on a series of publications on numerals: e.g. evolution of counting systems, exceptional formations (e.g. vigesimals, subtractives), decad+ formations, numerals and language contact, complexity, and so forth. See Bauer 2021, 2022, 2023, In Press, In Prep. a, and In Prep. b.
Expertise: Linguistics. Comparative (Indo-European) linguistics, with special focus on (a) major grammatical changes and language evolution in Indo-European languages (word order, transitivity, nominal apposition, word formation,...), (b) possible correlates with language acquisition, (c) emergence of grammatical forms, (d) counting systems.
Areas: Indo-European linguistics, typology, Latin linguistics, Romance linguistics, French linguistics, diachronic linguistics, comparative linguistics, language evolution & language acquisition, ...
Topics of publication (selection): word order, order within morphological structures, L1 acquisition and language change, spread of transitivity, expression of possession, impersonal verbs, absolute constructions, archaic syntax, Internal Reconstruction, linguistic residues, nominal apposition (in syntax and morphology), word formation, compounds, noun classification, grammaticalization processes in Latin-Romance, counting systems, numerals, vigesimals, script determinatives, language evolution, language shift (Gaul), trends in language change, development of brace constructions, (emergence of) definite articles, mente-adverbs in Latin-Romance, comparative constructions, ...
- Publications
Selected publications (for the full list, see below)
Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2017. Nominal Apposition in Indo-European. Its Forms and Functions & its Evolution in Latin-Romance. Berlin: De Gruyter. Pp. xx + 410.
Nominal apposition—the combining of two equivalent nouns—has been a neglected topic in (Indo-European) linguistics, despite its prominence in syntax and morphology (i.c. composition). This book presents an extensive comparative and diachronic analysis of nominal apposition in Indo-European, examining its occurrence, syntactic and morphological characteristics and functions in the early languages, identifying parallels with similar phenomena elsewhere (e.g. noun classification and script determinatives), and tracing its evolution in Latin-Romance. While nominal apposition is not exclusive to Indo-European, its development fits the evolution of Indo-European grammar.
Bauer, Brigitte L.M 2000. Archaic Syntax in Indo-European. The Spread of Transitivity in Latin and French. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. xviii + 394.
Several grammatical features in early Indo-European traditionally have not been understood. Although Latin, for example, was a nominative language, a number of its inherited characteristics do not fit that typology and are difficult to account for, such as stative mihi est constructions to express possession, impersonal verbs, or absolute constructions. With time these archaic features have been replaced by transitive structures (e.g. possessive ‘have’). This book presents an extensive comparative and historical analysis of archaic features in early Indo-European languages and their gradual replacement in the history of Latin and early Romance, showing that the new structures feature transitive syntax and fit the patterns of a nominative language.
Bauer, Brigitte L.M 1995. The Emergence and Development of SVO Patterning in Latin and French. Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvi + 242.
This book examines Latin word order, its historical origins in Proto-Indo-European and the shift in ordering patterns that took place in syntax and morphology in the history of Latin and (early) French (OV or left branching giving way to VO or right branching). Subsequently, analysis of the acquisition of ordering patterns shows that the archaic structuration—when complex—is acquired with difficulty. Diachronic and psycholinguistic analysis therefore demonstrates that the order of grammatical structures in Modern French, for example, is the result of a long-lasting development that psycholinguistic data can account for.
Bauer, Brigitte L.M 2015. “Origins of grammatical forms and evidence from Latin”. Journal of Indo-European Studies 43. 201-235.[pdf]
This article submits that the instances of incipient grammaticalization that are found in the later stages of Latin and that resulted in new grammatical forms in Romance, reflect a major linguistic innovation. While the new grammatical forms are created out of lexical or mildly grammatical autonomous elements, earlier processes seem to primarily involve particles with a certain semantic value and freezing. This fundamental difference explains why the attempts of early Indo-Europeanists such as Franz Bopp at tracing the lexical origins of Indo-European inflected forms were unsuccessful and strongly criticized by the Neo-Grammarians.
List of publications:
books, book chapters, refereed articles, ...
In Press.
Bauer, Brigitte L.M. In Press. "Evolution of counting systems". Diachronic linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Wiley.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2023. "Multiplication, addition, and subtraction in numerals. Formal variation in Latin's decads+ from an Indo-European perspective". Journal of Latin linguistics. 1-50.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2022. "Counting systems". In Adams Ledgeway and Martin Maiden, eds. The Cambridge handbook of Romance linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 459-488.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2022. Finite verb + infinitive + object in later Latin. Early brace constructions?" In: Gerd Haverling, ed. Studies on Late and Vulgar Latin in the early 21st century. Acta unversitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Latina Upsaliensia 37. 166-181.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M.2021. "Formation of numerals in the Romance languages". Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.685.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2020. "Language sources and the reconstruction of early languages. Sociolinguistic discrepancies and evolution in Old French grammar". Diachronica 37. 273-317.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2020. "Appositive compounds in dialectal and sociolinguistic varieties of French". In: Martin Maiden and Sam Wolfe, eds. Variation and change in Gallo-Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 326-346.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2919. "Language contact and language borrowing? Compound verb forms in the Old French translation of the Gospel of St. Mark". Belgian Journal of Linguistics 33, 210-250.
