Clara Kunst


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
  • Kunst, C., Johnson, D., Kidd, E., & Unsworth, S. (2024). Bilingualism and morphosyntactic change: Examining Irish-English speakers’ acceptability judgements in Irish Gaelic. Poster presented at the IMPRS Conference 2024, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
  • Kunst, C., Johnson, D., Kidd, E., & Unsworth, S. (2023). Cross-Linguistic Influence and intergenerational language change in Irish Gaelic. Poster presented at Many Paths to Language (MPaL 2023), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Kunst, C., Johnson, D., Kidd, E., & Unsworth, S. (2023). Investigating morphosyntactic change in Irish Gaelic in an Acceptability Judgement Task. Poster presented at the 14th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14), Sydney, Australia.
  • Kunst, C. (2022). Investigating cross-linguistic influence and priming in Irish-English bilingual children. Talk presented at TOK day - Taalontwikkeling Kinderen (in Nederland en Vlaanderen). Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2022-06-15.

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