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I am Hasan Dikyuva, a Deaf academic who has conducted extensive research on Turkish Sign language (TİD). I started as a new PhD student at the Multimodal Language Department at MPI for Psycholinguistics. I am co-supervised by Prof. Aslı Özyürek, Assoc. Prof. Beyza Sümer (University of Amsterdam), and Dr. Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam). In my research, I am focusing on different aspects of negation expression by signing individuals, and analyze the patterns in a large corpus of TİD.
So far, I have been active in several projects related to sign language studies and co-authored the Turkish Sign Language Grammar Book as well as served as one of the main researchers in building the first comprehensive TİD dictionary ( I am also a very active member of Deaf organizations such as Turkish National Federation of the Deaf and World Federation of the Deaf.
When I am not doing research, I enjoy cycling in the nature and exploring the magnificent forests of the Netherlands together with my family.
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