- Bauer, B., & Mota, M. (2018). "On language, cognition, and the brain: An interview with Peter Hagoort". Sobre linguagem, cognição e cérebro: Uma entrevista com Peter Hagoort. Revista da Anpoll 45, 291-296. doi:10.18309/anp.v1i45.1179.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2017. Nominal Apposition in Indo-European. Its Forms and Functions & its Evolution in Latin-Romance. Berlin: De Gruyter. Pp. xx + 410.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2016. “The development of the comparative in Latin texts”. In: James Adams and Nigel Vincent, eds. Early and Late Latin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 313-339.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2016. Review article, J. N. Adams. 2013. Social variation and the Latin language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Folia Linguistica Historica 37, 315-326. <>
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M 2015. “Origins of grammatical forms and evidence from Latin”. Journal of Indo-European Studies 43, 201-235.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2015. “Origins of indefinite HOMO constructions”. In: Gerd Haverling, ed. Latin Linguistics in the Early 21st Century. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Pp. 542-553.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2014. “Impersonal verbs”. In: Georgios K.Giannakis, ed. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 197-198.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2014. “Indefinite HOMO in the Gospels of the Vulgata”. Latin vulgaire – latin tardif X. Piera Molinelli, Pierluigi Cuzzolin, and Chiara Fedriani, eds. Pp. 415-435.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2012. “Functions of nominal apposition in Vulgar and Late Latin: Change in progress?”. Latin vulgaire – latin tardif IX. Frédérique Biville, Marie-Karine Lhommé, and Daniel Vallat, eds. Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerrannée. Pp. 207-220.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2012. “Chronologie et rythme du changement linguistique: syntaxe vs. morphologie”. In: Olga Spevak and Alain Christol, eds. Les évolutions du latin. Paris: L’Harmattan. Pp. 45-65.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2011. “Word formation in Romance”. In: Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith, and Adam Ledgeway, eds. The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Vol. I. Structures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 532-63.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2011. Review, Joop van der Horst. Het einde van de standaardtaal. Een wisseling van Europese taalcultuur. [The end of standard language. A change in European language culture.] Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Folia Linguistica Historica 32, 253-260.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2010. “Fore-runners of Romance -mente adverbs in Latin prose and poetry”. In: Eleanor Dickey and Anna Chahoud, eds. Colloquial and literary Latin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 339-53.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2009. “Word order”. In: Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin, eds. New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax. 1. Syntax of the Sentence. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 241-316.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2009. “Strategies of definiteness in Latin: Implications for early Indo-European”. In: Vit Bubenik, John Hewson, and Sarah Rose, eds. Grammatical Change in Indo-European Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 71-87.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2009. “Residues as an aid in Internal Reconstruction”. In: Jens E. Rasmussen and Thomas Olander, eds. Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European. Methods, Results, and Problems. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. Pp. 17-31.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2008. “Nominal apposition in Vulgar and Late Latin. At the cross-roads of major linguistic changes”. Latin vulgaire – latin tardif VIII. Roger Wright, ed. Tübingen; Niemeyer. Pp. 42-50.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2007. “The definite article in Indo-European: Emergence of a new grammatical category?” In: Elisabeth Stark, Elisabeth Leiss, and Werner Abraham, eds. Nominal Determination. Typology, Context Constraints, and Historical Emergence. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 103-39.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2007. “Report on the XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics”. General Linguistics 43, 145-49.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2006. ““Synthetic” vs. “Analytic” in Romance: The importance of varieties” In: Randall Gess and Debbie Arteaga, eds. Historical Romance Linguistics. Retrospective and Perspectives. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 287-304.
- Bauer, Brigitte L. M. (with Jonathan Slocum) 2006. Old French. Early Indo-European Languages on Line. Linguistics Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin. On-line course including Introduction, grammar, readings, translations, vocabulary, index, etc. Pp. 120. Available at
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2005. “Living in two worlds”. In: Roger Louis, ed. Burnt Orange Britannia. Pp. 732-744.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2005. “Innovation in Old French syntax and its Latin origins”. In: Sándor Kiss, Luca Mondin, and Giampaolo Salvi, eds. Latin et langues romanes. Etudes de linguistique offertes à Jozsef Herman à l’occasion de son 80ème anniversaire. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Pp. 507-21.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2004. “Vigesimal numerals in Romance: An Indo-European perspective.” In: Bridget Drinka, ed. Indo-European Language and Culture in Historical Perspective: Essays in Memory of Edgar C. Polomé. General Linguistics 41, 21-46.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2004. Review, Winfred P. Lehmann. Pre-Indo-European. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph 41. Journal of Indo-European studies 32, 146-155.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2003. “The adverbial formation in mente in Vulgar and Late Latin. A problem in grammaticalization.” In: Latin vulgaire – latin tardif VI. Heikki Solin, Martti Leiwo, and Hilla-Halla-aho, eds. Hildesheim: Olms. Pp. 439-457.
