Ronny on pursuing your interests


Name: Ronny Bujok

Department: Psychology of Language (MPI)

Research: Audiovisual Perception of Lexical Stress

Started at the IMPRS: 2020

Nationality: German and Polish




How did you come to pursuing your research topic in Nijmegen? 

I completed a Bachelor's degree in Psychology but soon realized that I was mainly interested in the brain and its ability to process language. So, I decided to study Cognitive Neuroscience with a specialization in Language and Communication here at the Radboud University. During my master's programme, I discovered that I was mainly interested in the variability of speech. There are essentially infinite acoustic realisations of speech, but out of these, we manage to recognise a finite number of distinct speech sounds and prosodic features. With a PhD position, the MPI is enabling me to pursue these interests.

What are some of the highlights of your doctoral life so far?

My personal highlight has been mainly living in the Netherlands. It’s a very welcoming and open country, which offers a lot of culture and events. There’s always something going on. This applies both to my life outside of work but also my worklife. The MPI and the IMPRS offer great opportunities to learn, work and socialise in a very interdisciplinary and multicultural environment. 

Being open to new things is the best way to figure out what you truly like and hopefully get the most out of your PhD and future career. 

What advice do you have for peers or those considering doctoral studies? 

I’m using my PhD training as an opportunity to pursue my interests and develop new skills. As I’m still exploring and still learning, I don’t have it all figured out yet, but that’s okay. I’m open to every opportunity that comes along and see if it is something for me. Being open to new things is the best way to figure out what you truly like and hopefully get the most out of your PhD and future career. 

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