Analyzing gaze allocation during language planning: A cross-linguistic study on dynamic events
Studies on gaze allocation during sentence production have recently
begun to implement cross-linguistic analyses in the investigation of
visual and linguistic processing. The underlying assumption is that
the aspects of a scene that attract attention prior to articulation are,
in part, linked to the specifi c linguistic system and means used for
expression. The present study concerns naturalistic, dynamic scenes
(video clips) showing causative events (agent acting on an object) and
exploits grammatical diff erences in the domain of verbal aspect, and
the way in which the status of an event (a specifi c vs. habitual instance
of an event) is encoded in English and German. Fixations in agent and
action areas of interest were timelocked to utterance onset, and we focused
on the pre-articulatory time span to shed light on sentence planning processes, involving message generation and scene conceptualization.
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