- With co-author: Bauer, Brigitte L.M. and Georges-Jean Pinault. 2003. “Introduction: Werner Winter, ad multos annos.” In: Brigitte L.M. Bauer and Georges-Jean Pinault, eds. Language in Time and Space. A Festschrift for Werner Winter on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. xiii-xxv.
- With co-editor: Bauer, Brigitte L.M. and Georges-Jean Pinault, eds. 2003. Language in Time and Space. A Festschrift for Werner Winter on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. xxv + 443. Link:….
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2002. “Variability in word order: Adjectives and comparatives in Latin, Romance, and Germanic”. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 20, 19-50.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2001. “Syntactic innovation in Latin Poetry? The origins of the Romance adverbial formation in -ment(e)”. In: M.G.M. van der Poel and A.P. Orbán, eds. Ad Litteras. Studies in Honour of J.H. Brouwers. Nijmegen (NL): Nijmegen University Press. Pp. 29-43.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2000. Archaic Syntax in Indo-European. The Spread of Transitivity in Latin and French. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. xviii + 394.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 2000. “From Latin to French: The linear development of word order”. Bernard Bichakjian, Tatiana Chernigovskaya, Adam Kendon, and Anke Müller, eds. Becoming Loquens. More Studies in Language Origins. Frankfurt am Main: Lang. Pp. 239-57.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1999. “Aspects of impersonal constructions in Late Latin”. Latin vulgaire – latin tardif V. Hermann Petersmann and Rudolf Kettelmann, eds. Heidelberg: Winter. Pp. 209-211.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1999. “Impersonal HABET constructions: At the cross-roads of Indo-European innovation”. In: Edgar Polomé and Carol Justus, eds. Language Change and Typological Variation. Vol II. Grammatical Universals and Typology. Journal of Indo-European Studies. Monograph 31. Pp. 590-612.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1998. “Impersonal verbs in Italic. Their development from an Indo-European perspective”. Journal of Indo-European Studies 26, 91-120.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1998. “Language loss in Gaul: Socio-historical and linguistic factors in language conflict”. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 15, 23-44.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1998. “From Latin to French: The linear development of word order”. Publications on-line of the Language Origins Society.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1997. “Nominal syntax in Italic: A diachronic perspective”. In: Jadranka Gvozdanovic, ed. Language Change and Functional Explanations. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 273-301.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1997. “The adjective in Italic and Romance: Genetic or areal factors affecting word order patterns?” In: B. Palek, ed. Proceedings of LP'96. Prague: Charles University Press. Pp. 295-306.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1997. “Response to David Lightfoot’s Review of The Emergence and Development of SVO Patterning in Latin and French. Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives”. Language 73, 352-58.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1996. “Residues of non-nominative syntax in Latin: The MIHI EST construction”. Historische Sprachforschung 109, 242-57.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1996. “The verb in indirect speech in Old French”. In: Theo Janssen and Wim van der Wurff, eds. Reported Speech. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 75-96.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M 1995. The Emergence and Development of SVO Patterning in Latin and French. Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvi + 242.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1994. “The development of Latin absolute constructions: From stative to transitive structures”. General Linguistics 33, 64-83.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1994. Review of Du latin aux langues romanes, Maria Iliescu and Dan Slusanski, eds. Studies in Language 18, 502-509.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1993. “The coalescence of the participle and the gerund/gerundive: An integrated change”. In: Robert Jeffers and Henk Aertsen, eds. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 59-71.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1993. “The tendency towards right-branching in the development and acquisition of Latin and French”. In: Jaap van Marle, ed. Historical Linguistics 1991. Papers of the 10th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Pp. 1-17.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1993. “L’auxiliaire roman: le cas d'une double évolution” In: Ramón Lorenzo, ed. Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística e Filoloxía Románicas. V. Gramática Histórica e Historia da Lingua. Coruna: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza. Pp. 421-33.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M 1992. Du latin au français: le passage d'une langue SOV à une langue SVO. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Pp. 344.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1992. “Evolution in language: Evidence from the Romance auxiliary”. In: Brunetto Chiarelli, Jan Wind, Alberto Nocentini, and Bernard Bichakjian, eds. Language Origin: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Pp. 517-528.
- Bauer, Brigitte L.M. 1987. “L’évolution des structures morphologiques et syntaxiques du latin au français”. Travaux de linguistique 14-15, 95-107.
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