Turn-timing in naturalistic mother-child interactions: A longitudinal perspective

Casillas, M., Hilbrink, E., Bobb, S. C., Clark, E. V., Gattis, M.-L., & Levinson, S. C. (2013). Turn-timing in naturalistic mother-child interactions: A longitudinal perspective. Poster presented at DialDam: Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Combining data from two longitudinal studies of young children, we track the development of turn-timing in spontaneous infant-caregiver interactions. We focus on three aspects of timing: overlap, gap, and delay marking. We find evidence for early development of turn-timing skills, in-line with the Interaction Engine Hypothesis. (see attached .pdf for our 2-page abstract)
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